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View Full Version : Headache/brain "fog"/pins & needles - all written off as health anxiety

15-10-17, 12:31
Hi all,
Im a 32 y/o and for the past 3 weeks I've had constant headache - from the minute I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Predominantly left front side but can creep round the back and towards my neck. It's a dull constant sensation, not agonising sharpe or burning pain.
I went to gp on Monday about the headache, he told me it was cluster headaches and prescribed neproxen.
Over the next few days I developed pins and needles in my hands and feet and tingly sensation in my lips. This freaked me out so went back to doc, saw a different doctor - told him I had previously suffered with anxiety and he seemed to cling on to that and put all my symptoms down to GAD. Prescribed me sertrapline (sorry if that's spelt incorrectly!)
That was Friday, since then I've now developed a weird almost weak feeling in my right hand, still able to do everything, it just feels odd and also a similar sensation in my right shin and foot. This was enough to make me panic and call NHS direct and out of hours gp this morning - who again reassured me that due to my age etc it wasn't a stroke or anything sinister, and said he thought it sounded like migraine. I am a fit healthy 32 y/o who up until 3 weeks ago was working out almost every day/vegan diet for past 6 years so considered myself pretty healthy.
I guess im looking for some reassurance that these symptoms can all be down to my anxiety, 3 doctors have told me not to worry but I can't help freaking out.

Thanks all x

15-10-17, 13:37
Obviously I can't guarantee that this isn't more than anxiety but, yes, these symptoms can absolutely be caused by anxiety. I've had them myself. The headache is a classic symptom and the stress caused by that can bring on other anxiety symptoms such as the tingling and weakness. I've literally had exactly that, in my legs and lips, and weaker on one side to the point of trembling. It was 100% anxiety. It actually went away once I accepted that's what it was. So your symptoms could definitely be caused by anxiety too!

15-10-17, 13:48
Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it. It just seems everyday I wake up with yet another symptom. Today my ears are also"clicking" and I feel a bit nauseous but I believe that's a side effect of the antidepressants...I just want to feel "normal" again!

15-10-17, 13:55
I know the feeling! I'm desperate to feel normal again, but can't quite bring myself to hope that I will. I get really nauseous and actually throw up when I'm very anxious. As for clicking ears, not sure about that... I do get that (I think it's very common) but just from having a bit of wax in the ears!

15-10-17, 14:03
I've had this before, last year I convinced myself I had ovarian cancer, the year before that it was breast cancer. The logical me is very aware that it's highly unlike to be anything super scary, then 1 little google search later and that's it, im definitely dying!
Doctor told me this morning to give the meds a chance to kick in (2 weeks ish apparently) so I guess that's the plan, wait and hope I feel better soon.

15-10-17, 14:09
I think there's a misapprehension among many anxiety sufferers that doctors "write off" symptoms as anxiety. But that's not how it works. It's not the case that doctors just say "anxiety" because they don't know what else it is.

Anxiety disorders are diagnosable conditions that come with real physical symptoms. It's often a diagnosis of exclusion, but the point is that if a doctor says your symptoms are being caused by anxiety, then anxiety is your medical diagnosis. It is not a case of you being fobbed off and left to die. If it was, there'd be literally thousands of lawsuits every year and doctors would constantly be being struck off for negligence.

If the doctor diagnosis you with an anxiety disorder, that is what must be treated.

15-10-17, 14:40
Thanks for your reply. I know you're right, 100%
But that is the "joy" of anxiety isn't it, it is irrational. I've started the antidepressants alongside some mindfulness practices so fingers crossed I'll start feeling better soon