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23-10-17, 23:33

Now please book a appointment with someone for your anxiety aswell

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23-10-17, 23:38
It could *totally* be entirely anxiety and be nothing more than a simple infection / virus / whatever. I sincerely hope that is all it is but as you know with health anxiety it is hard to accept that kind of simplicity. :/

If I had some obvious reason for why I had an infection there I would feel better. But I don't have rock solid reason. So, my hypochondriac brain is saying that perhaps there is cancer there that is causing it.

Our mouths are full of bacteria...

23-10-17, 23:46
Stop messing with dentists and go to a Certified Cancer Center. (https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/rankings/cancer) See an ENT that's specializes in OC. The answer you get will put this to rest until the next deadly illness you are sure you have comes along.

Your 15 minutes of helping others here awaits you! ;)

Positive thoughts

Just scrolling through that list of hospitals almost sends me into a panic attack. I really hope this is not oral cancer.

24-10-17, 00:33
You won't believe anyone here nor a dentist who told you it's not so what do you have left?

Your choices are... pursue a diagnosis that will never come, cost you tons of money and time or believe the trained dental professional and get help for the disease that's already taking your life.

Ball is in your court....

Positive thoughts

Random question fish I just wondered as I'm from the UK

Would it cost to visit one of these centres or is it done by insurance? I'm not really sure how it all works over there

24-10-17, 00:50
Even with insurance, there are often co-pays and deductibles etc. For example, my wife needs an MRI soon. Even with insurance, it's still $1K out of pocket. My appointment at Johns Hopkins, between the doctor and the tests, is still about $800 out of pocket!

It's incredibly expensive to get healthcare here. My wife's illness and hospital stay was over $1 million. With insurance, I'm out over $10K. So yeah... unless DSide has really good insurance, it would cost a fortune to be told yet again he doesn't have cancer.

Positive thoughts

Wow, I really didn't know it was that expensive over there, I am so grateful for UK healthcare.

What happens if you don't have the money over there? Will they just not do anything for it?

Hope your wife's MRI goes okay, can't believe it will cost that much.

24-10-17, 00:51
I examined the spot again and it’s obviously cancer. There are two or three areas that look like pus pocket areas however they aren’t even connected. That means there must be some underlying lesion connecting them and causing them. I notice the area connecting them looks a cloudy color almost. That is the oral cancer.

Gary A
24-10-17, 01:01
I examined the spot again and it’s obviously cancer. There are two or three areas that look like pus pocket areas however they aren’t even connected. That means there must be some underlying lesion connecting them and causing them. I notice the area connecting them looks a cloudy color almost. That is the oral cancer.

Well spotted.

Let us know when you begin treatment.

24-10-17, 01:06
Jesus Christ. How many germs are on your fingers while you touch the sore?

It needs to heal like any wound


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24-10-17, 01:10
I swear I am more depressed than ever. The first dentist was even confused as to what could be causing it. That means it’s a rare cause. Meaning something like oral cancer.

It’s unbelievable that I’m even more convinced now than before I visited the dentist but I don’t see any other rational line of thought. I have to be an advocate for my own health and I can’t deny an obvious malignancy.

Gary A
24-10-17, 01:20
I swear I am more depressed than ever. The first dentist was even confused as to what could be causing it. That means it’s a rare cause. Meaning something like oral cancer.

It’s unbelievable that I’m even more convinced now than before I visited the dentist but I don’t see any other rational line of thought. I have to be an advocate for my own health and I can’t deny an obvious malignancy.

Yeah it's all just really awful.

24-10-17, 01:23
Ellie, I suggest you ask Admin. They don't like members accusing others of this. You are new so won't have seem the many arguments acoss the forum...and the "supposed" trolls who are now getting better.

Oh that's my bad sorry, will edit my post before I cause any arguments :)

24-10-17, 01:29
Oh that's my bad sorry, will edit my post before I cause any arguments :)

Don't worry about it. :hugs: Just a heads up. I'm sure Admin would realise it with new members anyway.

His posting is little different to some of the others we've had on here. It's just the lack of willingness to engage and insistence (well, self pity/denial) that tends to separate cases like this. You'll note in that message from Admin it is asking the thread starters to try to acknowledge others too but it's not easy when the same members tend to be complaining about the number of posts at the same time (catch 22).

24-10-17, 01:29

Your posts give me anxiety attacks. The thought of preparing for cancer treatment is not what I need right now.

24-10-17, 01:34

Your posts give me anxiety attacks. The thought of preparing for cancer treatment is not what I need right now.

Confused then, what are you actually asking for? He's offering you help with a diagnosis you're 99% sure you have.

I'd be bloody grateful if someone who went through a traumatic experience like that was willing to sit and help me.

---------- Post added at 01:34 ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 ----------

Don't worry about it. :hugs: Just a heads up. I'm sure Admin would realise it with new members anyway.

His posting is little different to some of the others we've had on here. It's just the lack of willingness to engage and insistence (well, self pity/denial) that tends to separate cases like this. You'll note in that message from Admin it is asking the thread starters to try to acknowledge others too but it's not easy when the same members tend to be complaining about the number of posts at the same time (catch 22).

I can totally see what you mean Terry thank you for informing me of that, I haven't yet seen many arguments on here probably because I am new, couldn't even imagine a argument on here!

24-10-17, 01:39
It could *totally* be entirely anxiety and be nothing more than a simple infection / virus / whatever. I sincerely hope that is all it is but as you know with health anxiety it is hard to accept that kind of simplicity. :/

If I had some obvious reason for why I had an infection there I would feel better. But I don't have rock solid reason. So, my hypochondriac brain is saying that perhaps there is cancer there that is causing it.

You've not answered my questions again. I realise answering them means you can't obsess over your spiral but unless you are willing to take steps to tackle your anxiety, your life is going to stay in this mess.

You've been checked by a doctor. You've been checked by a dentist. Both have not given concrete answers because that's how the medical profession work. They only give 100%'s when they have a test result in front of them because otherwise they get their arses sued when the rare things happen.

A dentist is more trained to spot oral cancers than any GP. They have a specialism and they are the most likely people to pick up warning signs over a GP.

I asked you if you had much knowledge of anxiety. The thoughts. The negative thinking. There is loads of Cognitive Distortion in your thread. Whilst others may get frustrated by this, I expect it. I don't expect someone saying "you're fine" to make it all go away...it contradicts how anxiety works in building core beliefs/amending old healthy ones and changes the mindset to a negative one in terms of their fears. Other than slamming meds down your throat to make you drift on clouds the only way out of that is to learn about it, confront it and change it.

When will you start? How many more people trained a million times better than do you plan on seeing because the last one hasn't traced your problems back to a signal minute bit of bacterial growth to satisfy your all-or-nothing thinking?

And where do you see all the cancer sufferers who came on here to worry like this before they got diagnosed? Good luck finding any. Isn't that alone a sign that you need to treat your anxiety? Even if you did have cancer what harm would it do to seek therapy/counselling since they provide it too?

Are you afraid to make a step into treatment for your anxiety? Why are you afraid? (I've been afraid to see my GP for my anxiety so I know it can be frightening as you have to admit you have a problem).

Gary A
24-10-17, 01:40

Your posts give me anxiety attacks. The thought of preparing for cancer treatment is not what I need right now.

Yet you're quite happy to post, in graphic detail, about things like your kids crying after you die?

You really need to have a word with yourself.

24-10-17, 02:00

Your posts give me anxiety attacks. The thought of preparing for cancer treatment is not what I need right now.

Darkside, that's not fair and I hope you realise it. You've done this before in your thread, people are giving you their time here trying to get you to see what you already know - that you need anxiety help and you don't have cancer.

Whilst I don't believe you need to see a cancer specialist, someone saying see them to confirm yes/no is no more than what you yourself have been doing with that doctor & dentist. The poster knows why they have said this, and I know there is more than one reason for it so I'm not going to speculate other than to say it's for positive reasons and in your best interests.

Shifting away from the elephant in the room is transparent.

---------- Post added at 02:00 ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 ----------

Ooh, the 300th post.

"This is ANXIETY" for fans of the 300. :yesyes:

24-10-17, 13:19
This morning I'll be going to my second dentist appointment. I honestly fully expect them to suspect cancer and will be surprised if they don't. I'm so depressed I can barely function.

24-10-17, 13:25
This morning I'll be going to my second dentist appointment. I honestly fully expect them to suspect cancer and will be surprised if they don't. I'm so depressed I can barely function.

I doubt that....but you must now start to listen and accept what you're told and seek urgent help for your HA.

Are you on any meds currently?

Gary A
24-10-17, 14:04
This morning I'll be going to my second dentist appointment. I honestly fully expect them to suspect cancer and will be surprised if they don't. I'm so depressed I can barely function.

In other words, if they don't suspect cancer you won't believe them and continue to insist you do have cancer.

That about it?

24-10-17, 14:04
This morning I'll be going to my second dentist appointment. I honestly fully expect them to suspect cancer and will be surprised if they don't. I'm so depressed I can barely function.

But what is going to happen if they tell you that you do not have oral cancer? I cannot tell you how many times I was worried something was wrong and my body was acting weird and eventually it went away or the doctor told me it was nothing to worry about. These doctors and dentists go to school for a really long time and know their stuff. You should listen to them when they say to do certain things or that it isn't this or that disease. I think the best thing for you to do is to get this oral situation out of the way and head to your primary care doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist to talk about this HA.

24-10-17, 14:10
They aren't going to say it's not oral cancer because it obviously is oral cancer. The first dentist did not see the entire lesion.

Gary A
24-10-17, 14:31
They aren't going to say it's not oral cancer because it obviously is oral cancer. The first dentist did not see the entire lesion.

Well you're staying positive, that's the main thing. :yesyes:

24-10-17, 14:38
Doesn't a dentist look around the whole mouth? Surely that's the point? I've never been to a dentist who's looked at one side of my mouth and forgot the other

Also why not point it out to your dentist if you thought he missed something?

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24-10-17, 14:50
Are you on any meds currently?

You never answered question :lac:

Let us know how you get on anyway.

24-10-17, 15:50
Just finished appointment. He thought it looked like some infection and inflammation from hitting it or something. He said he didn’t think it was oral cancer but if it is not better in a week they could biopsy it.

So, even though he said he didn’t think it was, there is still some chance unfortunately. I really wish I didn’t have to live like this. It’s unbearable. Now I have yet another week of waiting while the cancer continues to eat away at my mouth.

Gary A
24-10-17, 16:07
Just finished appointment. He thought it looked like some infection and inflammation from hitting it or something. He said he didn’t think it was oral cancer but if it is not better in a week they could biopsy it.

So, even though he said he didn’t think it was, there is still some chance unfortunately. I really wish I didn’t have to live like this. It’s unbearable. Now I have yet another week of waiting while the cancer continues to eat away at my mouth.

2 dentists and a doctor have said that they don't think it's oral cancer, yet here you are saying that cancer will be eating away at your mouth for another week.

What actually is the point of going to seek these medical opinions if you're not remotely interested in listening to them?

24-10-17, 16:37
2 dentists and a doctor have said that they don't think it's oral cancer, yet here you are saying that cancer will be eating away at your mouth for another week.

What actually is the point of going to seek these medical opinions if you're not remotely interested in listening to them?

Because it is all part of Dark's cycle, which will carry on again and again until he faces up to the reality of the situation and do something about the HEALTH ANXIETY.

I believe that we are still waiting on answers to the questions regarding that.

For the umpteenth time???

Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
Question. When you break the skin, is it possible germs & bacteria can get into the cut and cause an infection?

Question. Does that include the mouth?

Question: How likely is the above compared to cancer?

Question: Does cancer respond to antibiotics?

Question: If you go to the dentist and he gives you antibiotics and then a week or so later you are better, what does that mean?[/B]

24-10-17, 17:08
Sure it could be an infection but I just really don't think it is. Hopefully if it is cancer it is not too far advanced and I can beat it.

I am just frustrated with more waiting while the potential cancer spreads deeper into my body.

24-10-17, 17:12
PLEASE, give it a break. Step away from the keyboard. You're sucking up all the oxygen on the forum

---------- Post added at 09:12 ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 ----------

If you saw someone on literal fire, you'd probably start telling them about your mouth cancer*

24-10-17, 17:18
I second what someone said a while ago. Your partner must be a saint. You're like a dog with a bone. Let it go! Get a hobby that isn't googling symptoms and obsessing with a cancer you don't have.

Rewind 10 months and I was convinced I had ALS. I don't. Letting go of the STUPID obsession made my life ten fold better. Go and give your daughter and partner the love and attention they deserve instead of putting your everything into something that you don't have!

(Slaps you across the face!) DO NOT WASTE ANY MORE OF YOUR LIFE ON THIS! You will look back in months to come - and the same goes for anyone else who is currently obsessed with something they probably know they rationally don't have - and you will be pissed that you wasted so much time and effort on this!

---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 17:17 ----------

[/COLOR]If you saw someone on literal fire, you'd probably start telling them about your mouth cancer*

This made me spit my coke out :roflmao:

24-10-17, 17:21
He never said there's a chance it's standard rules to do a biopsy if it isn't going down.

