View Full Version : hypnagogic hallucinations - weird confusing thoughts

16-10-17, 01:08
Does anyone else get this on falling asleep?
I've had them for as long as I can remember but they make me think I'm going mental. I got no sleep last night as everytime I was almost asleep I'd realise I was thinking the oddest things - I thought I was the number 3 and I could feel myself made out of wood - then I opened my eyes and rolled over only to be the number 5.... what the hell? I've had these for a while - they drive me nuts.
I just want to get rid of them, I dont have narcolepsy - sometimes it's just weird thoughts that don't make any sense or sensations or hallucinations.
I have bad anxiety at the moment - really trying hard to get over my anxiety and for some reason it makes the anxiety worse!
Anyone else get this - what can I do - what do you do?

16-10-17, 01:45
Are you on meds? Only time I got these weird sensations/hallucinations was when I took mirt. I didn't think I was made out of wood and the number three though :shrug:

16-10-17, 01:59
Not on meds! Maybe I should be!

16-10-17, 03:03
Tan, these are completely normal and any human being can have them. They are not linked to anxiety other than that anxiety can make them more intense/frequent.

You picked up it was Hypnagogia. This is a natural sleep stage where the brain works in a very different way and we can experience a multitude of sleep phenomena.

I've had plenty of weird thoughts like this. It's as normal as dreaming.

16-10-17, 06:51
Hi Tan.

I have had these before and I don't think they are anything to worry about - I am pretty sure they are just linked to dreaming and the weird things the brain can do during dreams.

Once you realise they are nothing to worry about you can just accept them when they do happen, and try to see the funny side.

Try not to think about it.

You got this :)

16-10-17, 10:55
Not on meds! Maybe I should be!

Some meds can be beneficial if your doctor thinks it's appropriate. You say your anxiety is bad right now, which could be triggering these hallucinations. I would make an appointment.

16-10-17, 15:02
My anxiety is off the scale at the moment and one of the reasons I don't want to take ADs is in case I have more sleep problems. Last week I sat up in bed and I swear there was a little mouse on my moisturiser bottles, sat there looking at me whilst it tried to take the top off. I could hear it. I turned the lamp on to see it properly (which I think woke me up as I can't see in the dark lol). Anyway the noise I could hear was the tv making stupid clunking noises and obviously my brain hadn't switched off as I'd nodded off. I did leave the light on after that though, just in case there was a loose mouse lol. I defo need meds ;)

18-10-17, 08:32
ha ha the mouse made me laugh - and thanks everyone for posting.
Yes the weird things I've seen!
I've seen a bicycle floating around the room one time when I half woke up, a bear and an indian man going hunting, an old lady on a rocking chair, so many weird things and I've heard one time - in the in-between stage of wake and sleep the most beautiful orchestra music, and then everything in between. The loud knocking on the door that wakes you up, someone yelling WAKE UP or yelling my name - those are bit scary...
Pretty intense ..... but I"m happy to hear that others get it too.
Thanks everyone.