View Full Version : Serious Brain Fog Symptoms

14-10-17, 01:41
I'm starting to really freak out. I don't know what I should do about this brain fog. I'm having all these symptoms but I don't know what's causing it and I'm not sure what I should do or if I should go to a doctor about it
It's been 5 days with these symptoms.

• Difficulty concentrating at work or performing basic tasks
• Trouble remembering people’s names or simple words
• Feeling like you’ve lost parts of your memory
• Wondering if you might have the onset of Alzheimer’s
• Feeling like you’re in a fog and state of confusion
• Decreased mental sharpness
• Unable to focus
• Short term memory loss
• Feeling depressed
• Feeling like you are losing your mind

16-12-17, 06:57
Hi, I know that this post is from a few months back but I am currently having all of these issues and I'm also trying to figure out whether or not its "just" anxiety or something else. They came on after a few weeks of severe anxiety and panic for me :/ I think that may be the cause of it but about a week and a half ago I've been feeling EXTREMELY exhausted and fatigued and every single symptom you list above. Did you ever end up sorting this out/finding the cause of these issues? I'm hoping that it is just the result of my tired brain trying to re-balance and heal itself or something.
Hope you're well, and hope this issue improved for you! :)