View Full Version : Stomach pain

13-10-17, 16:07

22 years old male, been having mild abdominal pains for the past 3 months, they are no daily, i have days where i am fine and days where this pain is here

it's like a mild hunger pain, i eat normally, no bloating after eating ...

i can't stop thinking it's stomach cancer after checking google and cancer forums

when i stand still and press a bit hard on the stomach it hurts, does it do the same to any of you?


21-10-17, 08:24
definetly not stomach cancer. Try to not focus on it, I realised when I'm worried about a certain part of my body my brain shifts to it so much that I notice every single small pain amplified by 1000 because that's all I think about.

Either way I suggest you make a doctors appointment if you're concerned, it could be a h pylori infection. Nothing horrible.