View Full Version : Paranoid about symptoms

17-10-17, 18:20
Hey there,

I haven't really thought about it for a while (or I've been trying to ignore my symptoms) but today I noticed something new I'd never seen before so obviously my HA decided to get the better of me. I have a few weird purple scratch type lines on my upper legs, but they're not scratches and I haven't scratched there. They look kind of weird and they're not raised.

Anyway, one thing led to another and I ended up looking up skin problems - needless to say I ended up googling the worst possible scenario and now I'm paranoid I have lymphoma thanks to a number of OTHER symptoms I have that I've never really had diagnosed properly.

Symptoms include:
intense itching all over (goes away with Cetirizine but if I don't take Cetirizine daily then it persists. Have had this for some time.
a swollen lymph node in the armpit - originally was told I had a fungal skin infection but since have been told it was never a fungal infection (tho I haven't had a proper diagnosis other than being irritant to something). Was told it was likely a shotty node before but now am paranoid it's pointing to something worse as if I haven't had infection then it can't be to do with that. Have had that for a year now.
Sweats - thought it was a side effect of Zoloft/Sertraline so just assumed it was but have had bad sweats for years now, night sweats improved but still sweat all the time when walking or doing anything physical.
Fatigue - have had for some time
Rashes on the skin - so for the last year I've had rashes that have been constantly misdiagnosed. I was told originally they were fungal related but since have been told by my dermatologist they are not. They also haven't been contagious as my partner hasn't caught anything. They tend to seem to start to clear up if I use an antifungal cream, but then they start flaking and then they spread more.

Obviously I know it could be related to other things and my health anxiety could just be rearing it's ugly head to think the worse but at the same time now I'm anxious about the whole situation.

My doctors are terrible at giving appointments and also diagnosing problems, but they're the only ones in the area so I've had to make do atm.

I'm just concerned that if it IS the worst case scenario that I've left it too long to get it sorted :/ I'm 32 years old btw.

18-10-17, 10:23

Given your symptoms, I don't think anyone would think you were nuts to consult your doctor (a real one, not Dr Google)! If they give rubbish service, hopefully you can see a different doctor out of town.

Though I'd have thought that if you had a cancerous lymph node in your armpit it would have become much bigger over the last year.

Let us know how it goes.

18-10-17, 16:50
I would have thought it'd grow much bigger too so I guess it's a good sign that it doesn't seem to have. A couple months after I discovered it I saw a doctor at the breast clinic who said it was unlikely to be anything sinister but I also at the time had told him I had (what I thought back then was) a fungal infection so he was less worried and said if I didn't have any changes in the breasts then I shouldn't worry.
I saw a doctor at an old surgery at some point (where I used to live) months ago who said it seemed like a shotty node, so I guess I have no reason to doubt that right?

As for the rash on my arm, it's just getting more sore and more dry. I have struggled to get an appointment with the doctor yet again today so it'll be another couple of days of attempting to get through to them... :lac: