View Full Version : Relationship Issues, Anxiety double whammy.

16-10-17, 15:18
This is my first post on here either ever or at least for a year. My apologies for it being so long, you might want to get some popcorn in.
Had a bad breakup back between August - December 2016 which caused my anxiety and depression to hit me hard. I worked hard and got myself back to a point where i felt much better about everything and discovered a lot about myself.

After a break I struggled to find another girlfriend and went on about 16 dates and the usual online dating etc. Then in June I met a woman absolutely beautiful and we hit it off really well and within weeks started spending all our time together. I discovered a few things about her while we were dating and found out she suffered from Anxiety and depression on and off for years and was even on the same medication as me.
We went to a motorbike festival which was great and she had a birthday party bbq which I went to with her and was really nice to see how many good friends she had.
However I found out more about her ex and what he had done to her (cheating with the woman next door and other stuff). And realised that it had effected her quite badly. On her birthday she started to cry a lot and go on that her ex didn't even bother wishing her a happy birthday and how much they had hurt her etc. Alarm bells kinda rang for me then but despite this she told me that she didn't love him and was ready to date when she did and was lucky to have found me. We continued seeing each other and I even after 3 months let her meet my son and they get on very well. Which was a huge thing for me. We made lots of plans about staying in a hotel in November and other stuff such as going away on the motorbikes next year, using her office to do my art etc.
Then during September things started to change, I noticed that she began to close up more and started to worry about us and pretty much worry about everything. I noticed that she was suffering from bad anxiety and convinced her to see her Doctor which she eventually did after a while of me asking her.

It then reached a point where it felt like she was pushing me away and sure enough out of the blue she said we needed to talk as she was worried about us. She said she couldn't cope with a relationship as she was struggling to cope and wasn't sure if it was due to her feeling anxious/depressed or not.
So despite me not wanting to we decided to stop but she wanted to remain in touch, the same day I told her how I feel and she she immediately asked me to come over for tea and told me that she didn't realise I felt that way and it made her cry (in a good way). She went back to being ok for a couple of days and asked me if I wanted to out for a meal. We went out and half way through I knew something wasn't right, she looked like she'd seen a ghost and said she felt really ill. Then when we got home to hers she was in a mess and crying again saying that she was really bad and didn't want me to wait for her while she was like this and said i could stay but probably best we didn't do anything, she was hurting so much from what was done to her before and doesn't know wether she could ever trust anyone again.
All I could say to her was that i understood how she felt and that I was there for her. The next day she decided to finally see the Doctor who increased her meds.

This went on for a bit with her wanting me but not wanting me, which started to set my anxiety off a little bit.
I then noticed that she was online on the dating site where we met. That obviously got me very anxious and I decided I needed to talk to her about it calmly of course.

I also decided which (did help me a lot) to write a letter explaining exactly how I felt for and how I was there for etc but also that I wouldn't be a doormat, mug etc. I tried to arrange to meet her to give her the letter and also tell her some very private personal issues of my own, but she started to cancel last minute. The third time she cancelled was a Sunday, she had booked a table at a restaurant locally and 30 minutes before sent me a message saying that she wanted to meet up after starting her new job. I kinda had enough as she was also online on the dating site at the same time as speaking to me so just had it in my head so decided to drive down to see her as she was refusing to speak to me. When I got there she was alone in her house look rather bad. The lights were off and no tv on and she was sitting under a blanket with a hot water bottle. I got her to talk a bit during the tears etc. She told me that the honest truth was that she was speaking to her friend (guy friend who is just a friend) as she had come off Facebook.
She said she needed space and was really anxious and worried about the new job starting.
I left her my letter and she said she'd read it and let me know what she thought.
Well that evening she told me it was the loveliest thing anyone had ever done and done and she was lucky to have met me. She said she would tell me in person what she thought as a message wouldn't do it justice.

So a week later we go out for a lovely meal, we had both been talking much more again and it was good. Until we got home. She started getting upset again and said that although the letter was amazing she felt she couldn't be in a relationship at the moment and needed to sort herself out, which I understand as she is definitely not good. So I told i'm here for her and can't wait etc. She said it was best not to stay as she was confused and didn't want to complicate things. So i went home.

Two days later she asks me over for dinner at hers and said I could stay, although nothing intimate happened. Which is fine as i'm a gentleman.

The next evening when looking at stuff on her laptop she had left the dating site open and logged in, my curiosity got the better of me as i knew something was off, and I saw messages to other men going on for weeks asking them on dates and giving her number to them. My heart sank I said nothing of it. So after a few days of depression and anger I confronted her and she denied it until i pointed out what I saw. We met and she said how broken she is and that nobody can fix her, she had been on the site but not gone on any dates with anyone. She said it gave her a temporary buzz and lift when she did it but told me how she knew her behavior was disgusting and was genuinely sorry for it. I kinda put it down to how she was but I have lost a bit of trust.

We have been out since with my son and had an amazing day but that evening again she changes and starts to tell me she can't do a relationship.

I'm sorry this is so long but i'm totally lost, It feels like shes pushing me away because of how she feels and at the same time she panicks. She said she feels strongly for me but doesn't want to hurt me or lead me on. and at the same time says shes scared of losing me. I don't know what to doand my mental state is taking a hit a bit now.

I hope someone understands.



16-10-17, 15:29
Hi Adam That's some story It's difficult with relationships really especially when we have MH conditions to battle through on a daily basis it's not easy!! So for me Iam looking for new friends only at this moment in time. I see you have a motorcycle what you got?

16-10-17, 15:54
Sorry to hear about this. Dealing with mental illness is equally as stressful as dealing with real physical illness in many cases. I've been there done that in my life and having been there...

I met my wife on a social dating site. Again, having been there, done that with women that had "issues", I made my profile an "Application for Female Relationship Manager" and made it as if it was a job application with relevant questions. One of which was "Are you currently or have been on psychotropic medications? If Yes, for what?" . Saved me a lot of headaches ;) I also had a bonus question: "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" ;)

Salvage "yourself" here, I would think long and hard about continuing this relationship and as far as dating again? I would wait and take the time to heal yourself.

Whatever you decide, I hope you find some peace.

Positive thoughts

16-10-17, 16:16
Yeah the tricky bit is whenever we try and talk about it shes a state and doesn't want to hurt me or doesn't want a relationship, which I then say that's fine I'm here for you if need me. A few days later shes asking me over again or telling me thats shes struggling as she has strong feelings for me which is making it all difficult. Its like i'm pulled in and pushed away. I dunno.

---------- Post added at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:09 ----------

Hi Adam That's some story It's difficult with relationships really especially when we have MH conditions to battle through on a daily basis it's not easy!! So for me Iam looking for new friends only at this moment in time. I see you have a motorcycle what you got?

Hi Thanks for replying. I have a Suzuki Bandit 1200 K6, a Vstrom 650x and an old ZZR1100 (1991). What do you ride?


16-10-17, 16:17
Yeah the tricky bit is whenever we try and talk about it shes a state and doesn't want to hurt me or doesn't want a relationship, which I then say that's fine I'm here for you if need me. A few days later shes asking me over again or telling me thats shes struggling as she has strong feelings for me which is making it all difficult. Its like i'm pulled in and pushed away. I dunno.

Take a break. Work on yourself. Refuse the invitation IMO.

Best wishes... I truly hope you find some peace.

Positive thoughts

16-10-17, 16:22
Thanks :)
I think thats the next step i'm going to chat with her properly face to face tonight and find out what she wants from me. If its just friends i'll have to call it a day at least have a long break.
I've tried that before and IMO it never works when a couple tries to be friends. One will always end up seeing someone else and the other becomes fizzled out. But hey I can't go on like this.
I truly have strong feelings for her i meant it when i said I would be there for her, but she has to be honest with what she wants from me.

16-10-17, 16:52
Yeah the tricky bit is whenever we try and talk about it shes a state and doesn't want to hurt me or doesn't want a relationship, which I then say that's fine I'm here for you if need me. A few days later shes asking me over again or telling me thats shes struggling as she has strong feelings for me which is making it all difficult. Its like i'm pulled in and pushed away. I dunno.

---------- Post added at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:09 ----------

Hi Thanks for replying. I have a Suzuki Bandit 1200 K6, a Vstrom 650x and an old ZZR1100 (1991). What do you ride?

Thanks You are welcome can I call you Adam! Yeah it's like a game of tug of war so know what you are going through! Just take a day at time is all you can do :) Hey 3 bikes nice sound very powerful. Is the ZZR1100 in good condition and do you use it ever still? One good thing it's tax exempt!

Hey get a bit embarrassed when I mention my bike (know I shouldn't do lol) It's a Motorini 125 belt drive motorcycle does 120miles to the gallon and 70 mph so Iam happy with that;) ATB

16-10-17, 17:00
You are welcome can I call you Adam! Yeah it's like a game of tug of war so know what you are going through! Just take a day at time is all you can do :) Hey 3 bikes nice sound very powerful. Is the ZZR1100 in good condition and do you use it ever still? One good thing it's tax exempt!

Hey get a bit embarrassed when I mention my bike (know I shouldn't do lol) It's a Motorini 125 belt drive motorcycle does 120miles to the gallon and 70 mph so Iam happy with that;) ATB

Yeah thats was my advice to her as well just take things one day at a time and keep doing things in small steps bit by bit and before you know it your are moving forward. Well seeing her later and I don't have a clue what to say.