A doctor/dentist isn't there to sugar coat things and make you feel better if he genuinely thought this was a cancer he would tell you and probably book you in for a biopsy ASAP.

You don't have to live like nothing, it's not cancer till a medical professional tells you it's cancer - think of the poor people that actually have cancer and have to live through the treatments the worries, you don't.

I don't think anyone should bother replying anymore you are obviously paying no attention to what anyone is saying even your own two dentists.

Play with your children, take your wife out for a meal because some people living with actual disease aren't lucky nor well enough to be able to do that.

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24-10-17, 17:32
Sure it could be an infection but I just really don't think it is. Hopefully if it is cancer it is not too far advanced and I can beat it.

I am just frustrated with more waiting while the potential cancer spreads deeper into my body.

1 doctor & 2 dentists concur. They disagree with you.

As Ellie said if there was any suspicion of cancer they wouldn't risk your life, and their medical licences, by not performing a simple biopsy. What would be their motive? Mischievousness? Incompetence? All 3 of them?

This dentist likely thinks he can get you out of there by having a test that will come back negative. Sadly for him, even then you will still disagree. Does that sound a rational response?

You are faced with a choice, get help or suffer. It's going to damage your family life so if you can't find the motivation for yourself, find it for them. Kick yourself down to your GP telling yourself you are doing it for your family.

It can be hard to make the move for yourself. It can be easier when we do it out of caring for our loved ones. You can't back as easily then. Tell yourself you want to have more happy times with your family and don't want to waste that time. Tell yourself you don't want to let your kid pick up on your feelings and upset her if It helps you.

24-10-17, 17:36
Wow I’ve just read back through this whole thread and have read your previous posts too! Two dentists have told you No...it’s not cancer. I get the fear...I suffer with a cancer fear too. However when your told NO and the second opinion said no then take the No!!

24-10-17, 17:37
Please do try to relax as much as you can Darkside. You have me some very helpful comments which helped me so please do try to take things calmly. I know it is hard. I am giving the site a break for a little while myself so I can try not to focus so much on my body until I can think more clearly. Perhaps this could help you. I know you must feel that you are receiving some harsh advice but I think it all comes from a good place and people are trying to support you from their own experiences. Let's both try and give our fears a break, I am sure you can do it.

24-10-17, 17:37
So now we have another week's worth of angst. No doubt any test will come back as "inconclusive"?

24-10-17, 17:41
Please do try to relax as much as you can Darkside. You have me some very helpful comments which helped me so please do try to take things calmly. I know it is hard. I am giving the site a break for a little while myself so I can try not to focus so much on my body until I can think more clearly. Perhaps this could help you. I know you must feel that you are receiving some harsh advice but I think it all comes from a good place and people are trying to support you from their own experiences. Let's both try and give our fears a break, I am sure you can do it.

^ I think that would help. Get off here and get doing some stuff. It can help break an immediate cycle by reducing intensity.

I really couldn't care less about this thread taking time from others, we are all making a choice to be involved and there are no guns to heads, but being on here for hours trying to reinforce your obsession by stating you have cancer isn't going to help you and we are only repeating ourselves anyway.

24-10-17, 17:45
Because it is all part of Dark's cycle, which will carry on again and again until he faces up to the reality of the situation and do something about the HEALTH ANXIETY.

I believe that we are still waiting on answers to the questions regarding that.

For the umpteenth time???

Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
Question. When you break the skin, is it possible germs & bacteria can get into the cut and cause an infection?

Question. Does that include the mouth?

Question: How likely is the above compared to cancer?

Question: Does cancer respond to antibiotics?

Question: If you go to the dentist and he gives you antibiotics and then a week or so later you are better, what does that mean?[/B]


24-10-17, 18:16
This is hardly new on this board. It's not worth getting upset about. It's not even as severe as many probably are (think those sectioned or harming themselves). In my opinion it isn't, some are so ill they are afraid to even come to these places and suffer at home in silence.

It's just words on a screen by people you will never meet.

People fighting cancer vary in their opinions. Attitudes differ. I can remember someone who didn't let these cases affect them who was very very ill at the time. I think this person had the right idea because threads like this are incredibly tame when you consider the nasty things some say on social media about those who are ill.

Sadly anxiety can go this far and much further. I find it's best to harden yourself to it and give it "meh". It's just a stranger.

24-10-17, 18:54
Some other symptoms are starting to make sense now. I realized my lymph node under my jaw on that side has been a little sore / swollen. I've also been having a little ear pain on that side and a sore throat.

This all makes the picture clearer and I think really confirms the possibility of cancer on that side.

Things it can't be: canker sore, would not last this long and would not cause other symptoms.
Ive had viruses that make sores last a long time or have multiple ones right after another. You could have a virus that is causing ear pain and the other symptoms you are talking about. I think that if you had oral cancer you would have more things wrong with your mouth than a little sore. Do you go to the dentist every 6 months? If so, i think they would be able to tell that it was developing. if not, just go for a check up and tell them your concerns, but you're most likely fine.

24-10-17, 19:38
Dark, well done on making a start posting on other's threads.

25-10-17, 02:02
Really struggling tonight. Fearing this area is cancerous. Fearing the doctors are misdiagnosing me. Fearing the cancer is progressing.

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

Really wondering if I should get a third opinion from maybe a periodontist? I just am not sure I’m getting the best treatment for this.

25-10-17, 02:12

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25-10-17, 02:15
I’m just a week and a half into this thing now and it still looks the exact same. Something doesn’t add up.

25-10-17, 02:16
Third, fourth, fifth. Next specialist. Best doctor on planet earth. It won't stop the fear.

But you can choose to stop feeding that fear. Try to accept what you have been told. Try to accept your anxiety doesn't care how many experts are involved, it's running it's process of fear & doubt and will continue to do so no matter what the pros say. Until you are working on your recovery, you're very much in the middle of it all. That's why we are saying make the step to find someone to help you.

Are you having a lot of sitting around time? On the internet a lot? If so, get distracting yourself, get doing things, get exercise.

25-10-17, 02:17
Thing is, time is going to pass no matter what. You can spend it sending yourself into a panicked tailspin, or do something constructive or fun. Neither will change the outcome. One is gonna make you feel a whole lot better though.

25-10-17, 03:24
Really struggling tonight. Fearing this area is cancerous. Fearing the doctors are misdiagnosing me. Fearing the cancer is progressing.

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

Really wondering if I should get a third opinion from maybe a periodontist? I just am not sure I’m getting the best treatment for this.

If you're that worried why don't you take fishs advice? I'm sure if you go back a few pages you'll see what he said to do.

Otherwise go to someone who can help with your awful anxiety, I don't see how anyone could want to live like this, life is too short and it really is with or without illness, what if you get to 90 and you think back to this time and all the years you spent wasting while you could be enjoying yourself. Luckily you feel well enough take your children out, take your wife on a romantic walk and talk about normal things (not your oral cancer suspicions) do something that you love. I can't imagine anyone loves googling cancer every single day nearly every waking hour.

If it all comes back to be normal what are you going to do next? Get help with your anxiety?

25-10-17, 03:26
I’m just a week and a half into this thing now and it still looks the exact same. Something doesn’t add up.
It takes longer than 2 days for antibiotics to work.

25-10-17, 08:45
I'm sure anyone who has been through the hellish experience of surviving the ravaging effects of an aggressive oral cancer would be justified in being horrified and enraged by the words on the screen on this thread.

25-10-17, 13:39
I'm sure anyone who has been through the hellish experience of surviving the ravaging effects of an aggressive oral cancer would be justified in being horrified and enraged by the words on the screen on this thread.

100% agree

25-10-17, 13:40
Nobody is forcing anyone to participate on these forums.

Honestly I think my mouth feels a bit worse today than it has the last couple days. :/ ... I'm just really bummed. I don't seem to be making much improvement at all and have been on the antibiotics 4 days now. I'm just despondent really - no motivation to do anything because I very seriously may have cancer.

25-10-17, 13:48
So if you do have cancer your life is basically over then cos you won't do anything ever again?

Do you not work at all?

25-10-17, 13:56
Nobody is forcing anyone to participate on these forums.

Whilst true, compassion works both ways. You'll find posters who show their gratitude to those trying to help will be viewed more sympathetically than more mercenary ones who forget to say thanks.

When the old "you'll be sorry when I get it" line comes out it's going to frustrate some and make others despair. But anger can be part of anxiety so it happens but equally others may be in that mire too so will react with anger, and personality plays it's part too.

If someone says something out of good intentions, it helps to acknowledge that even if it is triggering for you.

Doctors won't be interested in antibiotics not working until it's near the end of a course (unless you are very ill, which you are not) and it can take more than one course anyway. As an asthma sufferer I've had multiple courses and even then they fail and steroids have been used. It happens, it's not confirmation of anything.

25-10-17, 14:01
Can I ask what exactly you want from people on here?

25-10-17, 14:02
Why are you so sure you will die even if it was cancer?

Cancer isn't the same death sentence anymore - yes I imagine the treatment is awful etc but most people still get a life at the end of it.

25-10-17, 16:43
Please do not resort to nasty comments.

It rarely affects the person they are aimed at but does upset a lot of others who see them.

If the thread is winding you up, best to leave it alone.

25-10-17, 16:46
This thread is an insult to people actually suffering from HNC. And you're right, I will stay away from this OP

25-10-17, 17:34
Yeah I think some people are being kind of mean!

I don't think darkside is a troll. A bit more crazy and irrational over his health fears than most, perhaps, but not malicious. Just very scared.

But maybe I'm just saying that because I'm as bad as he is... if not worse.

25-10-17, 17:47
By that reasoning *a lot* of health anxiety threads would be an "insult" to the people actually suffering from the actual diseases. But, this forum is specifically for people with hypochondria / health anxiety to discuss their fears and hopefully get better I think?

My mouth still isn't better. It's still in pain this morning. I do fear my worst fears are coming true and that it is actual oral cancer. I'm trying to find relief in the fact that two dentists did not think that was the case, but it's hard. I just don't understand why I'm not seeing significant improvement if it's not oral cancer.

25-10-17, 18:36
Why don't you answer my questions please? It is very rude to ignore people.

Gary A
25-10-17, 18:50
By that reasoning *a lot* of health anxiety threads would be an "insult" to the people actually suffering from the actual diseases. But, this forum is specifically for people with hypochondria / health anxiety to discuss their fears and hopefully get better I think?

My mouth still isn't better. It's still in pain this morning. I do fear my worst fears are coming true and that it is actual oral cancer. I'm trying to find relief in the fact that two dentists did not think that was the case, but it's hard. I just don't understand why I'm not seeing significant improvement if it's not oral cancer.

How is completely ignoring questions and advice "trying"? How is constantly repeating that this is cancer "trying"? How is not seeking help for your anxiety "trying"?

You're not trying, not even slightly.

25-10-17, 21:07
Why don't you answer my questions please? It is very rude to ignore people.

Which questions?

25-10-17, 21:50
Darkside - may I suggest (although you appear not to want actual practical tips at this stage) that you do the following: take a cup of warm water, disolve a teaspoon of salt in it, Rinse and repeat until the cup is finished. Do this several times a day.

This will help your sore to heal in conjunction with the antibiotics.

Someone else suggested this early on in this thread but I think you were so caught up in anxiety that you weren’t prepared to accept any practical suggestions. The first step to getting better is to take positive action.

What have you got to lose?

25-10-17, 21:53
Darkside - may I suggest (although you appear not to want actual practical tips at this stage) that you do the following: take a cup of warm water, disolve a teaspoon of salt in it, Rinse and repeat until the cup is finished. Do this several times a day.

This will help your sore to heal in conjunction with the antibiotics.

Someone else suggested this early on in this thread but I think you were so caught up in anxiety that you weren’t prepared to accept any practical suggestions. The first step to getting better is to take positive action.

What have you got to lose?

Thanks for the suggestion. I have done that a few times but not consistently. The second dentist I saw gave me a prescription mouth rinse (Peridex) to use twice a day.

25-10-17, 22:03
Thanks for the suggestion. I have done that a few times but not consistently. The second dentist I saw gave me a prescription mouth rinse (Peridex) to use twice a day.

You need to be doing this multiple times a day, especially after you eat and before bed. You need to be keeping the area clean that way it can heal.

Edit: Use the mouth rinse but also use a salt water solution for after meals to keep the area clean.

25-10-17, 22:18
Yeah I'll do that. Honestly if this wasn't oral cancer it would be healed by now. I've had mouth sores before. They would have healed. It's so depressing. I haven't done anything really for over a week.

25-10-17, 22:23
Yeah I'll do that. Honestly if this wasn't oral cancer it would be healed by now. I've had mouth sores before. They would have healed. It's so depressing. I haven't done anything really for over a week.

I went back to your old posts about your melanoma - you were SURE you had that and that was the tiniest spot ever.

Same thing is happening here, give it up.

25-10-17, 22:33
This is a more serious spot. I promise. It's quite a bit bigger.

25-10-17, 22:44
Which questions?

