View Full Version : YOU MAKE ME WANNA JUMP!!!!!!!!!

27-11-04, 20:31
Hi All,

OK]This may seem a bit strange but wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

One of the symptoms of anxiety/panic that Im finding hard to cope with is you know that feeling you get when something scares you. i.e like a loud noise etc.. well I jump heart starts racing feel anxious in my chest. You know the symptoms! [Ugh] Well I can cope with that the thing I am finding though is that it is taking ages for that feeling to go away and for me to feel calmer again. It sometimes last for a couple of hrs. Even simple noises like the postman banging on the door! I try to ignore them (sorry thats my feelings not the postman lol [Oops!] ) but I just get so fed up with it sticking inside me for so long.

It seems that when a non sufferer jumps, once they realise what has frightened them they calm down pretty quick. So why does it hang around me so long?????:(

Anyone else experienced this type of thing? any hints, tips, advice would be most appreciated.;)[Yeah!]Many Thanks,

Take care all,


27-11-04, 20:41

Our bodies, as panickers, are on red alert all the time.

So normal noises and bangs don't worry others. We on the other hand like to read more into it and are on constant "flight" alert cos of the adrenalin.

I know it is hard to accept but it is just our bodies over-reacting to normal situtaions. I think we forget how to turn off the alarm bells when we get stress.

It takes time to relax so no easy solution I am afraid but it will come in time.

Hope you are well mate?


27-11-04, 21:03
hi Pips,

I have the same problem quite often. I find that how long it takes me to calm down depends on what kind of day I am having. Sometimes it takes two minutes and sometimes an hour. I think it's something that we learn how to deal with in time...

Sarah :D

27-11-04, 22:19
Thanks Nic and Sarah,

Yes Sarah your right. It's the acceptance bit thats seems to be the key again hey! It's a bugger that bit though! Oh well keep practising huh!

Its typical isn't it though Nic mate we have no problem turning the alarms bells on fully loud & clear. Different story trying to switch the bloody thing off though isn't it! LOL

I hope you are well

Take Care

Love Pip's XX XX

28-11-04, 11:53
Hi Pips

I have had this symptom.:(
When I first came on this site I was at the end
of my rope, no where to go no where to hide from
Mr Panic and anxiety, not even when I was asleep.
As time as past this site and the special people
on here have tought me sooo much.
Whitin 2 weeks being on this site my partner noticed
how better I was.
I got angry when he said " how do you know that
these people are all telling the truth"
I told him that I DO NOT have to convince other
people that the methods on here work, I just have
to convince myself.
I would say now that I am 100% better but I get
days when it drops to 95%.
The days when it's 95% I get bits, I says bits because
that is what they are little bits and the sypmtom you
are getting now is one of them.
These days it dose not last for long, It seems to jump
in and then goes within seconds.

Ecceptance and understanding is the key.

Believe in yourself Pips you CAN do this.
Keep your positive thoughts going and
practis practis practis and you WILL get there
in the end.



When you get to the end of your rope,
tie a knot and hang on.

28-11-04, 13:33
Hi Pips

Can totally appreciate how you are feeling. To react then calm straight down would be great. We just cant seem to calm down as quick as those who dont suffer from anxiety. They just accept something has spooked them then forget all about it where as we turn ours into anxiety related problems and keep the adrenalin pumping round rather than thinking that scared me but i am fine now.

Hope that makes some sense mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

28-11-04, 14:07
Thanks Sal & Jill,

Your encouragement and words of wisdom mean alot to me! It really helps cheers.

I hope you are both well.

Take good care,


28-11-04, 15:27
No problem mate. You know i am always here for you.

Lots of love and hugs Sal xxxxx

28-11-04, 19:53
Hi Pips, I get the same thing .... particularly when I'm having a bad day.
But it goes in cycles - like all the symptoms I guess. Knowing that it happens does help some, and also knowing there so many others who have the same sort of problems.
Hope you can soon work through the bad bits and start to enjoy life more.


30-11-04, 11:18
Thanks Marc,

Most appreciated. Glad to know I'm not alone.

Take care


30-11-04, 21:40
80% of my panic attacks come from shock or someone making me jump, im more sensitive during the night or during the evening (now)

breath slowly then ull be fine

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

01-12-04, 10:00
Sure is a pain isn't it. [}:)]

Doorbell ringing and phone ringing set me off everytime.

I think because we are on red alert all the time. We tend to jump and suffer the after effects more often and for longer than the inital "jump".

I guess we need to chill out more. Easier said than done.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

01-12-04, 12:10
Thanks so very much Liz and scooter girl. You can't believe how much it helps to know your not alone.

All the best,

Take care