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View Full Version : Relapsed with smoking

14-10-17, 23:42
Hey Everyone,

I used to post here awhile ago back in like April and May but thankfully my anxiety has been manageable and now I mostly just creep and offer advice where I can.

Ive quit smoking earlier this year as it was fueling my health anxiety (healthy 25 year old woman) and last night I slipped up and had about 3-4 while out drinking with my friends. On top of just having a crap night, I have been feeling very anxious about having smoked again. My body was extremely tense this morning and I noticed that I had a weird weigh feeling on my chest. It has been a rough day. Any words of advice or anyone in that same situation.

I have decided tonight that I am just too old to be binge drinking and it doesnt lead to good and healthy decisions...

I am just really disappointed in myself

14-10-17, 23:56
Don't think you're too old at 25 lol. I've taken up vaping which I actually enjoy much more than I did smoking cigs. I still have odd cig - not stopped completely - and saves me a fortune as ecigs are relatively cheap in comparison.

You have done very well to stop completely and having a few cigs while drinking does not detract from the fact that you've broken the habit and addiction.

14-10-17, 23:59
Everyone has setbacks once in awhile. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s never too late to change.

15-10-17, 04:37
You had a slip, nothing more. Tomorrow is a new day and it's back on to no smoking. Treat it as a lesson learned and try to stop kicking yourself for being human! :hugs:

The main point is that you did all that time without. That was the harder part.

As for the chest, probably because your not used to smoking anymore and your lungs have been cleaning themselves out for months.

15-10-17, 06:02
Everyone has setbacks once in awhile. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s never too late to change.

Exactly... it's not like you went out and bought a carton on the way home. Getting "too old" for partying is relative. Consider yourself fortunate as it will benefit your health both physically and mentally. I learned this lesson much older than you and I'm paying the price. I can attest that my lifestyle most definitely contributed to my health issues.

Anyway... you had a blip... one night... a few cigs and a bad hangover. It happens. Lesson learned and a wise decision is a positive outcome and incentive to change and stick to it.

Positive thoughts

15-10-17, 08:59
Hey Everyone,

I used to post here awhile ago back in like April and May but thankfully my anxiety has been manageable and now I mostly just creep and offer advice where I can.

Ive quit smoking earlier this year as it was fueling my health anxiety (healthy 25 year old woman) and last night I slipped up and had about 3-4 while out drinking with my friends. On top of just having a crap night, I have been feeling very anxious about having smoked again. My body was extremely tense this morning and I noticed that I had a weird weigh feeling on my chest. It has been a rough day. Any words of advice or anyone in that same situation.

I have decided tonight that I am just too old to be binge drinking and it doesnt lead to good and healthy decisions...

I am just really disappointed in myself


Agree with the other members, please try not to beat yourself up about it..I had quite a few relapses but I’m now not smoking and like KK ,vaping occasionally has also become a thing I enjoy, and I enjoy it more than smoking tobacco. I used to lapse when I was with anyone who smoked or I was socialising,or having a drink.. I know I never will now as I have my substitute ie vaping...

Best wishes

15-10-17, 18:47
I agree with what the other members have said too.
I have a vapour cigarette and sometimes relapse:blush::doh: x

24-10-17, 16:32
Thank you for the encouraging words. I have not touched a cigarette since and have gotten back to feeling like my normal self. I never really thought 25 was too old, should've phrased that better. I was more saying that I feel like I am at a point in my life where binge drinking and smoking just are not as attractive as they used to be lol.

I have tried vaping a long time ago and did it for about 4 months. I did like it and the different flavors and what not so I may back to that.