View Full Version : Not coping

16-10-17, 19:30
I'm just not coping at the moment. These symptoms feel worse tonight. I have crampy pains in my stomach now and I'm very scared. I can't explain exactly what it feels like as it was more in my back before but now it's my tummy. I hope it is IBS but get scared when the cramps start. Also been going to the loo after eating small amounts, I feel a bit better after that. I know I seem to ask similar things over time but can anyone say this is likely IBS or a recurrence of an old bug. Sorry I'm not doing great at explaining this. I'd really appreciate some response from a person who has had the same or just someone calmer than I am right now. Thank you.

16-10-17, 19:50
It sounds very like typical IBS which is exacerbated by stress.

16-10-17, 19:58
I'm not much calmer, but I can tell you my anxiety has been terrible and my digestive issues are definitely acting up. They are very interrelated. I think our digestive track is also very sensitive in general, nonetheless to our emotions. That's why when you take an antidepressant it affects your stomach and bowels too in the beginning.

16-10-17, 20:18
It sounds very like typical IBS which is exacerbated by stress.

Thank you Pulisa, you think so? It’s just a bit different and worse than usual. The pain improves after i take a Lanzoprazole, but I heard that they can mask something more serious, not something I want to know. I feel so stupid as I’m not normally as bad as this in ‘my normal life’ just with HA. I hate it more than anything. I was crying earlier and in real panic. Can IBS change and move about, and could something more sinister also move about the area, I tell myself no but 5 mins later im worrying 😔

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

I'm not much calmer, but I can tell you my anxiety has been terrible and my digestive issues are definitely acting up. They are very interrelated. I think our digestive track is also very sensitive in general, nonetheless to our emotions. That's why when you take an antidepressant it affects your stomach and bowels too in the beginning.

I think with me it’s a vicious circle, when I feel ill or have pain, I think the worst, this causes the worry and anxiety about what it might be, then obviously my tummy issues get exasperated and it seems worse. And on it goes. But there’s always a little voice saying “this time it’s different” I wish I was blasè and less anxious 😟

16-10-17, 20:31
Where did you read this about lansoprazole? It's a PPI so will regulate your stomach acid production. It can mask problems in the upper gut but it can also make them better which is what is happening here. IBS is more lower gut but often comes with a whole mixture of symptoms which basically extend from the back of the throat to the anus so yes, symptoms can move about.

16-10-17, 22:28
It was actually my niece’s doctor, she’s a bit flighty to be honest, the doc that is. She often mentions the C word when you just go to see her for a simple thing, I avoid her obviously.
So I’m probably ok to take them. It’s really helpful to hear a calming ‘voice’,
The cramping is back slightly but the fact that it died down surely means it isn’t bad (she says trying to convince herself) I just want to be myself again, I have a great life. I have a lovely family, though sadly no children of my own, yet still I’m like this 😔

17-10-17, 00:25
oh my gosh, the doctors who mention the "c" word like it's nothing ... have sent me into a tailspin many times!!! :doh:

17-10-17, 08:30
You certainly need to avoid her like the plague!

I've got diagnosed IBS and I find it throws up all sorts of acid/cramping/nausea/gastritis symptoms. Mine is more constipation-related though and my gut slows down as opposed to speeds up which brings its own problems.

I'm sure you've experimented with seeing if there are any foods which make things worse but it may be that your anxiety is its driving force. It's worth limiting acid-producing foods like tomatoes/spicy food/coffee as a trial though.

You don't have to justify feeling the way you do, CeeCeeCee. It's good that you can share what we all feel and what we all go through when we are feeling very anxious. Try to avoid reading up about symptoms too? You always get more that you bargain for and more worry to keep you in an anxiety state-it's never worth it.

17-10-17, 11:10
You certainly need to avoid her like the plague!

I've got diagnosed IBS and I find it throws up all sorts of acid/cramping/nausea/gastritis symptoms. Mine is more constipation-related though and my gut slows down as opposed to speeds up which brings its own problems.

I'm sure you've experimented with seeing if there are any foods which make things worse but it may be that your anxiety is its driving force. It's worth limiting acid-producing foods like tomatoes/spicy food/coffee as a trial though.

You don't have to justify feeling the way you do, CeeCeeCee. It's good that you can share what we all feel and what we all go through when we are feeling very anxious. Try to avoid reading up about symptoms too? You always get more that you bargain for and more worry to keep you in an anxiety state-it's never worth it.

Ah thanks, Pulisa, so nice to just know others are the same as people without HA just don't get it.

I do avoid/limit a lot of foods yes. I've learnt that over the years. I slept ok and this morning don't feel too bad but still have some niggling back pain and funny gurgling in my tummy. I'm not sure if I want to go to the docs if I am feeling a bit better, I don't want to be sent for tests etc, I've been there and it makes my HA go to full speed again. My sister says I should still go though.

I had a bowel screening/sample test earlier in the year which was clear, so surely it can't be that. I am now at the stage where I'm not sure if this nausea and pain is the original pain or anxiety pain. The vicious circle continues.

17-10-17, 13:08
I would try to avoid going to the doctor unless you have red flag symptoms such as bleeding with bowel movements and/or unintentional weight loss. It just adds to the anxiety cycle. IBS can throw up all sorts of vague and uncomfortable symptoms which make you anxious but are benign. It must have been reassuring to have the bowel screening come back clear and this is all good news.

17-10-17, 13:55
I’m actually on my way, really scared of examinations c

17-10-17, 14:57
Do your best to trust your doc today :hugs:

18-10-17, 11:04
Do your best to trust your doc today :hugs:

Thanks, I am.

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 ----------

Well, my doctor examined my tummy and said she could feel nothing bad. Also a urine dip test was ok.
She says it could be an infection, she wants me to take a poo sample in just to be sure and to rule out any other type of infection. I like this doc and she understands my HA. She has started me on a course of Citalopram for the anxiety. I'm willing to give it a try to stop the anxiety making me feel worse with every ailment I get.

18-10-17, 13:02
That sounds like a very positive visit. Honestly when I am on medications I notice symptoms so much less. It may be really helpful for you.

18-10-17, 13:16
See what the stool sample reveals and if it's nothing then you know it's IBS-related. The citalopram could very well help with your anxiety and as a consequence of this, your tummy problems. I really hope you feel better very soon.

18-10-17, 14:09
See what the stool sample reveals and if it's nothing then you know it's IBS-related. The citalopram could very well help with your anxiety and as a consequence of this, your tummy problems. I really hope you feel better very soon.

I will, I'm hoping for the best, though still got niggling back/tummy pains. Thanks for your help and support, it's really helpful and good not to be made to feel like a whining fool :)

18-10-17, 14:17
You're certainly not that! Hopefully your symptoms will lessen as you feel more settled but it can take a while. I'm sure your GP will monitor you on the citalopram-it may be just what you need to stabilise your anxiety but you may need to start on a lower dose to begin with.

19-10-17, 12:52
Thank you, I just need to get the sample in and all to come back ok, or at worst an infection.
This IBS/tummy stuff/HA is a nightmare :shrug: