View Full Version : ent dr appt tomorrow...need encouragement

17-10-17, 17:16
i have an appt with my ENT tomorrow. this is just a follow up to something else that was a non issue. however, i am now having the weird issue that i posted about in another post, where my throat has a gurgling after i swallow sometimes...like a little bit of air at the back of my throat, it's hard to explain, like a fizzle.

i really want to ask my ENT about it to put my mind at ease, but i'm scared to. i am afraid i will chicken out about asking him.

i would love some encouragement so that i ask him without having an anxiety attack in his office....


17-10-17, 18:45
I've had this since i was a child, a doctor checked it over and he said it's nothing to worry about if you don't have any other symptoms! You'll be fine, I promise! Just make sure you bring it up so your doctor can be aware of it in your medical history, if you get problems down the line you want him working with a complete medical history

17-10-17, 18:46
You are better off asking so it can be addressed than hiding it. Doctors hear questions all the time and are happy to answer. I went to an ENT petrified because I noticed a lump ... it was a tonsil. I was super embarrassed but in the end it was worth going because I was making myself sick over it. You will be just fine!

17-10-17, 20:41
thank y'all.
i'm just petrified.
it's just a weird thing that started a couple of months ago. it's so hard to explain. it's definitely air bubbling back up, in the back of my throat, without me making it happen.

what if that is a symptom of something sinister, like oral cancer or something? i have not, and will not google it. although it's so tempting because i think i would feel better if i knew that was not a symptom.

17-10-17, 20:51
If it is, then it's good to have the ENT check it out. If it isn't, (which is most likely the case), then you will get some relief. I'm glad you haven't googled - keep it up!

17-10-17, 21:16
While I applaud you for not googling, I just did; you'll be glad to learn: It isn't a symptom! :yesyes:

19-10-17, 07:24
I have this same symptom. What did the ENT say was the cause if you don't mind me asking?

19-10-17, 14:45
How did it go at the ENT? I have this same symptom, mostly when lying down. I know that I have GERD/LPR, though, and assume it's probably related to that. Only just noticed it about a week ago, but I think that's because I'm hyperfocused on my digestion and swallowing at the moment. It's possible I've had it a very long time and just never noticed. I see many others here have the same thing, so maybe it's just one of the weirder manifestations of anxiety.

20-10-17, 19:39
thanks to JohnBate for googling it for me!
i sorta chickened out of the ENT appt. I had something come up(a tennis thing, which is much more fun!!):) , and rather than skipping it, i postponed my appt with the ENT. i feel kinda guilty about it, cause i know i should have gone...but the appt is on Oct 30 now. hopefully i will go.

28-10-17, 13:40
so....that went by really fast....i go to the ENT on monday....i HAVE to go, right??

28-10-17, 14:39
so....that went by really fast....i go to the ENT on monday....i HAVE to go, right??

You come on here and ask for encouragement, get it and still decide not to go :shrug: You don't have to do anything you don't want to.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

30-10-17, 11:29
thanks fishmanpa that was so helpful.:unsure:
i chickened out. what can i say? i'm trying not to again.

01-11-17, 03:53
Did you go? I understand you being scared. Mine is freaking me out today and I'm scared to get it checked too.

02-11-17, 11:56
i went. yay me. he seems unimpressed by the gurgle. barely considered it. he said sometimes air can be released from the "something" right there in the throat. the larnyx? i can't remember what part of the throat he said. anyway, he said" does it happen all the time?" i said "no, but it happens frequently. would it matter if it happened all the time ?" he said "no". i said "is it a symptom of throat cancer?" he said "no, it's nothing I'm concerned about"

so, it's still weird but it doesn't concern him. i really think it's more GI related anyway...like reflux or something like that.

i guess i'll just live with it for now...

03-11-17, 03:03
Yay!! So happy everything came back alright for you. Do you ever experience shortness of breath?

03-11-17, 12:22
not sure. i mean i play tennis and do fine. but sometimes, when i'm making beds or something i feel winded. why? you got me scared now.

03-11-17, 13:10
I'm glad you went :)

03-11-17, 13:20
Sorry... not trying to scare you. I was only asking because I experience shortness of breath sometimes and I feel like it started at the same time as the gurgling. I think my problem is probably reflux related too.

04-11-17, 11:16
i have had the winded thing for at least 15 years, so i'm sure that's not related to my gurgling. i think i'm just out of shape cardio-wise :)

i wonder if the gurgling could be caused by a hiatal hernia.
i really would like to google about gurgling in the throat, but i KNOW where that leads me....i think i'll get my sister to check it out.

i don't have acid reflux, no symptoms of that at all..all i have is this gurlge. it's bizarre.

04-11-17, 14:15
I would say if your doctor is not worried about it, try as hard as you can to let it go. Anything you or your sister find on google will not be as accurate as a doctor's opinion, which you already have. Otherwise this spiral will continue.

05-11-17, 13:26
swgrl09..you're right. it's just a weird thing and i'm beginning to think that it's more GI related, not ENT related, so maybe i asked the wrong dr.
i was at my GI dr about 3 months ago for just some bloodwork, and this wasn't happening then, so i didn't mention it to him. i surely don't want to go back to the dr though.