View Full Version : New Job Stresses.

14-10-17, 09:12
Hi All,

To cut a long story short (not so short) I left my job of 12 years in June to move on as the place I was working had turned into a shambles, having recently declined redundancy and with anxiety on my shoulders, I took what was a big decision on my part and went with it.

Anyway since I've moved, my anxiety has sky rocketed, I keep second guessing myself, I don't feel like I'm worthy of the new job and in the past week I've made a few errors. Anyway I stayed late last night to finish off some work and now my anxiety has kicked in full force to make me think I may have missed something and have made another mistake.

My new job is a fixed term one year contract and now because of these errors, I think the chances of me staying are slim to none.

The doubt and self loathing is really getting to me, anyway I needed to vent this and thanks for reading this! i just wondered if anyone can relate to the self doubt and second guessing.
