View Full Version : A few more things

14-06-07, 21:21
Hi all! I have a few more symptoms which are really bothering me at the moment. For about the last 5 days I've had constant tingling/pins and needles in my feet and ankles, when I'm sat down I notice it more and it feels like it's spreading up my legs and into my knees. I've also been getting it on and off in my hands, arms and head. I've also been getting a strange feeling in my brain which I've managed to find http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_zaps, I can't understand this as I'm not on any medication. I see citalopram is on there, but I was only on it for a month a few years back.

Also, I wondered if blotchy hands are normal. When my hands are hanging downwards the skin comes up in pink and white blotches, when I hold my hands up they look normal again. I'm worried both of these are signs of poor circulation.

Any help would be really good! :ohmy:

15-06-07, 09:57

Try these links hun they may help, pins and needles are another one of those awful symptoms with anxiety, might be a good idea to get things checked at the doctors too to put your mind at ease.

Pins/needles, tingling
Pins and Needles & Tingling (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1982)
I Hate It !!!!!!!!!!1 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5745)
pins and needles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6418)
numbness?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6456)


15-06-07, 22:20
Thanks for the help honeybee! I know tingling is a classic sign of anxiety, I also know it's probably what it is, as it's not so bad when I forget about it, but it's been like it for days, all day, everyday. I don't want to go back to the doctors unless I really have to. I don't know of anyone else with this blotchy hand thing, it's completely unrelated to anxiety, it's bothering me that it might be poor circulation.

Thanks again! :)

16-06-07, 02:23
I have the blotchy hand thing. Sometimes a lot, sometimes I don't notice it. I notice it is much worse if I haven't been drinking enough water. Like maybe I'm swollen in my tissues and need more water?

They also get better when I hold them up. I've had my legs checked for circulation due to the tingling thing and they were normal. I think the splotchy thing can be normal or something simple and most people just don't notice it. :)

17-06-07, 03:14
Yeah its poor circulation but not going to kill you ..You sound like my typical day ..except you didnt mention the blue or purple look to your legs and hands sometimes..I have a nurse friend that says its pretty normal as you age to experience this and speaking of aging it doesnt have to be old.. Good Luck God Bless and you are normal. PS the brain thing is freaky but think it comes from tension ..the way we are so uptight and move our heads it constricts nerves and muscles and arteries for a moment and then you are back to normal but worried.But no worries try to relax and it will subside..

19-06-07, 13:17
Thanks for the replies both of you. I've decided to go back to the doctor's as I have various things that are really bothering me, as much as I really don't want to go.

05-08-08, 17:55
Anyone have any further info on this hand blotchiness thing? My hands (I think) have been this way for a while, seems worse now. Definitely worse with anxiety, but I think it's present much of the time, a patchy, blotchy pattern that looks almost like a messy lacework pattern w/ red & white spots. Raising my hand helps, though it sometimes doesn't go away completely. Googling for patchy palms is no good (though I pretty sure I don't have cirrohsis at 30), but I wonder if this might be a symptom of some RSI/carpal tunnel/ulnar tunnel (possibly thoracic outlet syndrome?) stuff I've got going on...

05-08-08, 20:28
I had symptoms like this and i have a vitamin deficiency low b12 have you had your blood checked for anything like this if not it might be worth doing as the pins and needles and the numbness was the first sign for me then i just got more symptoms within weeks.

05-08-08, 20:48
When this whole health anxiety things started (March or so), I had some blood tests run, and everything came back fine. I was taking a multivitamin at the time, which I'm not taking now, so perhaps that's worth beginning again to see if there's any change. Thanks for the advice!

Did you have the blotchy hands? Still in the dark about those...

15-08-08, 20:48
Aargh. This is bugging me again.

Has anyone actually had a Dr. check out their blotchy palms?

13-04-10, 20:05
I know this is an old post but I'll offer my view in case anyone else has similar problems.

I've been having exactly the same symptoms for about 8 months; tingling/numb fingers and hands (especially at night) plus red, blotchy palms. After many fruitless visits to my doctor and my own research on the web, I've reached the conclusion that this is caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. This can be down to many things but in my case I think has been caused through prolonged heavy drinking (40-50 units a week for 10+ years). Although red/blotchy palms (usually accompanied by other symptoms) can be caused by cirrhosis and other liver problems, in my case this has been excluded by 3 separate LFT tests and an ultrasound.

Cutting down on alcohol has stopped the numbness and tingling, although my palms are still blotchy. Maybe they'll improve with time. If drinking's not a likely cause of your problem, check for other causes of B12 deficiency.

I haven't had my theory confirmed yet but will be getting more blood test results back in a few days.

Hope this is useful to someone. If it makes sense, speak to your doctor and ask for blood tests.

13-04-10, 20:15
Forgot to mention... I've also been getting mild tinnitus (ringing in my ears). This could be coincidental but it's also a possible symptom of nerve damage which can be caused through alcoholism/B12 deficiency.

13-04-10, 20:29
Both these things can also be caused by Anxiety .A lot of people suffer with them .Have you read the Symptoms page on the main Menu ? Anxiety is responsible for a lot of things we go through .By the way :welcome:T/c Sue x