So you are not even actually reading the replies you get then :lac:

Read back a page and you will see what I asked.

Gary A
26-10-17, 00:39
What are you basing any of this on, seriously? You are giving yourself all of this medical credit whereby you think you know more than any trained medical professional who deals with you.

Remember that dermatologist who pushed cancer cells into your bloodstream by scraping at that melanoma you had? How did that work out? Well, it worked out that you were talking utter nonsense and, frankly, made yourself look ridiculous.

Now, apparently, a dentist has examined your mouth but didn't get a good look at your apparent oral cancer so misdiagnosed you. Sound familiar?

Seriously, you are utterly dumb when it comes to the human body and how it operates, you are completely devoid of any medical knowledge whatsoever. You're the guy who thought that skin cancer could be spread by a dermatologist "pushing" cancerous cells into your bloodstream.

You're clueless, utterly clueless, yet here you are insisting that you know
Better than two dentists and a doctor.

Your arrogance is, frankly, stunning, considering how wrong you've been in the past and how evidently stupid you are when it comes to medical matters.

26-10-17, 01:13
Because I have a legitimate lesion in my mouth that is not healing. It is not anything like the tiny speck on my hand. It is a larger lesion that is sore enough I can’t even eat on that side. It’s obviously a squamous cell carcinoma and the only reason the dentist are saying it’s not is because I’m young and they aren’t used to seeing cases so young.

26-10-17, 01:20
Because I have a legitimate lesion in my mouth that is not healing. It is not anything like the tiny speck on my hand. It is a larger lesion that is sore enough I can’t even eat on that side. It’s obviously a squamous cell carcinoma and the only reason the dentist are saying it’s not is because I’m young and they aren’t used to seeing cases so young.

2 weeks with only 4 days of treatment is not not healing. 3 months I believe is the least amount of time that a wound would be considered chronic/non healing. I have a 6 month old open wound with tons of treatments and packing. Not even a suspicion of cancer. You needto stop poking and prodding it doesn't help the situation but actually can make it worse. I hope that you actually read my comment this time instead of completely ignoring it like all the others.

26-10-17, 01:22
Sorry but this thread is going to far now you are fully aware a member of this site has gone through that cancer and has offered you advice on it

Now you're saying you have it after being told 3 times you don't.

Seriously this thread needs to be closed you are offensive to people with genuine disease and I for one think it's disgusting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26-10-17, 01:32
Where does it say that mouth sores have to heal quickly?? I have had sores that have taken two weeks or more - especially when I’ve been run down and stressed. I know someone who had an abscess that lasted months!!! And it was NOT cancer.

Darkside, if you are THAT convinced then go get a biopsy and solve the riddle once and for all. I fully expect that this will come back as an infection.

Everyone here is trying so hard to help you see reason and support you - but you also need to want to help yourself.

Please please get help for your anxiety when this sore heals. Ideally straight away. It’s the anxiety yapping in your ear here.

26-10-17, 02:29
Sorry but this thread is going to far now you are fully aware a member of this site has gone through that cancer and has offered you advice on it

Now you're saying you have it after being told 3 times you don't.

Seriously this thread needs to be closed you are offensive to people with genuine disease and I for one think it's disgusting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ellie, the trouble is it will just mean another thread gets started. What then happens is it quickly gets descended on with complaints about another one starting up. It's just not a soution to posters like this. We have other members just like this and they were called trolls & fakes and now they are getting help for anxiety and their threads have stopped.

What hasn't happened so far is a big argument between multiple members.

---------- Post added at 02:19 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

Yeah I'll do that. Honestly if this wasn't oral cancer it would be healed by now. I've had mouth sores before. They would have healed. It's so depressing. I haven't done anything really for over a week.

Infections that need medical treatment don't just heal up in 2 weeks, that's the point of the medical treatment bit.

Your logica argues all of us with unhealed cuts have cancer. I have many cuts on my body right now that have been around longer than that as a) I'm a bit of a skin picker and b) I seem to heal slowly since being on a med and c) my skin has never been that great.

If you have an infection, why do you expect it to heal without medication? Do you believe the immune system heals ALL known infections on it's own? Yet infection has been the number one killer of humans pre antibiotics for how many thousands of year?

If you haven't done anything because you are depressed, try to tackle that first. Try to add in a couple of things a day or so that you can do. IT can help you to boost your mood.

---------- Post added at 02:29 ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 ----------

Originally Posted by Elen file:///C:\DOCUME~1\TERRYS~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\cli p_image001.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1729657#post1729657)
Because it is all part of Dark's cycle, which will carry on again and again until he faces up to the reality of the situation and do something about the HEALTH ANXIETY.

I believe that we are still waiting on answers to the questions regarding that.

For the umpteenth time???

Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
Question. When you break the skin, is it possible germs & bacteria can get into the cut and cause an infection?

Question. Does that include the mouth?

Question: How likely is the above compared to cancer?

Question: Does cancer respond to antibiotics?

Question: If you go to the dentist and he gives you antibiotics and then a week or so later you are better, what does that mean?[/B]


Elen asked you the above. They are relevant again now as you are questioning what infections & antibiotics do/are for again.

I'll add some I asked before too.

Are you afraid to see your GP about anxiety? Why?

26-10-17, 08:21
As you keep reminding us, you are very keen and engaged on getting a diagnosis of oral cancer yet you are not motivated to visit a GP to discuss your hypochondria because you'd rather visit an anxiety website instead and talk about your oral cancer with people who fear cancer. Is this correct?

Gary A
26-10-17, 09:17
Because I have a legitimate lesion in my mouth that is not healing. It is not anything like the tiny speck on my hand. It is a larger lesion that is sore enough I can’t even eat on that side. It’s obviously a squamous cell carcinoma and the only reason the dentist are saying it’s not is because I’m young and they aren’t used to seeing cases so young.

There you go again. You think you know better than these people whose life's work is dedicated to conditions of the mouth and teeth. You know what it is, you keep saying it's "obvious", yet, these highly trained professionals are so stupid that they can't see what you say is obvious.

You're ignoring everyone, insessantly reminding all and sundry that you definitely have cancer and simply turning a blind eye to anything that contradicts that.

Seriously, why are you here? You don't give a damn what we think, you don't give a damn what anyone, other than yourself, thinks. Nobody is saying you don't have a "legitimate" lesion in your mouth, what we are saying is that it's quite obviously NOT cancer, given your age, you don't smoke or drink, and the fact you've had 3 medical professionals all agreeing that it isn't cancer.

You know what though? That's fine. You've asked for opinions, you've asked for our help and received it in abundance. We've told you what we think and you don't want to hear it. Again, that's fine, but I then have to ask, why are you still here? Why are you still posting the same repeated drivel day in and day out?

I can absolutely guarantee that your insistence will be a trigger for a lot of people on this site, and I'm honestly starting to think that this is your real intent. I can't for the life of me fathom why anyone would want to constantly insist that they have cancer on a website that hosts people with crippling health anxiety.

26-10-17, 14:51
No progress in mouth today. :( ... is anyone else starting to suspect it could be cancer yet?

Gary A
26-10-17, 15:34
No progress in mouth today. :( ... is anyone else starting to suspect it could be cancer yet?

Why? Do you want us to?

26-10-17, 15:44
No progress in mouth today. :( ... is anyone else starting to suspect it could be cancer yet?

That's too bad but not everyone is interested in the status of your mouth every day :lac:

26-10-17, 16:07
Are you even reading anyone's responses to you? It's not nice to ignore everyone putting energy into helping you.

26-10-17, 16:30
No progress in mouth today. :( ... is anyone else starting to suspect it could be cancer yet?

Why don't you leave it alone while you do the course of antibiotics? Stop bloody touching it.

26-10-17, 16:53
No progress in mouth today. :( ... is anyone else starting to suspect it could be cancer yet?

Nope, only you.

You've let an infection get a good foothold. Multiple courses, longer courses, switches to other antibiotics, etc are all a possibility in your case.

When I had the broken tooth the first course greatly reduced the pain and I thought it was going. Within a week after finishing the pain all came back. Just needed another course that was slightly longer because the first was too short. That's what happens when infections take hold over a time.

Even if anyone said you had cancer, what difference does that make? Some internet random over 1 doctor, 2 dentists and a whole bunch of us too. Just one of us saying goes it isn't cancels out one who says it is...and none of us have even seen it.

Try to occupy yourself. Add in activities, just simple stuff at first, it's one strategy they use with depression.

26-10-17, 17:11
I really can't see there is any point in anyone replying.

He has not thanked a single person, ignores any questions and refuses to believe it is not cancer.

This thread is serving no purpose at the moment apart from frustrating members trying desperately to help and get through to him.

The best advice I can give to those members is walk away and leave it. We can't win this one and never will.

27-10-17, 13:14
No progress today. The lesion looks the exact same. Still not healing. With every day that goes by it becomes more likely that it is cancer unfortunately. So depressing.

27-10-17, 16:23
I guess. To me it's obviously cancer at this point. I just hope I survive to see my wife and kids. There is no other reasonable explanation at this point.

27-10-17, 16:51
If u want to be around fir wife and kids why haven't you gotten a biopsy? I say this as a person with severe dr phobia. There's no way it's cancer but u must go

27-10-17, 17:00
I really can't see there is any point in anyone replying.

He has not thanked a single person, ignores any questions and refuses to believe it is not cancer.

This thread is serving no purpose at the moment apart from frustrating members trying desperately to help and get through to him.

The best advice I can give to those members is walk away and leave it. We can't win this one and never will.


Gary A
27-10-17, 17:01
I guess. To me it's obviously cancer at this point. I just hope I survive to see my wife and kids. There is no other reasonable explanation at this point.

Yes we've gotten that I think. There's really no need to post this every day seeking sympathy.

27-10-17, 23:35
Darkside, what you've got to realise is that no one on here are going to be able to diagnose your mouth sore. Even by chance, that a Nomorepanic member is a doctor, they still would not be able to diagnose you over a description on the internet. If you are not satisfied with the information your doctor and two dentists are saying, and are not patient enough to wait out a course of antibiotics, then call up for another doctor for another opinion. However, by doing that, you must decide whether or not to accept that professional's opinion. I mean...where does it end? When you're thousands of dollars out of pocket and have been round all the doctors, dentists, hospitals in your area being told the same thing? That what you've got is an infection.

Of course, if your current antibiotics are not working, you absolutely need to go back, because you may have not been given the best type for your infection. Different antibiotics target different types of bacterial infection. As for it being cancer, well, it would be extremely, extremely unlikely. No one on here can say 100% as we're not doctors but as you have had three experts say it's definitely not, you probably can feel at 100% that your fears are just that, fears not reality.

You need to speak to the doctor about your anxiety levels, which could end up harming your health. You are ill but it's anxiety you're suffering from.

28-10-17, 18:20
Yet another day with no improvement. This is not right. I’m young and heal fast normally. It would have healed by now if it was a normal injury or infection. It’s been 2 entire weeks now. It’s cancer. It’s 100% cancer and my treatment has been delayed by flippant doctors who do not take it seriously because I’m young.

I’m so depressed. This week I will receive the cancer diagnosis I have feared for years. It’s happening. It’s coming true.

28-10-17, 19:06
I’m so depressed. This week I will receive the cancer diagnosis I have feared for years. It’s happening. It’s coming true.

Condolences then I guess... :rolleyes:

28-10-17, 19:29
Condolences then I guess... :rolleyes:

That's pretty rude to say to someone who legitimately may have cancer. Many of people ridiculing me in this thread would not be doing so well if they had a non-healing lesion in their mouth for the last two weeks.

28-10-17, 19:47
I've been twitching since December of last year. I had convinced myself that I had ALS. I don't. I know what an irrational fear is like.

People have been trying their hardest to help you, but you barely acknowledge what's being said to you! You have had someone reply to you who has been through it and you're STILL not listening.

The doctors aren't being 'flippant', you have seen various people who have told you that it isn't cancer!

You have a girlfriend and a child, it's time to pull yourself together!!! - and yes I can say that, I have two children myself who are younger than yours.

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

And to add - I've had a small cut that goes and comes back almost constantly for months. I'm not even the slightest bit concerned that it's cancer

28-10-17, 20:15
You aren't asking for help, you're begging for attention. You accuse others of rudeness, when you don't even have the common decency to respond to posts or thank people for their kindness.

Time to get your head out of your a**

28-10-17, 20:43
I really can't see there is any point in anyone replying.

He has not thanked a single person, ignores any questions and refuses to believe it is not cancer.

This thread is serving no purpose at the moment apart from frustrating members trying desperately to help and get through to him.

The best advice I can give to those members is walk away and leave it. We can't win this one and never will.

Bumping for those new to this thread.

29-10-17, 20:49
The surrounding area is maybe looking a little healthier today. However, the main sore is still there. :/

So worried I’m going to be diagnosed with cancer this week.

30-10-17, 14:21
No sign of progress this morning. It's now been over two weeks. It looks more and more like cancer to me when I look at it. No doubt the dentist will want a biopsy at follow-up appointment tomorrow. I'm so devastated honestly. I have no will to do anything. I am depressed. I'm about to be diagnosed with cancer.

