View Full Version : Back again, neck problems.. need calming words..

17-10-17, 18:07
So I have a recent post about neck/back strains and i am happy to say that the pains are almost completely gone.
But just like the original post, I can't seem to get my lymph nodes out of my mind. The left side seem to be bigger (left side is where strain is/was) like under my chin/jaw on my left side feels bigger than the right, I feel like a couple in the neck on that side are swollen as well but I also thought that before and the doctors said they felt fine. But they are so much more prominent on the left than the right and I almost feel a small pressure in my left ear and an occasional twinge/pain in random spots on that side of the throat and neck and sometimes in ear.. I have tried to stay off of Google but I can't get it out of my head that something more sinister is going on. I don't really feel ill besides runny nose here and there. And I have been fighting a thudding heart for a couple days and I can't seem to get out of my head no matter what I do.. I've tried to draw, read, tv, everything. I just need some kind of piece of mind.. ugh.. I go to the doctor for my anxiety next Monday but I just can't seem to ignore these sensations... please help.. :(

17-10-17, 18:24
Is it bad that I haven't heard back about my blood test from last Wednesday? I'm freaking out over everything and I just want to feel normal again.. :(

17-10-17, 18:31
I am just so exhausted from being anxious day in and day out and I don't know how to stop :( they said the results would be back within a couple days and it has me worried that I haven't heard anything. Plus the weird feelings in the left side of my throat and neck have me so scared..

17-10-17, 19:37
It being some kind of cancer or undetected disease. I've never been this anxious about my health until i strained some muscles a couple weeks back and since then have been dealing with random shooting pains in random places (armpit, neck, back, groin, stomach, chest, etc.) And I made the mistake of googling, of course found out most of the places I've been feeling those pains were lymph nodes and I expressed it to my mom and her only response was "go to the doctor, don't mess around with lymph nodes" so I'm sure that's playing into it. But now that I've felt all over my neck, the left side just feels so much more prominent than the right and it freaks me out. The first doctor (urgent care) said it was just a strain, but sent me for blood tests just in case of a blood infection or something (so that's also playing in my head) and I haven't heard back and the second doctor, not my primary (she's on vacation until next monday) said everything feels fine and it was a trapezuis strain and made me schedule my appointment for when my primary comes back but now that the strains are feeling better, I still feel random shooting pains in front of armpits, side of neck/front of left side, abdomen, and chest. And It almost feels as if my ear is partially clogged or like a lump in the left side of my throat. I'm sure focusing on it isn't helping but I cant stop worrying no matter what I do...

17-10-17, 20:06
It probably doesn't help that I jut lost a grandma to cancer and my dad's side has a whole array of health problems, my mom's side is unknown as she was adopted. I'm 24 years old. And I'm trying to just keep telling myself that it's all from the strains or anxiety but obviously, with anxiety, my head constantly runs so many scary scenarios through my head and it's so hard to ignore the pains and aches.

17-10-17, 21:10
I will update when they make me feel stupid. �� (not being sarcastic or anything, I just tell my boyfriend that if rather feel stupid than kill myself with stress) I'm hoping the pains subside quickly, most have but with it beijng around my neck and ear, just kind of nerve wrecking. But I'm doing a little better than I was earlier so I'm going to try to keep it up. Sorry for typos and missing info, I'm currently at work but just needed some reassuring words. Thank you guys, it's truly and greatly appreciated!