View Full Version : Flu? Cancer? No idea what's going on with me..

15-10-17, 21:27
Not sure where to post this but a week ago I had a cold.. it went away a few days ago.. I was fine when I went to bed this morning I woke up weirdly at 6am I was gasping for air and thought maybe it was a panic attack in my sleep I suffer with those and GAD. Throughout my day I've had muscle aches and pains.. my head feels pressured. I've felt like dying all day. I've been having stomach pains and been pooping a lot today was all solid until my last one.. my heart rate has been fast all day but no other symptoms like pain in my heart.. I just feel an ache in my body and it's not my usual anxiety type. I'm agoraphobic and hate going out let alone to the doctors but if this was my cold turning into an infection would it be a sign of sepsis or some other dangerous and fatal thing like cancer or whatever? It's hard to get out and get checked.. I don't take any meds not even paracetamol.

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15-10-17, 23:46
Hey - I'm actually on immunosuppressant so my risk of those kinds of scary infections is much higher than yours, so this was my experience last night:

Had worsening sinus symptoms/ear infection that finally became a fever. I was nauseous, dizzy, you name it. All tests came back pretty much normal, and they felt sending a guy like me home to get some rest - and believe me, there are some risks involved with my conditions.

Easier said than done, but I wouldn't worry too much unless you're having a very high fever or one that doesen't go away after a few days. Honestly, a fever may help fight whatever it is you've caught that's going around.

That being said... hydrate and try to put some food down. Bananas are good especially if you're losing some fluid because you'll want some potassium. Hope you're feeling better - I know this might not be entirely comforting, but even though I felt positively miserable last night, and wanted to assume the worst, the kinds of things you're worrying about are usually a lot more severe and specific.

16-10-17, 20:31
Hey - I'm actually on immunosuppressant so my risk of those kinds of scary infections is much higher than yours, so this was my experience last night:

Had worsening sinus symptoms/ear infection that finally became a fever. I was nauseous, dizzy, you name it. All tests came back pretty much normal, and they felt sending a guy like me home to get some rest - and believe me, there are some risks involved with my conditions.

Easier said than done, but I wouldn't worry too much unless you're having a very high fever or one that doesen't go away after a few days. Honestly, a fever may help fight whatever it is you've caught that's going around.

That being said... hydrate and try to put some food down. Bananas are good especially if you're losing some fluid because you'll want some potassium. Hope you're feeling better - I know this might not be entirely comforting, but even though I felt positively miserable last night, and wanted to assume the worst, the kinds of things you're worrying about are usually a lot more severe and specific.Just wanna thank you for the reply.. I still don't know what it may be but I'm hoping it's just flu.. been in bed all day for the last 2 days. Drinking lots of water. Also losing a lot from diarrhoea. Head is killing and it hurts to move even slightly. Not sure how I've caught it if it is flu as I haven't been out of the house in forever.. my parents work with the public so my guess is I caught it from them yet they haven't had any flu.. either way whatever I got it sucks. As I'm sure your situation does. I hope we both get better soon as I'm so fed up of it and it's only been 2 or 3 days..

Best wishes.

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16-10-17, 21:32
I don't know where you live in the world, but I think allergies are playing into a lot of my symptoms (aside from the fever and nausea). If you don't have a fever it's probably okay to see how you feel after a week. If you do have a fever, probably should see a doctor after 2-3 days. Doesn't mean it's anything serious, but they might decide an antibiotic would help you.

17-10-17, 13:49
I live in the UK currently. I get allergies but I don't think they play a part in how I feel now. The aches have gone thankfully. Still suffering from stomach cramps and diarrhoea and I'm so damn hungry because I haven't eaten anything in days apart from toast which went straight through me. Didn't help that it was brown bread but I needed something. I hate being hungry.. ive lost weight which sucks and I'm just hoping this diarrhoea goes soon so I can indulge in as many calories as I can to get my weight back up..

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19-10-17, 07:50
Hey, don't want to scare you, because if your symptoms are improving, that is good. But if you think dehydration is a possibility I would really get some help, especially if you can't put food down. The ER will hook you up with plenty of fluid, and I can promise that alone will probably make you feel loads better.

19-10-17, 08:41
Hey, don't want to scare you, because if your symptoms are improving, that is good. But if you think dehydration is a possibility I would really get some help, especially if you can't put food down. The ER will hook you up with plenty of fluid, and I can promise that alone will probably make you feel loads better.I'm definitely not dehydrated. I've drank at least 15 bottles of water in the 4 days I had the worst symptoms. I've just started eating yesterday. I smelled bacon from downstairs and I caved in. Also been drinking tea and having slices of toast. I don't have diarrhoea but my stool is still a bit mushy and not quite solid. I think it may be due to malabsorbtion so now I'm trying to put more butter on my toast and use more milk in my tea unless you may have a better solution? I don't know much about it. How are you doing anyway?

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28-10-17, 03:37
Hey, I'm doing well now. Guess I ended up with some kind of viral infection and it was just really beating me up because my immune system isn't the most defensive. Lots of sleep helped...