View Full Version : Anxiety and excess saliva/swallowing

17-10-17, 18:15
Anyone else have this problem? My mouth is constantly filling up with saliva to due to anxiety and stress. I feel like I need to constantly swallow and this really isn't helping my acid/trapped wind/Ibs issues. I'm starting to wonder if this is giving me trapped wind and making things 100 times worse.

Can anyone relate or have any tips to break this cycle?

17-10-17, 18:18
Treat the anxiety and stress and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

17-10-17, 18:56
I'm having this problem too! It's been going on a few months now.. my anxiety got really bad for a time and I noticed I was having a LOT of pain in my stomach, which the doctor put down to reflux because it felt like I had stuff coming up/stuck. I'm not convinced it was reflux though as nothing helped and it actually feels like it comes from my throat more than anything... Constantly having to swallow and it really upsets my stomach :( I notice it gets worse when I'm anxious as I don't have it all the time. It was waking me up several times a night too! Seem to be alright last couple of days where I've been sleeping better and not as anxious :D

17-10-17, 19:06

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

17-10-17, 19:26
Thanks, all. Good to know I'm not the only one!
I'm trying to deal with my anxiety but it's a vicious circle...need to figure out a way to break out of it!

21-10-17, 10:51
Hi there, I was just doing a search for the exact same symptoms you mention above!! This excess saliva and swallowing is driving me crazy. I do have acid reflux and am on medication and a very strict diet but I am still getting these symptoms and as another poster mentioned the feeling of something coming up my throat and just sitting like a ball at the base of my throat. It tends to happen first thing after I wake up in the morning and will ease after I get up and get on with my day. The thing is my anxiety used to be better when I was in bed. Now I feel like it terrorises me first thing in the morning when I am barely awake. It just means my day starts badly and earlier and it makes it tough to face all those hour with such horrible feelings. I have emetophobia too so the whole acid mouth watery thing is triggering my phobia of vomiting and I always end up extremely nauseous too. Fighting off the urge to throw up. Its miserable and I wish someone had an answer that might help. In any case its nice to know I am not the only one bacause I feel kind of freaky with such weird symptoms. My husband thinks I am mad.