30-10-17, 14:26
I really can't see there is any point in anyone replying.

He has not thanked a single person, ignores any questions and refuses to believe it is not cancer.

This thread is serving no purpose at the moment apart from frustrating members trying desperately to help and get through to him.

The best advice I can give to those members is walk away and leave it. We can't win this one and never will.


30-10-17, 15:38
Wow I feel alone.

Legitimately does anyone have an explanation for a lesion in the mouth that does not heal even on antibiotics for over 2 weeks?

30-10-17, 16:05
Wow I feel alone.

Legitimately does anyone have an explanation for a lesion in the mouth that does not heal even on antibiotics for over 2 weeks?

Go back and read the numerous posts that tell you that others have experienced this.

30-10-17, 16:45
Wow I feel alone.

Legitimately does anyone have an explanation for a lesion in the mouth that does not heal even on antibiotics for over 2 weeks?

I feel for you darkside. I'm going through something similar with cervical cancer and honestly I can't see what it could possibly be if not cancer... Or CIN at the least.

I won't lie. I would be concerned with a mouth sore that didn't heal within a few weeks of antibiotics. But you haven't been on the antibiotics that long, have you?

Truthfully, I'm still leaning towards it not being cancer at the moment. You don't have any risk factors, and oral cancers normally start under the tongue.

Like I said, perhaps it could be viral? Or could it be lichen planus? However, of course follow it up if it's no better after the course of antibiotics.

This might be tmi, but I once got a weird sore "down below". I was tested for infection, lichen planus, even cancer, but even the consultants couldn't work out what it was. I started using strong steroid cream, and it didn't work. It seemed like it would never go away. I doubled the dose and started using gentler soaps and then it slowly cleared up. Took weeks and weeks though! To this day no doctor has any idea what it was.

Sometimes weird shit happens. It's not always cancer. But I totally understand your concern, and you should definitely follow up.

30-10-17, 17:21
Both your fears are groundless but yes "weird shit happens and it is not always cancer"

30-10-17, 17:54
I have been on antibiotics for 9 days and prescribed mouth rinse for 6 days.

30-10-17, 17:57
Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
I really can't see there is any point in anyone replying.

He has not thanked a single person, ignores any questions and refuses to believe it is not cancer.

This thread is serving no purpose at the moment apart from frustrating members trying desperately to help and get through to him.

The best advice I can give to those members is walk away and leave it. We can't win this one and never will.

30-10-17, 23:06
TI don't see the point of people getting angry and abandoning the OP. This forum is for people with health anxiety. I know Dark side hadn't specifically admitted that health anxiety is his main problem, but it's implicit in many of his posts. The purpose of this forum is, yes, to try and get through to people if they are panicking and spiralling but also, just to lend an ear and try to support.

Yes, it is obvious that his issue is anxiety but when your at the depths of health anxiety, you do not see reason. No matter what people tell you. I've only really had bad health anxiety once and it was due to post natal hormones causing the bad heath anxiety compounded by throat problems (which turned out to be common acid reflux caused by a small hiatus hernia). At the time, though I had utterly convinced myself it was something bad and no one, not my husband or parents could convince me otherwise. I didn't trust what the doctors were saying to me, didn't understand why they weren't ordering immediate extra tests and felt they were 'missing something.' My body went into fight or flight mode constantly for about a month, knackering! Ever medical poster or advert became a 'warning sign' to me - in effect, I lost all reason on the issue. My family were fed up of me and worried about me. Luckily, they realised it must be postnatal depression/anxiety and at the back of my mind I realised it too. After being put on Sertraline and Propanalol (obviously not the right path for everyone) and a course of CBT helped me back to recovery. I'm fine now and off the meds. However I'll never forget how alone and fearful I felt at that period.

This is why anxiety forums are so important. We are here to listen not to lecture. As for thanks, I'm not posting replies in order to be thanked. I'm trying to help. As I'm sure are all of you. I'm sure Dark side is not intentionally trying to annoy you or dismiss your help and advice, he is clearly not in that place yet to fully accept that his anxiety needs extra outside help. I feel that he is beginning to see that though. At the moment, he will not see clearly to do anything about this until his mouth issue resolves.

People should not feel irritated with anxious people on this forum. This is not a diagnosis or medical forum, it's an anxiety forum. This particular section is for HEALTH ANXIETY. It would be different if Dark side was posting on a forum with people actually suffering from those medical conditions he fears. I think the fact that he is posting on an anxiety forum indicates that deep down he knows it's his anxiety he needs to deal with

30-10-17, 23:17
Thanks for your post.

31-10-17, 01:40
TI don't see the point of people getting angry and abandoning the OP. This forum is for people with health anxiety. I know Dark side hadn't specifically admitted that health anxiety is his main problem, but it's implicit in many of his posts. The purpose of this forum is, yes, to try and get through to people if they are panicking and spiralling but also, just to lend an ear and try to support.

Yes, it is obvious that his issue is anxiety but when your at the depths of health anxiety, you do not see reason. No matter what people tell you. I've only really had bad health anxiety once and it was due to post natal hormones causing the bad heath anxiety compounded by throat problems (which turned out to be common acid reflux caused by a small hiatus hernia). At the time, though I had utterly convinced myself it was something bad and no one, not my husband or parents could convince me otherwise. I didn't trust what the doctors were saying to me, didn't understand why they weren't ordering immediate extra tests and felt they were 'missing something.' My body went into fight or flight mode constantly for about a month, knackering! Ever medical poster or advert became a 'warning sign' to me - in effect, I lost all reason on the issue. My family were fed up of me and worried about me. Luckily, they realised it must be postnatal depression/anxiety and at the back of my mind I realised it too. After being put on Sertraline and Propanalol (obviously not the right path for everyone) and a course of CBT helped me back to recovery. I'm fine now and off the meds. However I'll never forget how alone and fearful I felt at that period.

This is why anxiety forums are so important. We are here to listen not to lecture. As for thanks, I'm not posting replies in order to be thanked. I'm trying to help. As I'm sure are all of you. I'm sure Dark side is not intentionally trying to annoy you or dismiss your help and advice, he is clearly not in that place yet to fully accept that his anxiety needs extra outside help. I feel that he is beginning to see that though. At the moment, he will not see clearly to do anything about this until his mouth issue resolves.

People should not feel irritated with anxious people on this forum. This is not a diagnosis or medical forum, it's an anxiety forum. This particular section is for HEALTH ANXIETY. It would be different if Dark side was posting on a forum with people actually suffering from those medical conditions he fears. I think the fact that he is posting on an anxiety forum indicates that deep down he knows it's his anxiety he needs to deal with

Good post, Poppy. I agree with you. These types of posters aren't new and I don't get frustrated with them as I just accept they are part of the norm on an anxiety spectrum (not that I am saying that's correct or that we should all agree it's just my way as it helps me remain dispassionate).

The trouble is these threads descend into arguments between people with views like yourself all the way along a spectrum to those who are getting posts deleted. So, Admin may be making a recommendation for more than one reason.

Another way not to engage in someone's obsession, other than to ignore or try to get them to rationalise, is to refuse to engage in the obsession and change the subject of the discussion to help them focus on something else. That is used in OCD treatment to stop reassurance seeking behaviours.

Darkside will have to find his own way to confront his anxiety, we can try and help but it will always come back to him. If he didn't have a reassurance seeking element, and the same for all the other repetitive posters, you wouldn't know they exist as they would suffer in silence (I'm sure there are plenty of such people, including me).

But I also agree with Elen's recommendation for Darkside to read back over all this as we have answered what he is asking. And there comes a point when you have to put your energies elsewhere, hence why I'm not really posting now.

31-10-17, 06:51
Excellent post Poppy.

In my opinion engaging with Dark about his symptoms is not helpful as we just go round in circles, with him obsessing about this and that and ignoring everything else that is said.

Only he can stop this cycle and a good place would be to rather than asking the same question repeatedly, and ignoring all answers, to read back and see the answers he has already has been given.

31-10-17, 17:27
I can't believe how rude some of you people are in here, we're all having health anxiety or otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum. I've seen the same people on different threads being rude to someone who is posting here in total state of panic.
Darkside4k, I have very bad health anxiety too, it took time to accept it but I very clearly mostly suffer from HA not any kind of cancer though I diagnosed myself with many. I am now in a psychiatric hospital and feel better. Get checked and then get help for your fears, I feel so much better now

31-10-17, 17:30
I can't believe how rude some of you people are in here, we're all having health anxiety or otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum. I've seen the same people on different threads being rude to someone who is posting here in total state of panic.
Darkside4k, I have very bad health anxiety too, it took time to accept it but I very clearly mostly suffer from HA not any kind of cancer though I diagnosed myself with many. I am now in a psychiatric hospital and feel better. Get checked and then get help for your fears, I feel so much better now

Good luck in your recovery. I'm sorry it's got to such a severe level for you but also glad to hear you are getting help & feeling much better. :hugs:

31-10-17, 18:41
I can't believe how rude some of you people are in here, we're all having health anxiety or otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum. I've seen the same people on different threads being rude to someone who is posting here in total state of panic.
Darkside4k, I have very bad health anxiety too, it took time to accept it but I very clearly mostly suffer from HA not any kind of cancer though I diagnosed myself with many. I am now in a psychiatric hospital and feel better. Get checked and then get help for your fears, I feel so much better now

Yes true but it would be nice if dark acknowledge all the posts where people answered and asked questions. It's frustrating trying to help someone when they don't listen. People would react differently if he thanked people and not ignored is.

31-10-17, 19:31
The trouble is that all this will be explained away by the nature of HA and how some people are just so consumed by it that they have tunnel vision etc etc etc.

Gary A
31-10-17, 20:04
The most "rude" person involved in this thread is the OP. Anxiety or no anxiety, the downright ignorance displayed by this person is absolutely appalling.

Why is it that people use anxiety as the reason for this attitude? Is being ignorant a symptom of anxiety? Being unable to acknowledge a response or answer a simple question, are these symptoms of anxiety? Not as far as I'm aware.

People keep mistaking the frustration shown toward the OP as intolerance of his anxiety. It really isn't, it's intolerance of his ignoramous attitude, for which anxiety does not excuse.

31-10-17, 20:43
It's a convenient excuse but one that doesn't help anyone.

01-11-17, 08:00
Health anxiety is a living hell!

I know the op is'nt responding well to people's advice but I think he's spiralling out of control and just can't focus on anything but his fear.

Why not just stop posting if you find his behaviour so infuriating? Seems like the best approach to me.

Gary A
01-11-17, 08:10
Health anxiety is a living hell!

I know the op is'nt responding well to people's advice but I think he's spiralling out of control and just can't focus on anything but his fear.

Why not just stop posting if you find his behaviour so infuriating? Seems like the best approach to me.

Because people who are rude and ignorant should be told as much.

01-11-17, 08:41

That's what Admin say should be happening but time & time again they will be ignored. It's a shame they have to spend time policing threads because the t&cs of forum are ignored.

Gary A
01-11-17, 09:44
The thing is, I don’t really see anyone arguing here. It’s simply a case of a poster absolutely and utterly ignoring everything, even the simplest of questions, and repeating the same thing ad nuseam.

What also seems to be going unchallenged is how graphic some of his posts are. Things like “wasting away in front of my kids” and “my kids will cry for me and wonder why I’m not there”. This is an anxiety forum, those types of posts are, frankly, sick.

That’s the type of thing that causes real upset, not someone pointing out that the OP can’t answer a question.

I also have to point out that admin themselves have shown frustration with this poster. Elen requested that people no longer engage with the OP, and for the most part that’s what everyone is now doing.

However, when people feel the need to point out how “rude” everyone is being and using the OP’s anxiety as an excuse for his ignorant attitude, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to challenge that.

Anxiety sucks, it makes people act irrationally. I refuse, however, to believe that an anxious person can’t say thank you, answer a question or at least try to stop with the over the top content of their posts.

If indeed it is anxiety that’s causing that attitude, as some of you seem to think, then what’s wrong with challenging it? What’s wrong with pointing it that it’s the wrong attitude? Aren’t we here to challenge anxiety and what it makes people do? Or, are we here to just excuse every type of behaviour by shrugging, saying “aww poor you” and giving hugs and kisses?

01-11-17, 09:58
You aren't seeing Admin deleting posts that are a breach of the respect rules? Name calls, troll calls, etc? Or them asking people to calm down?

It's subjective, I do see posts that step over the line to me. I also see the issues with the OP & over the top statements. But we are all expected to follow the rules regardless or get pulled up no matter which side of the fence.

There's been no real arguing like in the past.

Challenging anxiety has nothing to do with negative language. Why is it if we don't tell people bluntly it's "tea & sympathy"?

Gary A
01-11-17, 10:10
You aren't seeing Admin deleting posts that are a breach of the respect rules? Name calls, troll calls, etc? Or them asking people to calm down?

It's subjective, I do see posts that step over the line to me. I also see the issues with the OP & over the top statements. But we are all expected to follow the rules regardless or get pulled up no matter which side of the fence.