Don't be embarrassed nothing wrong with that. Good cheap commuter. The ZZR 1100 is still an animal and will push 175 easy if you have the balls for it lol. Its almost immaculate and has less miles than my vstrom which is an 09 plate. My fave is the bandit aits just a proper bike, no fairing, no fuss all black, loud and full of torque lol.

16-10-17, 17:49
Yeah thats was my advice to her as well just take things one day at a time and keep doing things in small steps bit by bit and before you know it your are moving forward. Well seeing her later and I don't have a clue what to say.

Don't be embarrassed nothing wrong with that. Good cheap commuter. The ZZR 1100 is still an animal and will push 175 easy if you have the balls for it lol. Its almost immaculate and has less miles than my vstrom which is an 09 plate. My fave is the bandit aits just a proper bike, no fairing, no fuss all black, loud and full of torque lol. Hey try not to worry it will be ok so good luck :) That's pretty fast for nearly a 30 yo bike lol whats the fastest you had out of it!! And I bet the bandit goes miles faster than that think I would be bricking it or something else ha ha ATB

16-10-17, 18:49
Yeah thats was my advice to her as well just take things one day at a time and keep doing things in small steps bit by bit and before you know it your are moving forward. Well seeing her later and I don't have a clue what to say.

As I said... been there done that. I met a woman via the internet (was around 2003) and we ended up in a long distance relationship for well over a year. I'd visit or she would visit once a month for a long weekend or more. Things were pretty darn good. Eventually we moved in together (with her two kids). That's when I realized there was an issue. While we spent a bit of time together and spoke daily, I wasn't around to see there were some "issues". In retrospect, there were some warning signs. Her father was in a mental institution since she was a child and her sister was sectioned. It didn't "appear" she was affected in any negative way. Was I wrong! Holy )*~@^%#!!

She was bi-polar and it turns out she had papers to prove it. She was also on meds (I never knew) and she would start and stop apparently. Let me tell you. It truly was "insanity". The ups and downs, rants and raves etc. were surreal! She was gone 7 months later as I asked her to leave and helped her to go as well!

Since that time, I ran into several woman who had "issues" and I learned very quickly to recognize the warning signs.

Like I said. Give yourself a break for a while. Allow things to chill. Bottom line, both of you have to be in the right place in order for things to work without the drama.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

16-10-17, 21:26
I typed out a long message then and went back and lost it! How annoying.

I'm sorry that you're going through this. It is wholly unfair for you. As a woman with trust issues, I can relate to some of what is happening here. To me, it sounds like she does feel for you very deeply, she does want a relationship with you and is scared of it going wrong and so self-sabotages. Tries to end it before you leave her. I can relate to this, when I'm getting close to someone I am crazy. I freak out and overanalyse and if I can't bare to lose someone then I feel like I push them away. The first few months of being with my husband was like that, until I really trusted him. I now trust him implicitly and wouldn't doubt him ever. So if she is like me, once you're in, you're in. If that makes sense?

The thing I can't relate to, however, is why she would go on the dating site. That is in no way okay. If she hadn't have been on there, I'd have sympathised with her and would have encouraged you not to give up on her. But I think that definitely needs addressing and if she wasn't honest with you about it from the start then how can you be sure she hasn't dated etc?

It sounds to me like she has more issues than you realise, if she is doing that. Maybe she longs for a relationship but can't commit so look for another one and then can't commit.

It can go either way really here. But you have to think of yourself and your sanity too. And your son of course! You will know in your heart of hearts what to do, even if it takes some soul searching.

I hope after your chat things improve. But she needs to be honest if anything is going to work.

17-10-17, 11:59
I typed out a long message then and went back and lost it! How annoying.

I'm sorry that you're going through this. It is wholly unfair for you. As a woman with trust issues, I can relate to some of what is happening here. To me, it sounds like she does feel for you very deeply, she does want a relationship with you and is scared of it going wrong and so self-sabotages. Tries to end it before you leave her. I can relate to this, when I'm getting close to someone I am crazy. I freak out and overanalyse and if I can't bare to lose someone then I feel like I push them away. The first few months of being with my husband was like that, until I really trusted him. I now trust him implicitly and wouldn't doubt him ever. So if she is like me, once you're in, you're in. If that makes sense?

The thing I can't relate to, however, is why she would go on the dating site. That is in no way okay. If she hadn't have been on there, I'd have sympathised with her and would have encouraged you not to give up on her. But I think that definitely needs addressing and if she wasn't honest with you about it from the start then how can you be sure she hasn't dated etc?

