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View Full Version : Left side pain

16-10-17, 16:15
Since Saturday I've been plagued with this dull ache/pain in my left side of my back. It's not high up but is more of the hip region. I obviously googled it and worse case scenario it was kidney cancer. I managed to rationalise this! And though no - there's are more reasons that aren't so serious it could be!

I don't drink near enough water daily! And seem to survive on 2/3 cups of coffee a day. This I know could be the reason. Kidney infection maybe? Or just back ache. Partner just thinks I've got a mild kidney infection and told me to just drink and drink away to flush it out! But I'm still plagued at the back of my head that it's something serious! I can't keep my mind off it! Which is no doubt making it feel a hell of a lot worse than it is!

I've got a doctors appointment on Wednesday afternoon. Would an infection left till then be ok? I have a niggle that it could be dehydration so have been making an effort the last 2 days to drink more.which helps!

16-10-17, 16:41
Just hydrate, hydrate, hydrate... dehydration can cause the symptoms you feel.

Positive thoughts