View Full Version : Worried girl

16-10-17, 03:34
Hi all. Haven't posted in a while. I had a yucky cold about 2 weeks ago. Still have some sore throats and low grade temp(99.6) and the temp started on Friday. This past Tuesday I began w some weird symptoms. While resting, my heart rate was very elevated... like 120. Having some sweating and have also lost 5 pounds too. The elevated heart rate continues (btwn 110-136). Went to urgent care on this past Thursday evening and the NP did an ekg which showed sinus tachycardia, drew a TSH level( which I'm still waiting to come back), and a CBC. CBC was normal except my white blood cells were slightly elevated so she started me on an antibiotic for that. I have an appointment to see a cardiologist at the end of the mth. Just very worried!! Have hardly any appetite and the worry isn't helping that. Any suggestions? I am a 35 yr old female.