View Full Version : Unusual weight loss

15-10-17, 18:17
I can see on my body and the way clothes fit that I知 losing weight but yet my scale says I知 the same give or take a pound. Does anyone know what this could mean ?

heavy metal anxiety
15-10-17, 18:19
I can see on my body and the way clothes fit that I知 losing weight but yet my scale says I知 the same give or take a pound. Does anyone know what this could mean ?

If you are around my age id say you are changing shape [emoji3]

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15-10-17, 18:22
I’m 39

15-10-17, 22:57
Body dysmorphia? I've had that along with health anxiety before. I had lost a small amount of weight due to stress, but nowhere near as much as I convinced myself I had.

16-10-17, 00:22
Are you active/athletic? I know it's sort of a cliche, but muscle does weigh more than fat... so it wouldn't be surprising to look slimmer but actually weigh around the same if you're not cutting out calories.

16-10-17, 01:26
No I知 not fit I知 142 pounds, since I have been going through this spell of health anxiety I have been crying and staying in my room basically 3 weeks. No exersice just major depression over my stomach issues 😢

16-10-17, 04:13
Well, there's always water retention... and the fact that our waste can weigh a bit. People's weight differs depending on the time of day, so if you wanted to experiment, you'd probably need a regular eating/sleeping schedule and then try the same time of the day on several occasions. But were there something really strange going on, it would be very noticeable. Like a really swollen/painful area (although I wouldn't recommend prodding yourself for hours - eventually you will feel something in your abdomen that's supposed to be there). Something big enough to see/feel without needing to look for it. So I wouldn't worry.

16-10-17, 07:16
your scale is not lying to you, you're not losing weight.

16-10-17, 12:50
Unusual weight loss

I can see on my body and the way clothes fit that I知 losing weight but yet my scale says I知 the same give or take a pound. Does anyone know what this could mean ?

That it's not weight loss at all? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

16-10-17, 19:30
I’m in this club, I’m obsessed with the fact that my arms and legs bellow the knee) are shrinking , along with my feet (gone from 10 to 9 in some shoes not all) but putting weight on elsewhere, because I eat mainly crap food...

Also hate my skinny face and neck

Although looking at neck looks wider

Wow �� I sound like a proper fruit cake

17-10-17, 12:59
Losing weight doesn't always mean losing fat.. so just because the scales are showing that your weight hasnt changed as such, doesn't mean your body composition hasn't altered a bit.. If you've been really down and not looking after yourself food-wise you could be losing muscle mass, but putting on fat etc. The way you put on fat will depend on where you're prone to store it, but would make a certain part of you look bigger while the muscle loss will shrink you elsewhere...this could be why your clothes are fitting differently :) Not saying you're eating enough to potentially gain fat, but there are many reasons scale weight won't reflect your body looking different. There is water weight and waste weight to consider also, plus hormones..