There's been no real arguing like in the past.

Challenging anxiety has nothing to do with negative language. Why is it if we don't tell people bluntly it's "tea & sympathy"?

Oh, undoubtedly people are being told off by admin for these things, and I have no issue with that. What I do have an issue with is people using the OP’s anxiety to excuse his ignorant behaviour. At the point of the OP being ignorant, personally, im treating him as I would any other human being who was displaying total ignorance toward a group of well meaning people.

It has nothing to do with him not “snapping out of it” or me thinking he’ll magically stop being anxious just because we say he shouldn’t, it has everything to do with him refusing to acknowledge, in any way, well meaning and thought out responses, refusing point blank to answer questions that are aimed at getting to the bottom of his anxiety and posting constant graphic posts that could easily alarm and trigger other posters. He’s been asked to stop this, he does not.

Blunt is my way, it doesn’t have to be anyone’s else’s. I’m not telling anyone to do anything or respond in a certain way. However, it’s my personal belief that this behaviour shouldn’t be excused by anxiety, and if it is indeed caused by anxiety, why should it be ignored?

01-11-17, 10:46
This thread has managed to avoid major arguments so far and it would be great if this could continue.

Threads such as these tend to attract a fair number of guest viewers or new members who see posts without necessarily knowing the history behind them.

Yes it can be frustrating but as always it is our choice whether to participate or not.

01-11-17, 14:26
Gary, I think those of us who have made excuses for Dark side is because we realise he is spiralling, not being rational and has, yes, become quite self involved (through no fault of his own - severe anxiety is a mental illness after all). The reason he is not profusely thanking people and answering questions is that, to him, his posts are a kind of cathartic, stream of consciousness if you like. He is getting his thoughts and feelings down on paper without really thinking of other people's posts and views. Why? Because he is severely anxious and spiralling. We can only advise him so far and hope he takes it and goes to get some help with his anxiety. However, at the end of the day, this is a forum, you don't know people in real life and have no obligation to advise them or take the advise they give you.

I've been on this forum on and off since late 2015 and don't frequently post. The only reason I decided to weigh in here is that I was getting slightly uncomfortable with the way many posters were trying to give their 'advice.' Some may have been well meaning but a lot came across as badgering, lecturing and some akin to the Spanish Inquisition! I.e. the posts interrogating Darkside on past threads, comments he has made. Comments trying to 'catch him out' by analysing his words on posts.
People saying that other posters shouldnt waste theur time. Is this going to help? Is this going to make someone 'snap out of it'? No. I remember when my health anxiety spiralled due to postnatal hormones and my husband's aunt said that I should, 'just snap out of it and forget the worry.'!!!!! If only it was that easy.

I know, these sort of defensive comments annoy you but, this is a health anxiety subsection of an anxiety forum. Anxiety, when full blown, can be a self absorbing and grating (to outsiders) condition. People should just stop posting on this thread if it winds them up to this degree.

01-11-17, 14:36
Gary, I think those of us who have made excuses for Dark side is because we realise he is spiralling, not being rational and has, yes, become quite self involved (through no fault of his own - severe anxiety is a mental illness after all). The reason he is not profusely thanking people and answering questions is that, to him, his posts are a kind of cathartic, stream of consciousness if you like. He is getting his thoughts and feelings down on paper without really thinking of other people's posts and views. Why? Because he is severely anxious and spiralling. We can only advise him so far and hope he takes it and goes to get some help with his anxiety. However, at the end of the day, this is a forum, you don't know people in real life and have no obligation to advise them or take the advise they give you.

I've been on this forum on and off since late 2015 and don't frequently post. The only reason I decided to weigh in here is that I was getting slightly uncomfortable with the way many posters were trying to give their 'advice.' Some may have been well meaning but a lot came across as badgering, lecturing and some akin to the Spanish Inquisition! I.e. the posts interrogating Darkside on past threads, comments he has made. Comments trying to 'catch him out' by analysing his words on posts.
People saying that other posters shouldnt waste theur time. Is this going to help? Is this going to make someone 'snap out of it'? No. I remember when my health anxiety spiralled due to postnatal hormones and my husband's aunt said that I should, 'just snap out of it and forget the worry.'!!!!! If only it was that easy.

I know, these sort of defensive comments annoy you but, this is a health anxiety subsection of an anxiety forum. Anxiety, when full blown, can be a self absorbing and grating (to outsiders) condition. People should just stop posting on this thread if it winds them up to this degree.

I agree with every word! I truly wouldn't wish HA on my worst enemy.

Gary A
01-11-17, 15:40
Gary, I think those of us who have made excuses for Dark side is because we realise he is spiralling, not being rational and has, yes, become quite self involved (through no fault of his own - severe anxiety is a mental illness after all). The reason he is not profusely thanking people and answering questions is that, to him, his posts are a kind of cathartic, stream of consciousness if you like. He is getting his thoughts and feelings down on paper without really thinking of other people's posts and views. Why? Because he is severely anxious and spiralling. We can only advise him so far and hope he takes it and goes to get some help with his anxiety. However, at the end of the day, this is a forum, you don't know people in real life and have no obligation to advise them or take the advise they give you.

I've been on this forum on and off since late 2015 and don't frequently post. The only reason I decided to weigh in here is that I was getting slightly uncomfortable with the way many posters were trying to give their 'advice.' Some may have been well meaning but a lot came across as badgering, lecturing and some akin to the Spanish Inquisition! I.e. the posts interrogating Darkside on past threads, comments he has made. Comments trying to 'catch him out' by analysing his words on posts.
People saying that other posters shouldnt waste theur time. Is this going to help? Is this going to make someone 'snap out of it'? No. I remember when my health anxiety spiralled due to postnatal hormones and my husband's aunt said that I should, 'just snap out of it and forget the worry.'!!!!! If only it was that easy.

I know, these sort of defensive comments annoy you but, this is a health anxiety subsection of an anxiety forum. Anxiety, when full blown, can be a self absorbing and grating (to outsiders) condition. People should just stop posting on this thread if it winds them up to this degree.

How can you possibly know that that’s the reason he isn’t responding to posts or questions? “Profusely” thanking people? That’s not what I, and I’m sure anyone, wants. At the very least I want him to quit posting the whole “my cancer is advanced and my kids will grow up without a dad and cry at night” type posts.

I’m sorry, but he’s done this a few times, and each and every time he has refused to learn a lesson and do something about his anxiety. Do you honestly believe he isn’t posting these types of statements for effect? Seriously?

01-11-17, 16:03
How can you possibly know that that’s the reason he isn’t responding to posts or questions? “Profusely” thanking people? That’s not what I, and I’m sure anyone, wants. At the very least I want him to quit posting the whole “my cancer is advanced and my kids will grow up without a dad and cry at night” type posts.

I’m sorry, but he’s done this a few times, and each and every time he has refused to learn a lesson and do something about his anxiety. Do you honestly believe he isn’t posting these types of statements for effect? Seriously?

OP is at the very severe end of the anxiety spectrum. He's not rational. I'm probably in the same place. Even if he is posting things for effect, it could be because that's the only thing he can think of to do to get reassurance... even if the reassurance doesn't really help. Could be a sort of safety behaviour.

Or, yeah, he might be a tool.

No way of knowing really. Either way, if you find it so bothersome I think you should just stop reading his posts and leave it to the other people who aren't so upset by it.

Gary A
01-11-17, 16:17
OP is at the very severe end of the anxiety spectrum. He's not rational. I'm probably in the same place. Even if he is posting things for effect, it could be because that's the only thing he can think of to do to get reassurance... even if the reassurance doesn't really help. Could be a sort of safety behaviour.

Or, yeah, he might be a tool.

No way of knowing really. Either way, if you find it so bothersome I think you should just stop reading his posts and leave it to the other people who aren't so upset by it.

People keep saying that, but I actually had stopped responding to him. Everybody who had a problem had.

01-11-17, 16:40
People keep saying that, but I actually had stopped responding to him. Everybody who had a problem had.

But you still keep commenting on this thread.....

01-11-17, 16:47
Just a reminder to keep this to a civilised debate. And that is not aimed at any one person in particular, it is for all who chose to post.

Thanks folks

01-11-17, 16:53
So an update on this situation. I went back to the dentist yesterday and he took a look at it again. He said he thinks it is looking better than when I came in and said the surrounding tissue looked healthier (which I said a few days ago on here).

However, he wanted to let the oral surgeon take a look so he brought him in as well just to see if the oral surgeon had any other idea or wanted to biopsy it.

The oral surgeon said he thought it was healing too and said the area that has the lesion is easy to traumatize on someone like me because I have large prominent "lingual plates" that stick out into my mouth a bit. He said there a small amount of bone exposure which is common when injuring that area and he said he has seen people injure it quite a bit worse even.

Neither the dentist or the oral surgeon thought it really looked cancerous and the oral surgeon said it would be uncommon place to see oral cancer and it looks more like an injury.

The oral surgeon said to do salt water rinses 3-4 times a day and gave me another run of antibiotics but said not to take them unless I feel like it's getting infected again.

They want me to come back in 2 more weeks to make sure it's healing and he said we just need to make sure it's healing since any area of altered appearance needs to be monitored until its healed so they can biopsy it if needed.

Overall I feel "OK" I guess. On one hand, I'm glad neither of them think it looks like a cancerous lesion. However, I do hate that I just have to keep playing this waiting game and hoping it heals. :/

01-11-17, 17:03
Time to deal with the health anxiety and also start on your 15 minutes a day on here helping other sufferers

Gary A
01-11-17, 17:30
But you still keep commenting on this thread.....

But not in response to the OP....

01-11-17, 17:57
Time to deal with the health anxiety and also start on your 15 minutes a day on here helping other sufferers

^ This.

Darkside, look back through your thread. Do you think that's how non HAers react to such a problem?

01-11-17, 19:38
I hope you get some reassurance from this. Maybe visit the doctors to discuss your anxiety now. Maybe get some CBT to help with how you react to health worries. I've been there and even though I still have blips, I do think I react a lot better now.

As a human, especially in a time where people, on average, live longer than in the past, health issues will come up in people's lives. Most people will have run of the mill ageing stuff but sadly some will get more serious things. I know it's the big stuff we all fear, especially those with health anxiety issues. It's how we deal with our health worries that is important and how we accept that we have to have faith in the medical professional who are experts in health (not us, with our Dr Google diagnosises). I remember reading a lady on here who wrote, worrying about our health is not going to make it more or less likely that we are going to get something, so why constantly worry and waste our lives on something that may or may not happen. I know hyper vigilance is part of our health anxiety make up but worrying about small stuff, even after doctors havecreassured us, will just cause mental breakdowns and loss of relationships in the long run.

What really pushed me to seek help was my family, especially my children. I don't want them to develop anxiety issues surrounding health because of overhearing me talk about things. I'm sure you don't want that for your own children either.

Good luck, I hope you can now move on and seek a happier future.

02-11-17, 01:52
Just a reminder to keep this to a civilised debate. And that is not aimed at any one person in particular, it is for all who chose to post.

Thanks folks


And yes, I am aware even bumping this thread is annoying to some.

02-11-17, 08:55
But you don't know Gary's situation, Rainbow. Not everyone chooses to disclose how they are affected by anxiety. I agree with Gary in that anxiety should not be used as an excuse for anything and psychiatrists/psychologists certainly do so too. "Spiralling anxiety" can be used as an excuse to cover a whole range of behaviours, some of which can be dubious.

Gary A
02-11-17, 09:25
In this thread, I have reacted to what I perceive to be total ignorance toward a group of well meaning people. Admin requested that people who were being wound up simply avoid the thread. I did so.

However, when people start pointing out that comments from myself and others are “rude” then I think I’m well within my rights to defend mine and others stance and also point out that the OP is doing quite a good job of being “rude” himself.

I feel I’ve responded to these posts in a reasonable manner. I’ve given my opinion and taken others on board. No problem really.

02-11-17, 09:29
But you don't know Gary's situation, Rainbow. Not everyone chooses to disclose how they are affected by anxiety. I agree with Gary in that anxiety should not be used as an excuse for anything and psychiatrists/psychologists certainly do so too. "Spiralling anxiety" can be used as an excuse to cover a whole range of behaviours, some of which can be dubious.

You're right, i'm just not doing too good myself atm and I understand what its like to feel so scared and out of control although I do try to be considerate of other people and have always been grateful for any input i've received on here.

Elen, why did you delete my last post? I didn't think it was in anyway offensive. Sorry if it came across like that.

02-11-17, 09:41
Hi Rainbow, hope my pm has explained my reasoning.

02-11-17, 15:02
So an update on this situation. I went back to the dentist yesterday and he took a look at it again. He said he thinks it is looking better than when I came in and said the surrounding tissue looked healthier (which I said a few days ago on here).

However, he wanted to let the oral surgeon take a look so he brought him in as well just to see if the oral surgeon had any other idea or wanted to biopsy it.

The oral surgeon said he thought it was healing too and said the area that has the lesion is easy to traumatize on someone like me because I have large prominent "lingual plates" that stick out into my mouth a bit. He said there a small amount of bone exposure which is common when injuring that area and he said he has seen people injure it quite a bit worse even.

Neither the dentist or the oral surgeon thought it really looked cancerous and the oral surgeon said it would be uncommon place to see oral cancer and it looks more like an injury.

The oral surgeon said to do salt water rinses 3-4 times a day and gave me another run of antibiotics but said not to take them unless I feel like it's getting infected again.

They want me to come back in 2 more weeks to make sure it's healing and he said we just need to make sure it's healing since any area of altered appearance needs to be monitored until its healed so they can biopsy it if needed.

Overall I feel "OK" I guess. On one hand, I'm glad neither of them think it looks like a cancerous lesion. However, I do hate that I just have to keep playing this waiting game and hoping it heals. :/

So one doctor, two dentist, and an oral surgeon later, I truly hope you are ready to take a step back and look at the bigger issue here. Please find help, it is just going to keep spiraling out of control. I was/am in a similar situation as you are with the anxiety and things seem to keep going wrong. I hope you can find peace with yourself soon.

02-11-17, 17:09
In this thread, I have reacted to what I perceive to be total ignorance toward a group of well meaning people. Admin requested that people who were being wound up simply avoid the thread. I did so.

However, when people start pointing out that comments from myself and others are “rude” then I think I’m well within my rights to defend mine and others stance and also point out that the OP is doing quite a good job of being “rude” himself.

I feel I’ve responded to these posts in a reasonable manner. I’ve given my opinion and taken others on board. No problem really.

Those claiming rudeness didn't give names remember. There are definitely rude posts that have been in this thread, Admin have had to delete posts, so if you are going to argue on behalf of everyone you're putting yourself in the spotlight.

No arguments from me here but I think being so general opens you up to counter arguments that may not even apply to you.

03-11-17, 12:14
I'll be honest I'm still pretty concerned this could be oral cancer. The oral surgeon did want to see me back in 2 weeks to make sure it was healing so he must have believed there was some possibility it is oral cancer.

It's just not healing very much at all for the last 5-6 days. It basically looks the same. It definitely looks better than when I started with all of this but hasn't improved much in several days which is super depressing.

Whats also depressing is it is a little more painful today than it was yesterday.

03-11-17, 12:31
I'll be honest I'm still pretty concerned this could be oral cancer. The oral surgeon did want to see me back in 2 weeks to make sure it was healing so he must have believed there was some possibility it is oral cancer.

It's just not healing very much at all for the last 5-6 days. It basically looks the same. It definitely looks better than when I started with all of this but hasn't improved much in several days which is super depressing.

Whats also depressing is it is a little more painful today than it was yesterday.

But if it was cancer, it wouldn't have got better at all? Cancers don't improve with antibiotics and oral rinse. Not even a little bit.

03-11-17, 12:35
But if it was cancer, it wouldn't have got better at all? Cancers don't improve with antibiotics and oral rinse. Not even a little bit.

Yes, and why would anyone suspecting cancer apply a 2 week watch? Standard procedure is always test & rule out. That's certainly how our health system work anyway.

03-11-17, 13:15
Yes, I suppose those are both good points. Thanks.

I just wish it was healing faster. This is definitely the longest I've ever waited for any mouth problem to heal other than like a surgery. I do take hope that now 3 dental professionals have thought it didn't really "look like" cancer. But, my hypochondriac brain is still worrying :/ ... Mainly because it seems like the progress on healing has kind of stalled for the last 4-5 days. My brain thinks, maybe it is a cancer that got infected and that's why I noticed it. The antibiotics cleared the infection up in the surrounding tissue but the underlying cancer is still there and not healing.

03-11-17, 14:31
I just wish it was healing faster. This is definitely the longest I've ever waited for any mouth problem to heal other than like a surgery. I do take hope that now 3 dental professionals have thought it didn't really "look like" cancer. But, my hypochondriac brain is still worrying :/ ... Mainly because it seems like the progress on healing has kind of stalled for the last 4-5 days. My brain thinks, maybe it is a cancer that got infected and that's why I noticed it. The antibiotics cleared the infection up in the surrounding tissue but the underlying cancer is still there and not healing.

Are you rinsing with salt water 3/4 times a day, as I and others suggested weeks ago? How do you expect it to heal faster if you're not taking measures to speed up healing? You can also dissolve an aspirin in the salt water which helps.

03-11-17, 14:55
I've been using the prescribed chlorohexidine. I will start doing salt water rinses today as well.

Really hope this isn't cancer. By the time I go for my next check-up I will have been dealing with this for 1 month. It's already been almost 3 weeks since this all started. I just don't understand how a non-cancerous mouth lesion would take that long to heal.

03-11-17, 20:05
Do you think I have any reason to worry about this being oral cancer?

03-11-17, 21:11
Do you think I have any reason to worry about this being oral cancer?

Not at all darkside, I do understand the nature of the thoughts you are having and have fought through similar issues myself. The opinions of the professionals are far more valuable than any of us on here.
Wanting you to come back after a certain amount of time is more likely to be to check you don’t need steroids or a different type of antibiotic to help you heal.

This going on for so long must be quite draining on you, are you taking enough time for yourself? I understand with a family this is often hard to do, but if it’s possible try and take a moment to relax yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-11-17, 21:18
It is a little hard to take time for myself at the moment. And, also, I'm not sure I do well when I'm left to relax to myself and be stuck in my own thoughts. I stay pretty busy with family and business.

I wish I understood why it is healing so slowly or seems to be stagnating. It feels more sore today than it has other days this week. Maybe because I have been feeling it a lot with my tongue yesterday and today.

I'm just so frustrated by at all. Worn out by it. I still am not totally convinced it isn't cancer. I do hope that if the oral surgeon had a legit suspicion of cancer he wouldn't let me wait 3 weeks to get it seen again.

But, I know they are somewhat not suspecting cancer because of my age, no risk factors, and the location of the lesion is not common for oral cancer (in his words).

03-11-17, 21:26
It is a little hard to take time for myself at the moment. And, also, I'm not sure I do well when I'm left to relax to myself and be stuck in my own thoughts. I stay pretty busy with family and business.

I wish I understood why it is healing so slowly or seems to be stagnating. It feels more sore today than it has other days this week. Maybe because I have been feeling it a lot with my tongue yesterday and today.

I'm just so frustrated by at all. Worn out by it. I still am not totally convinced it isn't cancer. I do hope that if the oral surgeon had a legit suspicion of cancer he wouldn't let me wait 3 weeks to get it seen again.

But, I know they are somewhat not suspecting cancer because of my age, no risk factors, and the location of the lesion is not common for oral cancer (in his words).

Do you have any hobbies you might be able to spend a little time on? I know myself even when I have had time and I’ve been really wound up or down I don’t even feel like doing things that I really love but once I get going I’m usually able to enjoy it and take some time away from the thoughts.

I definitely think agitation from your tongue is very likely, the mouth is a dirty (in regards to the amount of bacteria that need to be in there) and also moist place. Imagine the wound were anywhere else but it’s always kept wet and moving ect I bet it would also take a good long while to heal too, especially if it had become infected but I can definitely appreciate that it must be frustrating and painful and you want it gone.

The surgeon wouldn’t make you wait if they had any slight thought that it could be anything sinister, can you imagine how it would reflect on him if it delayed your care when you needed it? It’s just not a risk they can take, remember it’s what puts food on the table for them too, I know I wouldn’t hesitate to send someone for further testing if I was unsure and my ability to put food on the table would be directly effected by it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-11-17, 00:47
It really bothers me that the pain is worse today. Has anyone else ever had a mouth lesion last this long? I feel like I'm spiraling out of control again with yet another 2 weeks of hoping it heals.

I just fear at the end of the day it will still be cancer and it will have spread by now.

04-11-17, 01:04
It really bothers me that the pain is worse today. Has anyone else ever had a mouth lesion last this long? I feel like I'm spiraling out of control again with yet another 2 weeks of hoping it heals.

I just fear at the end of the day it will still be cancer and it will have spread by now.

Two weeks is really not a long time to wait, why don't you do something with your children? take them out for the day anything

I know it's hard but try not looking at the sore for a couple days and the difference will probably be a lot antibiotics can sometimes make it worse before it gets better too.

04-11-17, 01:55
Sometimes more than one course is needed anyway and that's another reason why a follow up may have been arranged. A GP ould normally tell us to come back if it doesn't go which is just the same but prevents booking in appointments for all those people who just come back to say "yep, it's gone".

So, if you have finished the course and it starts coming back again (pain), maybe just a longer course is needed.

04-11-17, 10:37
Mouth lesion aside, have you made an appointment to discuss your health anxiety yet?

04-11-17, 18:08
No I haven't made an appointment to deal with anxiety yet. At this point, I'm not sure if my anxiety is even unwarranted. I have a mouth lesion that hasn't healed in 3 weeks now.

I'm honestly getting really concerned today. There is still no progress on the lesion at all in the last 5-6 days I would say. That is a major concern. I think whatever infection I had was cleared up but there is still cancer there remaining.

It's more painful today. I did salt rinses like 4-5 times yesterday. I'm at the end of my rope. I truly, truly, truly do not see how this can not be cancer. There is just no other explanation really at this point I don't think. Any normal lesion would have healed by now.

I'm back to total depression. Total despondence. I'm *so* frustrated treatment will have been delayed for almost an entire month while the doctors "just watch it". This is *exactly* what you read on cancer forums. Doctors want to watch things. They don't go away. Cancer diagnosis. It never fails. It's coming true in my life.

04-11-17, 18:50
Well if you think it's that serious get a emergency appointment to explain your worries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-11-17, 20:29
No I haven't made an appointment to deal with anxiety yet. At this point, I'm not sure if my anxiety is even unwarranted. I have a mouth lesion that hasn't healed in 3 weeks now.

I'm honestly getting really concerned today. There is still no progress on the lesion at all in the last 5-6 days I would say. That is a major concern. I think whatever infection I had was cleared up but there is still cancer there remaining.

It's more painful today. I did salt rinses like 4-5 times yesterday. I'm at the end of my rope. I truly, truly, truly do not see how this can not be cancer. There is just no other explanation really at this point I don't think. Any normal lesion would have healed by now.

I'm back to total depression. Total despondence. I'm *so* frustrated treatment will have been delayed for almost an entire month while the doctors "just watch it". This is *exactly* what you read on cancer forums. Doctors want to watch things. They don't go away. Cancer diagnosis. It never fails. It's coming true in my life.

Not that it'll help you, but for what it's worth I understand exactly how you feel at the moment (except I don't have children I suppose). With me it's cervical cancer.

Based on everything, I think mine's more likely to be cancer than yours. Hope we're both wrong. But, who knows, maybe we're both right and our days are numbered.

I currently do two pelvic exams a day and take photos and videos. I then look at them over and over, compare them to other photos and videos of cervices online, and read a lot of medical papers and watch seminars. Once I've become exhausted by my most recent photos and videos, I do the next pelvic exam and take more. The fact is that my supposed ectropion does not look like any other ectropions I can find, and only really fits the bill of cancer.

Sometimes 6mg of diazepam helps a bit, and I can then read a bit or do a crossword or even take a walk. But, otherwise, my life is an OCD and anxiety nightmare at the moment.

Hang in there bro.

04-11-17, 21:19
Not that it'll help you, but for what it's worth I understand exactly how you feel at the moment (except I don't have children I suppose). With me it's cervical cancer.

Based on everything, I think mine's more likely to be cancer than yours. Hope we're both wrong. But, who knows, maybe we're both right and our days are numbered.

I currently do two pelvic exams a day and take photos and videos. I then look at them over and over, compare them to other photos and videos of cervices online, and read a lot of medical papers and watch seminars. Once I've become exhausted by my most recent photos and videos, I do the next pelvic exam and take more. The fact is that my supposed ectropion does not look like any other ectropions I can find, and only really fits the bill of cancer.

Sometimes 6mg of diazepam helps a bit, and I can then read a bit or do a crossword or even take a walk. But, otherwise, my life is an OCD and anxiety nightmare at the moment.

Hang in there bro.

You need to stop doing your own pelvic exams.

04-11-17, 21:21
You need to stop doing your own pelvic exams.

Yeah I know. I don't have the strength of will to control the compulsion though.

04-11-17, 21:40
Welp. Now my voice is horse and have pheglm in my throat. I assume I have another lesion deeper in my throat I can’t see.

04-11-17, 21:44
Yeah I know. I don't have the strength of will to control the compulsion though.

Is there anyone who can help maybe ring a helpline don't know what to suggest, but you really can't be doing that :(

04-11-17, 22:49
I currently do two pelvic exams a day and take photos and videos. I then look at them over and over, compare them to other photos and videos of cervices online, and read a lot of medical papers and watch seminars. Once I've become exhausted by my most recent photos and videos, I do the next pelvic exam and take more. The fact is that my supposed ectropion does not look like any other ectropions I can find, and only really fits the bill of cancer.

You are going to do damage to yourself if you don't stop. Or cause an infection

04-11-17, 23:28
Yeah I know. I don't have the strength of will to control the compulsion though.

