View Full Version : Citalopram

14-06-07, 23:19
I was on 20mg citalopram for anxiety for just over three months and after the side effects had worn off ( clenching teeth, anxious,bit woozy) I was feeling great on them. At my next Dr's appointment I happened to mention that my sex drive had gone so he told me to try Fluvoxamine as this sometimes helps with the sex drive,which I did for two weeks and they made me feel horrible very down, insomnia, constipation and sick and still no sex drive ! So the Dr has put me back on Citalopram. What I wanted to know is when I went back on Citalopram is it was like taking it for the first time again. as I dont feel as relaxed as I did and I wondered if it has to get back into your system ?:shrug:

15-06-07, 23:22
Hi Dolly

I have been taking Citalopram on and off for 9 years now, and every time i start them again my anxiety does increase so i wouldnt worry im sure things will settle down once they get back in your system.

Hope that helps


18-06-07, 09:59
Hi Dolly, I just wondered if your doctor had thought about prescribing Escitalopram instead? I think they're sometimes reluctant to prescribe it because of the cost but I think it's pretty good. I switched directly to that from Citalopram and found it to have less of an impact on my sex drive (as well as fewer of the other side effects).