View Full Version : What is this!?!

14-06-07, 20:06
Recently I've been having some really strange symptoms and they are really starting to worry me. I have occasional chest pain and some times I get skipped heartbeats. But what really worries me is that sometimes when I get them it feels like I'm going to black out. I don't know if I'm imanging it or if its really real. I've convinced myself that I have a mitral valve prolapse and that I'm going to drop dead any second.

Another symptom I have is this weird throat thing. It feels like i have a lump in my throat, but only on one side and makes me want to cough all the time, but nothing ever happens when I cough. The feeling doesn't go away.

I also feel as if I have a lot of air trapped in my esphogus. No matter how much I burp the feeling won't go away. I've had this for about 4 years. It just started out of the blue.

Please help! I'm only 17 can this much stuff really be wrong with me? I don't know what any of this means. Is it just anxiety or something serious.

14-06-07, 21:37
Hi Lacrymosa!

They all sound like symptoms of anxiety to me, I know I have/had these symptoms at least. I'm only 22, so a bit older than you, but still young, I also wonder how I can feel there is so much wrong with my body. I get chest pain and skipped beats too. Already convinced I have a heart problem and will drop down dead whenever. As for the throat thing, not long ago I had what felt like someone grabbing the base of my throat with their hand, for 2 weeks it was there, constant squeezing, then it disappeared again.

The hardest bit is to experience these symptoms, even when you don't think you're feeling anxious. It really is odd. Do you think you feel anxious in yourself?

15-06-07, 01:43
It sounds like anxiety to me too. I have that quite a lot. if it comes along with feelings of fear it's worth checking out with your GP or counsellor as there's a lot of things that can help it all. ONe thing that has been really drummed into me during my psych degree is that anxious people really struggle to read their bodies signals, sometimes we think we're hvaing a heart attack no matter how fit we are, or we're convinced we have some form of illness when really we're having a bit of a panic attack. Check out the articles on panic here and see if it fits you, the best thing is, panic and anxiety is treatable, I've been seeing a great psychologist and have taken small doses of medication and I haven't had a panic attack in a while now! I hope this helps...good luck and big hugs! :)

17-06-07, 03:35
Anxiety anxiety anxiety .. if you had mitral valve prolapse there is no guess work .. I have a friend that has it that is a nurse and she says when I tell her I think that I have it that there is no way you could think you have it you would know..She has it and its not funny.As for the black out spells well thats anxiety.I experience these quite a bit .its when im panicing and dont know im panicing and convince myself im going to pass out..Lately I have convinced myself im lying to myself so i get up and go on and make myself do something instead of sitting down being afraid and well they go away. I have a track record of having every thing everybody does here and well.. Im pretty sure you are ok.. you just have to keep going and ignore it and say to yourself...there is absolutely nothing wrong with me..I really realized catching up here that I suffer everything that is mentioned here everyday and well im still here and when im laying down at night and thinking about everything I say.. well if i die i die i had a good life.. but take it from me been doing that for many years so well I would think that you are fine and you will be fine and like a doctor told me one time ...just say to yourself over and over its just a feeling and it will go away and it does and on to the next feeling...soon it will disappear or subside..Michael