View Full Version : Well I was doing great...

15-10-17, 07:15
So as most people suffering from health anxiety I'm extremely scared of cancer, and I try to suppress that fear but it will pop up every once in a while. Now my grandma had a mammography a few days ago and came back clean so I felt less nervous about at least breast cancer.
But I was going through tumblr today and I stumbled on a post talking about how dimples, not even a lump, can be a sign as well and that you should let yourself get checked if you have dimples somewhere on your breast. I am too scared to look right now but I'm sure I'll find something or that I'll think something is these 'dimples'. Seriously this post brought all my anxiety back, literally all the fear even for cancer in other parts of my body because apparently, the 'signs are so small'. I looked at the comments on the post but none were dismissing the claim, all were saying how important it was etc etc. It didn't make me feel any better.

And I didn't even google my symptoms...

15-10-17, 09:11
I am sorry to hear you are having a difficult time with your health anxiety. I am too and can totally relate as I have huge fears over the c-word, breast especially as my Mom had it (she has survived though!)

I freak out over breast stuff all the time (check out my post about my leaking nipples!) my breasts are naturally lumpy and bumpy and I always check them. I did find a lump once, and had an ultrasound and a fine needle biopsy and it was a harmless lipoma (fatty lump) but the anxiety of going through all that was just awful.

Sometimes I am scared to look at my breasts, or anywhere else. I am scared of finding things. I know how you feel and I wanted to say you aren't alone *hugs*