View Full Version : unable to stop thinking about my breathing

17-10-17, 16:31
I suffer from anxiety, depression and ocd and heads up i am 19 weeks pregnant so it makes this a little more frightening for me. Im not sure if this is ocd or anxiety related or maybe both. For the past week and a half i have been in unable to think about anything besides my breathing which is making it hard to feel like i can breath correctly. I have seen that this is possibly chronic hyperventilation. I have tried breathing training but that just makes me think about it more and puts me into a panic. i have never actually had a panic attack. I dont know which is better to focus on correct breathing or distraction? IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE. It is such a vicious cycle and i dont know how to stop it. I have had this happen to me in the past (years ago) for a few days but never this long and i dont remember it being this bad. I used to be able to distract myself but i cant seem to do that this time at all. It could be that i cant take as much medication or the medication that i want right now due to being pregnant, i dont know. I try to look stuff up to make me feel better and not alone but then i come across people that say that they have had it for years and makes me even more scared. I'm not scared that i won't be able to breath, I'm scared i won't be able to stop thinking about it and continue have such unsatisfying breaths. It makes me so on edge. I did go to the ER to make sure nothing serious was going on because of being pregnant but i knew deep down it is because of my mind and nothing else. I was on paxil before getting pregnant which did wonders for me but i new paxil was not good to be on while pregnant and switched to 50mg of zoloft ( i knew from past experiences that i could not not be on something for me and my babies well being ). It freaks me out looking at some forums that say they have had this for years. Is distraction the best way to get rid of thing? I need help and need to know if this will ever leave my mind and go away :/ Its the first thing that pops into my head when i wake up and sets me up for failure right away. How am suppose to just wake up and not think about it now that its so ingrained in my mind at this point?

18-10-17, 07:13
I believe it’s called sensirometer OCD, Im highly affected by such since last December.

I had it when I was a kid but it went away until last year. Initially it can be really discomforting but honestly, you do get accustomed to it over time and eventually it may deminish. For me, it’s sort of always there but not really. Like in the back of my mind, so it’s not as bad as it was. Initially I would freak myself out especially at night but it’s really no big deal, you’ve just got to realize it’s nit a threat to you.

I know it’s super irritating, really I understand, I just hope you understand that while it’s irritating it’s nothing that will harm you.

18-10-17, 08:10

I'm sorry that you're struggling so much. My mental health always declines when I'm pregnant, hormones are powerful! Not to mention the added anxieties of having a baby, the physical complaints and the switching of medication.

I have this problem too, but mine isn't there all of the time. I can't participate in some guided meditations because as soon as i focus on my breathing I hyperventilate and go dizzy. I'm used to it now. Distraction always works best for me. Your breathing will always happen naturally when you're fully distracted and when you realise that it can feel empowering.

Can you talk to your doctor? Maybe a professional? Rather than looking for medication.

Congratulations on the pregnancy by the way :) take care xxx

20-10-17, 10:37
I suffer with it 24/7 it’s been a year I have had it, it’s scary I want to get rid of it somehow