It sounds to me like she has more issues than you realise, if she is doing that. Maybe she longs for a relationship but can't commit so look for another one and then can't commit.

It can go either way really here. But you have to think of yourself and your sanity too. And your son of course! You will know in your heart of hearts what to do, even if it takes some soul searching.

I hope after your chat things improve. But she needs to be honest if anything is going to work.

Thanks for your reply :)
It sounds exactly the same as your situation and I know she hasn't had a great past (we all have our issues). I managed to speak to her last night and discussed whats she wants. She doesn't actually know. She said she does want a relationship with me but is worried that her mental health will ruin it all and affect me. She's worried about her not being intimate and that i'll go elsewhere. Worried about getting hurt and also hurting me. She doesn't know whether to split and come back to me or what. She then worries about that as well lol.

She said that she feels great one day and we go out and have a lovely time and then her anxiety hits her like a button being pressed. Then she pushes me away. Shes aware that she is pushing and pulling me and that worries her too.

I again told her that I am here for her and that the main focus should be working on herself and getting better. As long as I know how she feels and that the reasons for her actions are MH based i'm ok, its just the not knowing.

The dating site thing was very weird but I kind of understand her reasoning, she feels very insecure about herself and hates herself, When she chats to random "hunks" (not as hunky as me :D) it gives a temporary buzz and lift and briefly makes her good about herself just as her obsessive buying or drinking too much wine etc.

Time will tell but we both need to work on ourselves for a bit.

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

As I said... been there done that. I met a woman via the internet (was around 2003) and we ended up in a long distance relationship for well over a year. I'd visit or she would visit once a month for a long weekend or more. Things were pretty darn good. Eventually we moved in together (with her two kids). That's when I realized there was an issue. While we spent a bit of time together and spoke daily, I wasn't around to see there were some "issues". In retrospect, there were some warning signs. Her father was in a mental institution since she was a child and her sister was sectioned. It didn't "appear" she was affected in any negative way. Was I wrong! Holy )*~@^%#!!

She was bi-polar and it turns out she had papers to prove it. She was also on meds (I never knew) and she would start and stop apparently. Let me tell you. It truly was "insanity". The ups and downs, rants and raves etc. were surreal! She was gone 7 months later as I asked her to leave and helped her to go as well!

Since that time, I ran into several woman who had "issues" and I learned very quickly to recognize the warning signs.

Like I said. Give yourself a break for a while. Allow things to chill. Bottom line, both of you have to be in the right place in order for things to work without the drama.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

Sounds like you have been through it. You are right about the break, I think weboth need to chill out and have fun and sort our own issues out.
Thank you for your kind words.

17-10-17, 12:22
Hi Adam I think that's very wise to think that :) I am sure it will work out hang on in there mate :) ATB

17-10-17, 15:25

You seem very aware of her problems and she does sound very lucky to have found someone that cares so much about her and seeks to understand her so well.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that if goes well for both of you. Xx

17-10-17, 16:37

You seem very aware of her problems and she does sound very lucky to have found someone that cares so much about her and seeks to understand her so well.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that if goes well for both of you. Xx

Yeah I think so as I have been where she is a fair few times as well. I am lucky to have found her also but she wouldn't agree lol. I hope she can start to heal soon and that we can move on together, but i think we both need to relax a bit more and just try and have more fun. X

03-11-17, 10:54
Well an update on this.
After weeks of her pushing and pulling away from me and the situation making her anxiety worse. She has stuck to it and decided she doesn't want a relationship now.
I/we have decided to cut contact last night at least for like a month and i'll see how she is then.

I'm pretty much at breaking point myself and couldn't take much more. My anxiety levels had increased and I was starting to lose it a little.

The good news is that my anxiety has dropped a little but now I feel just really low, like I've lost her forever. Not sure what to do with myself. It feels strange suddenly not being able to message or see someone you spent a lot of time with.

03-11-17, 12:27
Honestly, I saw that coming from a mile away ;) I understand what you're feeling but it truly is for the best.

All I'll say is... when you least expect it someone will come along and surprise the heck out of you ....... :)

Positive thoughts

03-11-17, 15:42
Honestly, I saw that coming from a mile away ;) I understand what you're feeling but it truly is for the best.

All I'll say is... when you least expect it someone will come along and surprise the heck out of you ....... :)

Positive thoughts

Yeah I knew it needed to happen but she kept on pulling me back every time we talked about it before. I tried my best to be there for her but it made her worse as she was worried she was hurting me all the time.
I have really strong feelings for her and still hope we can maybe pick it up again in the future but I suppose I can't just wait. I need to focus on myself which is hard and today has been awful. Just feel sick all of the time, Anxiety has turned into a sick feeling and emotional tears etc.

I really hope we can see each other again