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View Full Version : Long term hemorrhoid

15-10-17, 23:43
I am currently 20 years old female who has been suffering from internal hemorrhoid for the past 5-6 years. It has always been the size of a grape and it was painless. For the past years, it would slip out once in a while when i am walking or sitting and when i have a bowel movement, but all i had to do was to go to the washroom and push it back in. It was painless most of the time so i never really cared for it. I was too embarrassed to talk to anybody about it too so i just did some research myself to find out what it is and left it alone thinking that it will go away by itself. And then many years past it is still with me.

It has become painful earlier this year but around 4 days ago it has started being really painful. Usually my hemorrhoid is just a grape size round bump, but recently there is another bump on the hemorrhoid that when i touch it it is extremely painful. I have a hard time pushing it back in after a bowel movement, and even when it is back inside it continues hurting.

I am still in university and it is currently exam season, the pain is not allowing me to concentrate at all and im just feeling hopeless. I am going to start taking the treating process more seriously and see how it goes. I really really want to avoid going to the clinics or hospitals if possible.

Are there anybody that has ever experience the same type of problem? I really need this to go away.

16-10-17, 00:55
Yes, there are lots of over the counter medications for this. You can get a cream, suppository, wipes, etc. Most will clear it up quickly. It's just awkward standing in that aisle!

16-10-17, 01:55
Yeah i want to avoid doing it surgical. I got all the cream and wipes and stuff, but right now it is just hurting so much when it is inside that i can’t focus on anything else. I dont know how im suppose to apply the cream to relieve pain either cuz it is internal hemorrhoid.