View Full Version : how many people

15-06-07, 08:35
that suffers with agrophobia got children?

15-06-07, 09:08
Hi Foxy

I have 2 children both girls 16 and 19 years of age.


Granny Primark
15-06-07, 09:25
Hi bell,
I know why you are asking this.
bells partner has agrophobia and their little son has been taken off them cus of bell self harming in front of him.
The social worker is now making a big issue out of the fact that her partner is agrophobic. And how his condition may be affecting their little boy.
Im sure there are many agrophobics that are fantastic parents and they havent experienced too many problems bringing up well adjusted,happy children.
Good luck with the meeting at 2pm bell and try to keep calm when you speak to the "dragon lady" (social worker)

Take care

15-06-07, 09:32
Thanks lyn

Im so sorry to hear of this foxy, i hope and pray all goes well with your meeting also hun.:hugs: :hugs:


15-06-07, 09:39
Yeah they are also thinking they are going to make my partner get help for a cure for it and we all know there aren't cures only techniques to help

Today he is going to tell them in the meeting that the only person he is willing to discuss his condition with is the GP

As we all know you cant rush somebody into things with mental health

15-06-07, 14:33
It's real easy for someone from the outside looking in to pass judgement hun!
Obviously this social worker is a butt and needs to gain some knowledge about agoraphobia!!

I wonder if a letter from the gp that says that just because someone is agoraphobic doesn't mean that they are a danger to their children (DUH) would help at all!!!

It still amazes me when I see things like this happen just because of ignorance on the part of the system that is in place supposably to help in times of need!!!!!!!

I don't know if you all have pro bono attorneys over there but if you do - you might want to look into getting a consultation.


15-06-07, 15:49

My thoughts and prayers are with you today hun. I don't understand why this is an issue when you go out. It doesn't make any sense to me! Please let me know what happens. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Keep your chin up and stay strong you will persevere and get him back I just know it.

Love ya and :hugs:,

Laura :flowers:

16-06-07, 00:59
Well Im Agraphobic And A Single Parent And My Boys Are 18 And 22 And Turned Out Just Fine,my Disorderof 18 Yrs Never Effected Them In Any Way Well Sure The Little Things Here And There Like Maybe I Missed 1 Play 1 Game But The Rest I Went To,so I Dont Believe What So Ever Any One Can Hold That Against You ,its A Flipping Disorder.and Yes We Became Disabled At Times To A Certain Degree..... So They Gonna Tell Someone Who Is In A Wheel Chair ...to Get Up And Walk........tell Them Give Me A Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Lord I Could Go On About This Topic Lol ........good Luck...............linda Xxx

16-06-07, 08:07
i am agoraphobic and i have 2 beautiful girls
and i love them with every atom in my soul

16-06-07, 10:13
I have agoraphobia and it was already pretty bad when I had my son at the age of 22 back in 1977. When he was 9yrs old my husband left us and for the next 11yrs it was just me and him.

I wouldn't suggest for one minute that being a single agorpahobic parent is a picnic, but it's certainly possible to raise a well balanced child even if you do have this condition.

My son didn't miss out on holidays or days out as other people took him, I guess it was me who missed out the most as I could never take him myself and that did make me feel guilty and I worried he would blame me when he grew up.

My son is now 29 and married and is the most wonderful son a mother could ever ask for. I'd never had any problems with him, he has no anxiety either and I really don't think my condition has had a negative affect on him.