Also I seen you brought the tool, why did you buy it?

04-11-17, 23:33
O_O has her own post about all of this so can we please post on there rather than take over someone else's thread.


05-11-17, 00:08

05-11-17, 00:10
that is so weird KK - 2 different post numbers

05-11-17, 00:17
that is so weird KK - 2 different post numbers

That was very strange :shrug:

05-11-17, 00:44
Will I ever be better? At the end my rope to be honest. It’s been three full weeks. Granted I am better than I was 2 weeks ago but this last week hasn’t been much progress at all. I fear the worst. It’s cancer eating me away at only 31 years old.

05-11-17, 01:41
Will I ever be better? At the end my rope to be honest. It’s been three full weeks. Granted I am better than I was 2 weeks ago but this last week hasn’t been much progress at all. I fear the worst. It’s cancer eating me away at only 31 years old.

In which way are you asking?

1) will my mouth heal?


2) will I carry on living in fear over any new problem?

You know what we think about 1) and there isn't much further to really say without feeding reassurance. So, what do you think?

For 2), only if you decide to address it. You can avoid that and hope your life changes but I tend to believe it doesn't go away by chance and people have breaks and just keep coming back.

---------- Post added at 01:41 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------

No I haven't made an appointment to deal with anxiety yet. At this point, I'm not sure if my anxiety is even unwarranted. I have a mouth lesion that hasn't healed in 3 weeks now.

I'm honestly getting really concerned today. There is still no progress on the lesion at all in the last 5-6 days I would say. That is a major concern. I think whatever infection I had was cleared up but there is still cancer there remaining.

It's more painful today. I did salt rinses like 4-5 times yesterday. I'm at the end of my rope. I truly, truly, truly do not see how this can not be cancer. There is just no other explanation really at this point I don't think. Any normal lesion would have healed by now.

I'm back to total depression. Total despondence. I'm *so* frustrated treatment will have been delayed for almost an entire month while the doctors "just watch it". This is *exactly* what you read on cancer forums. Doctors want to watch things. They don't go away. Cancer diagnosis. It never fails. It's coming true in my life.

You think depression doesn't require addressing?

Regardless of cancer, have you ever looked at your post history and seen all the times you have been exactly the same and nothing came of it?

If you had cancer, and your mental health was like this, don't you think they would offer mental health treatment alongside cancer treatment? Our NHS certainly do. Mental heath issues whilst dealing with something so devastating is only logical, isn't it?

So, either way isn't the answer to seek treatment for your mental health?

07-11-17, 19:30
Any update? Or are we safe to assume that we were right?

08-11-17, 19:07
Update: still just waiting on my next appointment next Tuesday. I thought the spot looked a little smaller starting about 2 days ago. Even my wife thought the same. But now I am not so sure. It hasn't made any additional progress in 3-4 days again. It's so frustrating. I know the dentist will assume it is cancer now and biopsy it. This weekend will make one month I have been living with this. Obviously way longer than a mouth sore. Unfortunately it does look like I'll be diagnosed with cancer when I go back to the dentist.

08-11-17, 19:32
A dentist can't diagnose cancer, which it isn't. It looks smaller, yes? Cancer doesn't shrink. 4 weeks is nothing. I've had sores take 2 months to settle down. You need to take people's advice, get help, and not self diagnose. Anxiety will suppress your immune system, and therefore inhibit its ability to function optimally - trust me on this

Do you seriously think doctors and dentists, with years and years of experience have misdiagnosed you? If there was the slightest, tiniest, microscopic bit of doubt, you have been immediately referred. Yet you persist they've made a mistake and you know better than them?

08-11-17, 19:32
I really, really don't think that's going to happen. It's annoying that the lesion is taking so long to heal... but it is healing. It's getting smaller. You said so yourself. Just slowly. Sometimes they really can take a long time to heal.

I think your dentist will look at it and say it's good that it's improving.

May be wrong of course, but that's what I reckon.

08-11-17, 19:44
Yeah I have to say I was slightly encouraged a couple days ago. Around Sunday or Monday. The spot genuinely was starting to look a bit better IMO. But, that seems to have stalled or even reversed some today. Really a bummer. I dunno. At this point I'm pretty certain it is cancer to be honest.

08-11-17, 20:37
I really don't know what you want people to say. You haven't listened to anybody who's given you advice or helped, it's more like you want sympathy for a condition you don't have

08-11-17, 22:02
I don't really know either. I'm just severely depressed at this point since I have no other answer rather than cancer.

Unfortunately it's had time to progress further so I don't expect a good prognosis at all. Such a bummer. Leaving my kids behind at this age.

08-11-17, 22:05
There are other answers but you won't listen to them.

You are making your health worse worrying about it all - you do NOT have a diagnosis of cancer at all.

Please stop all this negativity and get on with living and enjoy your wife and kids.

08-11-17, 22:12
Dark side, cancer doesn't spontaneously heal itself. Be logical. You have had a nasty mouth ulcer, you've taken antibiotics, it's taking a while to heal but it is healing. Try and get a project to focus on and you'll probably have a better chance of forgetting the mouth ulcer and one day you'll check and it'll be gone. I had a bartholin gland cyst after giving birth a few years ago. I didn't believe the doctors that it was a fairly common cyst. Googled relentlessly, terrified myself, looked into things like statistics. A few things came up and my mind was occupied with other stuff. Guess What, a few weeks down the line, I checked and it was gone.

08-11-17, 23:04
Are you reading posts, or deliberately ignoring them? How exactly has it "progressed further"? Why are you saying stupid things about leaving your kids? How, exactly, can we impress on you how illogical and irrational you're being when you're sticking you're effectively sticking fingers in your ears?

I've seen cancer, how it grows, and the symptoms it exhibits. You have zero symptoms, numerous medical professional opinions, sound advice from people, yet you ignore the lot with doom mongering statements of no relevance to what you have. I bet 99% of people on here would be delighted if a mouth sore was the worst of their problems.

09-11-17, 01:39
Are you reading posts, or deliberately ignoring them? How exactly has it "progressed further"? Why are you saying stupid things about leaving your kids? How, exactly, can we impress on you how illogical and irrational you're being when you're sticking you're effectively sticking fingers in your ears?

I've seen cancer, how it grows, and the symptoms it exhibits. You have zero symptoms, numerous medical professional opinions, sound advice from people, yet you ignore the lot with doom mongering statements of no relevance to what you have. I bet 99% of people on here would be delighted if a mouth sore was the worst of their problems.

They already do, it's just bumps on heads, headaches, twitches, lumps, bruises etc and a whole load of anxiety...which they share with Darkside.

Darkside - remember what I said about my gum infection and the multiple treatments?

Remember what we said about what antibiotics don't work on?

---------- Post added at 01:39 ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 ----------

I find it very sad that 2 people have chosen to rate an thread about someone's mental health as 1 star - Terrible. It's inappropriate to use voting at all!

So, here's a 5 star from me to balance out that behaviour.

09-11-17, 08:39
[/COLOR]I find it very sad that 2 people have chosen to rate an thread about someone's mental health as 1 star - Terrible. It's inappropriate to use voting at all!

So, here's a 5 star from me to balance out that behaviour.

I didn't know there was voting on here. I get it for the post-it/stickies, but not for other posts. Give that a miss.

10-11-17, 21:02
No progress again today. Tomorrow will mark 4 weeks since this started. Clearly it is cancer.

10-11-17, 21:48
No progress again today. Tomorrow will mark 4 weeks since this started. Clearly it is cancer.

I still don't think it's cancer. We should have a competition where people can vote on which of us is more likely to have cancer! You post photos of your mouth sore, I'll post photos of my cervix, what do you say?

---------- Post added at 21:48 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

Very disappointed at the lack of uptake on my enlightened suggestion.

10-11-17, 22:31
If it's not cancer I have no idea what it is. It's a lesion that has been in my mouth for a month without going away. Sounds a lot like cancer to me.

10-11-17, 22:33
If it's not cancer I have no idea what it is. It's a lesion that has been in my mouth for a month without going away. Sounds a lot like cancer to me.

There are canker sores that last longer than that. Some are just persistent. Plus, it is getting better! Slowly but surely.

10-11-17, 22:34
If it's not cancer I have no idea what it is. It's a lesion that has been in my mouth for a month without going away. Sounds a lot like cancer to me.

Have you been rinsing with salt water every day?

You will see doc and dentist again soon so will get a diagnosis.

10-11-17, 22:35
Have you been rinsing with salt water every day?

You will see doc and dentist again soon so will get a diagnosis.

Yes, multiple times a day.

11-11-17, 01:45
I didn't know there was voting on here. I get it for the post-it/stickies, but not for other posts. Give that a miss.

Afraid so. And we've had two more votes since which have pulled the average down. It's embarassing.

---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

Yes, multiple times a day.

All that does is keep it clean & promote healing. It's good advice though.

But if you've run out of antibiotics then you need to be going back and they will give you some more. Otherwise you are just letting the infection grow again.

11-11-17, 16:17
Another day with absolutely no progress at all. Cancer diagnosis is all that remains for me I’m afraid. Painful treatment, crying family, etc.

It’s been one month today. An entire month. The cancer has had so much time to spread.

---------- Post added at 10:17 ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 ----------

I’m just done. Mentally exhausted. Cancer is consuming me.

11-11-17, 16:18
HA is consuming you, and for that I feel sorry for your wife and kids, because that is what is really taking you away from them

11-11-17, 16:27
You don't have cancer, you likely have some sort of infection... that's what causes swollen lymph nodes and soreness. Go to the doctor.

11-11-17, 16:35
Cancer isn't consuming you.

You need serious help, you're not listening to anybody on here. We can't provide anymore advice or reassurance.

11-11-17, 17:42
Why are you all so sure it’s not cancer?

11-11-17, 18:18
Because you have been told by several professionals that it isn't and you said it is healing a bit.

11-11-17, 18:33
Why are you all so sure it’s not cancer?

Also, when Fishmanpa told you exactly what to do to get treatment, as you were so sure you had OC, and he is an OC survivor, you got upset and told him to stop posting about it because it was making you feel worse and depressing you.

So what would you say to someone else in your position?

12-11-17, 00:35
So depressed tonight. Knowing these are the last few days before my cancer diagnosis. I can’t believe how this is all happened. Fearing cancer all this time and then on the brink of diagnosis of something relatively rare for my age and lack of risk factors.

I hate life. I hate knowing I’ll be dying soon. I hate having to leave my kids behind, leaving them to cry every night.

12-11-17, 00:36
So depressed tonight. Knowing these are the last few days before my cancer diagnosis. I can’t believe how this is all happened. Fearing cancer all this time and then on the brink of diagnosis of something relatively rare for my age and lack of risk factors.

I hate life. I hate knowing I’ll be dying soon. I hate having to leave my kids behind, leaving them to cry every night.

Even if you had cancer it doesn't mean you will be dying soon.

12-11-17, 00:38
Have you actually heard yourself?

It's almost like you want it to be bad news so you can say "told you so"

12-11-17, 00:46
So depressed tonight. Knowing these are the last few days before my cancer diagnosis. I can’t believe how this is all happened. Fearing cancer all this time and then on the brink of diagnosis of something relatively rare for my age and lack of risk factors.

I hate life. I hate knowing I’ll be dying soon. I hate having to leave my kids behind, leaving them to cry every night.

A positive attitude is more than half the battle of surviving. Sadly, with that attitude, you don't stand a chance, cancer or no cancer :lac:

Frankly, what I'm reading here is an insult to all warriors and survivors :mad:


12-11-17, 00:48
The one problem you know you have is anxiety and depression, and without treating those, cancer or no cancer is irrelevant. You will not be living life until you deal with it, regardless of whether or not you have cancer.

And your kids will already be missing you now, because you are not living in their present, you are just worrying about how it will be when you are gone. But as someone who has been in your dark place I can tell you it will never change until you deal with the real problem. Anxiety and depression. Get some help.

12-11-17, 01:02

Then, again, please stop reading.

I have a month long non healing lesion. At this points it’s not even hypochondria - it’s anxiety about a real condition.

12-11-17, 01:05

Then, again, please stop reading.

I have a month long non healing lesion. At this points it’s not even hypochondria - it’s anxiety about a real condition.

Well let me know how I can help when you're diagnosed. I won't be holding my breath :shades:


12-11-17, 01:33
You do realise how little a month actually is? You said it's improved by a little, how would you spot change if you're constantly looking everyday? I had a bruise once and I watched it every day just for no reason really and I couldn't spot any change the couple days I left it I did.

Even if you had cancer which is highly unlikely with it improving and medical professionals telling you it doesn't look like cancer, it isn't a death sentence and you should know that because someone who beat cancer is commenting on your threads, I believe he was also stage 4? (sorry if I'm wrong fish)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-11-17, 02:01
I really think at this point you are disrespecting fishmanpa who has been so helpful to me and others. You have not been diagnosed you have seen drs who day it isn’t cancer. Even if it is maybe it’s cureable. I hope your attitude doesn’t effect your kids but I fear it will. I believe my mother played a big role in the development of my ha. I truly do feel bad for u but please no matter the outcome get psych help

12-11-17, 02:03
someone who beat cancer is commenting on your threads, I believe he was also stage 4? (sorry if I'm wrong fish)

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Tx N2b MO Stage IVa HPV+ which means, Tx: Unknown Primary (accounts for only 1-2% of all H&N cancers). N2b: Affecting 2 or more lymph nodes. MO: has not metastasized. Stage IVa speaks for it self as well as testing HPV+ which actually was a positive as HPV positive H&N cancers typically respond well to treatment.

Sadly, it's quite apparent that I'm just venting as it's very personal for me. The utter selfishness and irrationality HA causes in people is absolutely mind boggling. Darkside, I truly feel for ya man... Between my heart challenges and cancer, I went through physical issues I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy but I wouldn't trade it for the what you're fighting :lac:

I've said this here many times... I have real physical issues than can bury me 6 feet under at any given time. You're suffering from something just as serious and it's doing that to you right now above ground. For God's sake man, you've already buried yourself!

Good luck


12-11-17, 02:22
I really wish people would not post their cancer diagnosis information in this thread.

12-11-17, 02:30
Why? You don't have cancer.
We really wish you'd acknowledge and answer all the posts. You are ignoring almost everyone. You are worried about leaving your wife and children but unfortunately you already have. How can you be there when you are so anxious and wrapped up in yourself.

I'll post this for the 3rd time that i have a 6+ month old open wound. 1 month is nothing and doesn't even come close to qualifying as a chronic wound.

12-11-17, 02:49
I really wish people would not post their cancer diagnosis information in this thread.

Have you gotten any help at all for your anxiety and depression?

12-11-17, 03:02
Why on earth don’t I want to hear stories of people who survived cancer when according to u u will have a diagnosis in a few days. I’m assuming u will forgo treatment if u do have cancer as u have decided survival is impossible

12-11-17, 10:14
I really wish people would not post their cancer diagnosis information in this thread.

This wish implies that you know that you are in a HA spiral.

No more weeping kids or inconsolable wife to worry about based on what FMP has been through and survived.

12-11-17, 13:56
You first posted about this on 15th October and you'd already had the lesion for a week then so that means you've had the sore for well over a month. If it was cancer it would have got a lot worse by now, it doesn't stop once it starts and certainly wouldn't "look a bit better" after a month, it would have got bigger and spread to a wider area.

Gary A
12-11-17, 14:07
I really wish people would not post their cancer diagnosis information in this thread.

Is that as bad as posting about a cancer diagnosis you haven’t had and won’t get? Is that as bad as posting about how your kids will cry for you when you die, or how you’ll waste away and leave your wife? All of that, again, due to a diagnosis you haven’t had and will not get?

You might have anxiety, you might have depression, but I’ll tell you what, none of that excuses how horrible a person you appear to be. You have gotten quite a bit of sympathy on this thread and others, you deserve absolutely none of it.

12-11-17, 14:13
As an aside, I had a friend who had an open lesion in his gums for three months before it healed. He never even suspected cancer, nor did his doctor, nor dentist. They didn't biopsy it, they barely looked at it. When it was healing slowly, they told him to lay off coffee and soda and make sure he brushed his teeth well and got more sleep. It went away.

I know a oral head and neck cancer survivor too (besides Fish, who has literally told you over and over based on his own experiences you do not). My friend's symptoms were nothing like yours at all. You would know you were in trouble for a slew of other reasons, not an open sore. Stay the hell away from Google.

I have gotten to the point where I am not sure why I am responding to this thread anymore. I have asked, maybe four or five times if you have sought help for your anxiety or depression, the real underlying problem here, and you have never acknowledged a single post. You cherry pick the posts that confirm or acknowledge your imminent demise and ignore literally EVERYTHING else. So, this will be my last comment on this debacle, as it seems to be as useful as spitting into the wind. I sometimes have to ask if your posts are even real, or if you are somehow trolling, as it seems you are so contrary to someone who is seeking help.

The real problem here is obsessive thought cycles, anxiety and depression. All of which can contribute to the the body's process of not healing well, by the way. Until you make an attempt to face those problems, rather than coming here for death confirmation disguised as symptom reassurance, you are pretty much going to stand very little chance of improved mood.

13-11-17, 15:56
No real progress today... again. I go back to the dentist tomorrow for a follow-up (2 weeks since my last visit). I expect to get the cancer diagnosis then or at least they will be very concerned it is cancer.

Depression at its worst.

13-11-17, 16:19
Did you read anyone elses post?

13-11-17, 16:20
Yes. I do take some small comfort that it looks a little better than it did 3-4 weeks ago. However, I believe that is due to the infection clearing up but the underlying cancer is still present. Does that make sense?

13-11-17, 16:23
This wish implies that you know that you are in a HA spiral.

No more weeping kids or inconsolable wife to worry about based on what FMP has been through and survived.

No replies to this?

13-11-17, 16:42
The way you go on about a cancer diagnosis is honestly disturbing, you haven't been told by one medical professional that they suspect cancer - which if they did they would say, then your posts would make a bit of sense.

It's not cancer till they say it's cancer till then you have a good health go out and enjoy yourself, go for a walk, your poor children must be seriously missing out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-11-17, 17:09
Yes. I do take some small comfort that it looks a little better than it did 3-4 weeks ago. However, I believe that is due to the infection clearing up but the underlying cancer is still present. Does that make sense?
No it doesn't make any sense whatsoever :doh:

Gary A
13-11-17, 17:29
Yes. I do take some small comfort that it looks a little better than it did 3-4 weeks ago. However, I believe that is due to the infection clearing up but the underlying cancer is still present. Does that make sense?

So an infection that’s due to cancer is clearing up while the cancer is progressing? Is that what you’re saying?

Sorry, I just had to put that into words there to hopefully make you realise how fu**ing stupid that is.

13-11-17, 19:25
Yep Gary, wonky thinking at its best :)

13-11-17, 21:58
Did you read anyone elses post?

I think this thing has become some sort of maniacal journal of self destruction more than any effort to be supported or get help. 40 pages ago or so I offered helpful advice, tossed in here and there a couple of times. Now all I see is "woe-is-me I am pretty much a dead man walking" scream into the void.

13-11-17, 22:17
Keep in mind the OP's pattern has been going on here since January and before that on Anxiety Zone for at least another year with similar reactions and frustration from people replying. It's just his MO. Sadly, I believe the forum and members are just a sounding board for his irrationality and as has been noted, advice and any thing else is ignored :mad:


13-11-17, 22:19
So an infection that’s due to cancer is clearing up while the cancer is progressing? Is that what you’re saying?

Sorry, I just had to put that into words there to hopefully make you realise how fu**ing stupid that is.

Basically yes, this is a good summary of my current thinking.

13-11-17, 22:41
How can u possible believe that? It’s cmearing up and u still think it’s cancer? Can u explain why?

Gary A
13-11-17, 22:48
Basically yes, this is a good summary of my current thinking.

Well, as I said, that’s stupid. You think you know so much about cancer yet you actually believe that cancer caused infections improve without the cancer itself being treated. Just...wow. :scared15:

14-11-17, 01:37
I think this thing has become some sort of maniacal journal of self destruction more than any effort to be supported or get help. 40 pages ago or so I offered helpful advice, tossed in here and there a couple of times. Now all I see is "woe-is-me I am pretty much a dead man walking" scream into the void.

Thats's why Nic recommended everyone leaving the thread alone. Not all are comfortable with that though. I think posting on a thread like this means you have to apply some acceptance of your own so you don't get frustrated - you may be talking to yourself.

It doesn't bother me as it's just the HA board so hardly new. There is this misconception that repetitive posters aren't doing anything when it's possible of any of us, it's just that not all of us are reassurance-seekers so you won't hear about it.

He's got to reach his turning point, we can try but ultimately it's him or loved ones that will make it happen with many sufferers,

16-11-17, 21:39

I went back to the dentist / oral surgeon for my follow-up. The oral surgeon looked at it and pressed it a bit with his mirror and a small piece of bone came out, which was the yellow area. Basically a small piece of bone worked its way through my gum where I had apparently injured it or something. He said new gum tissue has already grown behind it and it should be basically over and no follow-up appointment was set.

However, I'm a little concerned because the tissue behind were the bone came through gums is a little red. I'm wondering if that is cancer underlying or something. Or maybe it's just red from healing?

16-11-17, 21:56

I went back to the dentist / oral surgeon for my follow-up. The oral surgeon looked at it and pressed it a bit with his mirror and a small piece of bone came out, which was the yellow area. Basically a small piece of bone worked its way through my gum where I had apparently injured it or something. He said new gum tissue has already grown behind it and it should be basically over and no follow-up appointment was set.



16-11-17, 22:26

16-11-17, 22:26
I don't know. I'm still worried about the redness.

Gary A
17-11-17, 00:15
I don't know. I'm still worried about the redness.

Stop it. Seriously, just stop it.

17-11-17, 01:42
I don't know. I'm still worried about the redness.

That's the point, you have an anxiety disorder. It won't just go away, it doesn't want to as it is doing what it has learned to do to protect you. Until you give it something else to learn, it's just doing what it is supposed to.

17-11-17, 05:19
HA! finally I have been reading through these threads and funnily enough I have suffered 3 fictitious diseases in the meantime as I was watching and waiting to find out that you did in fact not have another cancer. So glad you found out you are ok.

17-11-17, 11:25
For the love of God get help for your anxiety. I faced my doctor fears two weeks ago to go get meds and a referral and I can tell you that there is massive hope!! I feel like a different person already. I’m not obsessing about health isssues 24/7. And the meds haven’t even fully kicked in. Honestly I am so pleased I sought help - have also had my first appointment with a psychologist- and I can highly recommend that to you. If you are serious about a future with your family please please consider treating your anxiety.

17-11-17, 17:09
You had a piece of bone there, which irritated and infected the area. This is why it's red.

23-11-17, 00:55
OK I am basically back to thinking it is oral cancer. The area is still just as red as last week. I think I was right that this is the underlying cancer lesion. I had bumped the cancer which broke off a piece of bone and caused it to get inflamed. Once that was healed the cancer is still there.

Why is it still red?

23-11-17, 01:56
OK I am basically back to thinking it is oral cancer. The area is still just as red as last week. I think I was right that this is the underlying cancer lesion. I had bumped the cancer which broke off a piece of bone and caused it to get inflamed. Once that was healed the cancer is still there.

Why is it still red?

From your later thread:

I know that I have often been irrational in the past. I just hope this isn't the beginning of melanoma.

So, what do you think about your nail melanoma now?

Did you forget about your mouth cancer when worrying about your nail melanoma?

Gary A
23-11-17, 09:55
OK I am basically back to thinking it is oral cancer. The area is still just as red as last week. I think I was right that this is the underlying cancer lesion. I had bumped the cancer which broke off a piece of bone and caused it to get inflamed. Once that was healed the cancer is still there.

Why is it still red?

What are the odds of you bumping the exact area where you have an underlying cancerous lesion and causing a completely different symptom which alerted you to the cancerous lesion? That’s not even a coincidence, that’s just plain silly.

I want to think you aren’t just a piss taker, but it becomes harder every time you post. There are clear inconsistencies in your story.

I don’t know why anyone would be so utterly determined to have some form of cancer, and not only that, even more determined to have everyone else think they have some form of cancer.

If you aren’t just simply at it, then can you please just stop posting this utter nonsense here? You acknowledged in your last thread that your thinking was due to mental illness and anxiety, so why aren’t you trying to get that dealt with rather than pointlessly posting here trying to convince everyone you have cancer?

You apparently have a wife and kids, yet you refuse to do something to try and aid yourself in getting a handle on this. Aren’t they fed up with listening to you? If your board activities are anything to go by, then you must be an absolute nightmare in real life.

You come across as an incredibly self centred individual who isn’t happy unless he’s shouting “woe is me” at the world. Prove me wrong, please. Go to a doctor, tell them about what you’re thinking, tell them how you can’t have a physical symptom without demanding it’s cancerous, and tell them you absolutely need some help in dealing with your real illness.

I will not be responding to you again unless you acknowledge this post and for once, do the right thing. I would strongly advise everyone else to do the same. We aren’t helping by lavishing you with attention, we’re hindering you, in fact. Be a man, be an adult, be a responsible husband and father and get your arse to a mental health expert.

26-11-17, 00:39
I'm wondering if the bumping it wasn't really related. My theory is that the cancer is eating away at the bone. Caused a piece of bone to die, which was expelled through the gum. All of that healed but the cancer is still there eating away at me.

The spot is still red. It's been almost two weeks now since the bone fragment came out. There is still a small red area where it came out. I don't know. I want to think it's just fresh gum tissue still healing but it's getting harder every day that it doesn't really improve.

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:18 ----------

Does that make sense?

26-11-17, 02:25
Don't you think the highly trained oral specialists who looked at it would have worked that out if it was the case? Why do you think you would but they wouldn't?

And...how do you feel about your nail melanoma now?