View Full Version : Another headache and face numbness post

17-10-17, 13:47
Good day!

I'm from South Africa.

Just Nee some expert advice on a problem I'm having to do is last three weeks now. I had gotten stomach flue with food poisoning on top of that three weeks ago. It ended in a weeks time the food poisoning and the stomach flue. Went to the doc and got the medicine and I helped immediately.

Now a couple of days after I already started to feel fine, my body decided to go back into sick mode 😂.

I'm struggling with headaches at night and in the mornings.. During the day its still there but its not that sore, my stomach is running again and my feet has this weird pins and needles thing going on in the mornings as well. And we're I'm starting to stress was this morning, waking up and noticing that at my right cheek bone, there's no feeling at all, and in my left upper leg. A large chunk has no feeling as well.

Anyone with similar symptoms or knows about what may be wrong with me, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback on it. I'm asking here because it already cost me a lot of money with the first visit to the gp, would like to save a little more.

Regards Neil

17-10-17, 13:49

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.