View Full Version : Can't even do the school run without feeling anxious

16-10-17, 14:26
Hey guys,
So I'm really new to all this and this is my first post (please be kind to me)
The thought of doing anything at the moment kicks me into a total tizzy, right now I'm sitting here stressing about what time I need to set off to pick up my son even though he has an after school club today so I should be happy with my extra hour of peace.
I've always been a nervous person but only been this bad a hand full of times it all started when I found a lump and now its got to the point I can be sitting doing nothing and get so anxious I feel sick.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips to calm me down without taking anything for it. I was given a couple of tips at CBT but its really not working with me at the moment.
Sorry for rambling :weep:

16-10-17, 14:34
Just wanna say I love you and I'm proud of you for posting and I'm sure you'll find lots of help on here. ❤❤❤ everyone is lovely.

16-10-17, 14:38
Its all so confusing :blush: Next time you come over please show me what to do.... I will feed you coffee..

16-10-17, 14:39
Hahaha, of course I will. <3

16-10-17, 14:54
Stay away from coffee if you're prone to anxiety ;)

Have you tried mindfulness meditation? It's really good for calming the mind. If you google it there's loads of them on youtube etc. You need peace and quiet to do it though and you can get a 'full body scan' that last about 15/20 minutes. I find it really helpful and it's proven to help with anxiety.

I suffer quite badly with anxiety so feel your pain.

16-10-17, 15:28
Lovely thank you. if I need quiet I will have to try it when the kids are in bed lol
its always on and off with me today has been a pretty bad day and I have nothing to make me anxious :blush:
I'm slowly cutting down on my caffeine worried about doing it all at once

16-10-17, 15:55
Ah yes you don't want palpitations from going cold turkey!
I know that awful feeling - my anxiety is always there lately. Nothing going on, just anxiety. I lost my crown (tooth lol) on Thursday so had to go to the dentist - actually felt nice having something to stress about ha.