View Full Version : Threadworms causing so much distress

10-10-17, 23:36
My son has threadworms and in a complete panic. We all took medicine like we were told to, that was Sunday morning. I checked him before bed and they're still there.:scared15: I've done everything I can to get rid of them, showering everyone in the morning boiling clothes, boiling bed sheets everyday seperste towels. My hands are raw from the amount of scrubbing I've done. I went on to google and of course what do I find???? Stories of infestations everywhere :weep: worms in people's eyes, ears. WTF??????? People saying the medicine we were given not working. I'm so do so frightened, I'm exhausted from all the cleaning, frightened by all the stories. I was crying down the phone to the health visitor today because I'm in such a mess. Please any info would be greatly appreciated, I'm ready to burn the house down :weep::weep::weep: I am in such a mess please help me.

---------- Post added at 02:36 ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 ----------

Anybody have any family that have had this

11-10-17, 01:37
This is one of those things that is very common for children to get and it's easily treated. I really would ignore online horror stories about such a common & easily treatable thing, infestation things like this can be present in some people with very bad hygiene (not like your family) and those things can progress unlike people who maintain good hygiene habits. For instance, what you find on a homeless person isn't relevant to what you would experience.

The eggs are the issue more. They last longer. The medicine kills the worms but not the eggs. But you end up passing it all and that's the end of it.

If they still don't go, have a chat with a GP about it or a pharmacist.

11-10-17, 09:05
Hello. I've got 3 kids and we've had them loads. We've also all had head lice/nits about 4 times this year. AND the dog had worms briefly.... I could go on. Nothing like this bothers me any more. The medicine DOES work I promise you. I totally understand how you can work yourself up to feeling hysterical about it, but try and keep in your mind that the internet is full of people posting panicky messages on forums. They start a thread at the height of a worm or lice-induced panic, then you never hear from them again when the problem is resolved. People who calmly pop along to the chemist and give their families the medicine and get on with their day do not go online to post about it. Likewise, tabloid newspapers are only interested in horror stories since "parent silently worms family and then does weekly shop in Tescos" does not sell shit newspapers.

I'd urge you to be mindful of not letting how you're feeling impact on the kids too much. I know it's difficult, but you really don't want to pass on the potential HA monster of hygiene obsession.

11-10-17, 09:38
Hi Donna.

My daughter had them over and over too when she was a little un, they are very easy to catch, but the medicine did work, however like nits they are soon caught again, and we were all back to taking the powders and being extra cautious about hand washing etc, though little kids forget as soon as they are told hence the re-infestations. Its not a nice thing to have, but is unavoidable and something you are going to have to learn to live with.
Terry and Anna are telling you exactly the same thing, we canīt all be wrong! so please try and calm down.

11-10-17, 22:10
Thank you for your kind words, my ha was doing so so well and then I saw a little worm and that was that. I woke in the middle of the night last night having a panic attack. I feel so embarrassed about the whole situation not that we have worms but the fact that I'm so anxious. I've burnt my arm on a steam machine, sliced my back open on a glass pain whilst showering the children and in a complete mess. I always new that this was a possibility but it's caused me so much fright. I haven't eaten anything in the house in three days if I eat at all. My kids must hate me. I know my husband is close to hating me.

14-10-17, 22:27
I posted on here earlier about this problem. We have them in our house and I've gone crazy. Scrubbing everything, my hands now have sores and cracks over them. I screamed and cried when my husband used the broom to sweep up today, I went back over the whole room again, hoovering, washing floors, wiping sofas just because he used the broom and not the vacuum, I can hear myself and even I think I'm being crazy. My husband hates that I'm like this but I'm so scared that they won't go away or start coming out of our eyes or nose. I can't stop myself though or else I feel like I haven't been a good mum if they get them back again. Please can anyone help put my mind to rest. I'm exhausted and i get so cross with the kids and it's not their fault.

14-10-17, 23:06
I had them when I was 13, freaked me the hell out at the time but in the end it wasn’t that bad. I don’t even think I took and tablets for it in the end and it just went away by itself. Your doing all the right things and sound like you have it under control, they’re definitely not going to start coming out your eyes or nose.

Also when I had them we didn’t clean the whole house or anything...so I’m at certain they are defininetly not going to come back with the amount of cleaning you have done. They will be gone from all surfaces now and they wouldn’t survive long outside the body anyway. Just make sure everyone washes their hands well before eating etc the next few days.

15-10-17, 11:07
I can't stop myself though or else I feel like I haven't been a good mum if they get them back again. Please can anyone help put my mind to rest. I'm exhausted and i get so cross with the kids and it's not their fault.

You are not a bad mum because your kids get threadworms. It's just one of those things - like nits - that happens with kids. It is worrying though if you are getting angry with your children as you say, because your HA is affecting them now. Are you getting any help for your health anxiety?

15-10-17, 11:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


15-10-17, 12:33
I had them a few times when I was at primary school. Back then it was sachets and the pills were just coming in. Both worked fine.

They will kill the worms very quickly and you will see loads of them down the toilet in those next couple of movements. It's just the eggs that take a bit longer but at worst you consult someone like a GP or pharmacist about a second course and that's likely it.

The only time I've come across serious infestation stories is in people with very poor hygiene like the homeless because they don't seek treatment and they aren't cleaning correctly. I bet any nurses on the forum would know about the cases A&E's see with these poor people.

You are doing the right things so it will run it's course and go. But please try to look at it more clearly, you protect your kids by cleaning all the time and no about of extra cleaning of clean things is going to do anything. This situation is not a reflection on you, it's one of the many very common things that young kids go through. After a few times if it, we never had them ever again. And back then half of this extra washing want even bothered with.

I remember the extra eating. Surprising how the little things do that.

15-10-17, 18:38
When my youngest had them, I went to GP and he told me to treat all the other people living in the house with the same treatment.
They did not come back. I remember feeling devastated at the time though, thought it was me not being clean enough.:weep:
When my g/daughter had head lice, we all used the same liquid treatment.:ohmy:

16-10-17, 17:51
Hello. Is this threat still active? I would really appreciate someone to talk to 🙁