View Full Version : My Crap Life

15-06-07, 00:00

My 91 year old grandma has just had a stroke. This is not good:

a: Im 7 months pregnant.
b: My dad had a serious stroke 4 years ago.
c: My brother killed himself 3 years ago.

Why does this keep on happening to my family?

My anxiety has gone through the roof, feel so dizzy, cant breathe, can bearly get out the house. I just lie in bed all day crying. All I need now is to go into premature labour with all this stress!

Thank for reading - Liz xx

15-06-07, 03:59
Aww Lizzie, so sorry to rear this.

It is a lot to dea; with but you can cope. The shock of it has proabably his first.

There is not much I can say, other than keep talking tpo friends, family and your doctor. There is a grieving process we all need to do.

Thinking of you :hugs: :hugs:

Karen xx

15-06-07, 07:34

You have been having a terrible time :( by the sounds of it.

I hope the new baby brings some light for you.



15-06-07, 08:41
Liz :hugs: you have been threw lot hun as our Jaco says hopefully the new baby will bring some joy to your life hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

15-06-07, 09:04
Hi Lizzie

Sorry to hear you are going through such a terrible time at the moment hun.

Hope things start to improve for you soon hun
:hugs: :hugs:

16-06-07, 17:50
Oh so sorry Lizzie that you are feeling so low. Try the taking 1 day at a time, in fact 1 hour at a time.

You are doing really well with the pregnancy and nearly there!!!
Lots of rest and hugs for you x

16-06-07, 20:23
Hi Hun...
I'm sorry that you've had a rough time and i know its easier said than done, but for yours and your unborn baby, you need to *try* and relax a little.
...remember the saying "Every cloud has a silver lining".
You're about to have a baby - thats going to be a really special time for you and you really need to get your body and mind ready for that day :)


funky chick
16-06-07, 21:01
so sorry you having go through this Liz please take care and lok after yourself thinking of you hun lots love Gail xxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: