View Full Version : Pain in lower back/abdomen so scared

14-10-17, 00:43
All day (started last night before I went to bed) I have had a pain in my lower back, in the left side, that I can also feel slightly in my abdomen on that side. It’s not a constantly pain but more of a cramping that comes and goes every few minutes, feels a bit like period pain but I’m not due on for another two weeks. It does seem to get worse when I’m moving around but it doesn’t feel like muscle pain, it feels like it’s coming from inside my body. Was poking and prodding around as well and when I push into the left hand side it hurts slightly and I get a feeling of pressure, also my bladder hurts when I push down on it. One of my worse fears in appendicitis, I know that’s on the right but I can’t help thinking it’s soemthing similar and it’s going to turn into a medical emergency. I’ve spoken to my family about it and they just said I’m being stupid and that there is never anything wrong when I say there is so they won’t help me. I have to go to bed now and I’m freaked out to sleep because I’m scared I will wake up in the middle of the night in agony.