View Full Version : Does anxiety cause dizziness?

18-10-17, 12:16
I was just rocking my baby to sleep when I started feeling quite hot. The next minute while I was rocking her I started to feel so dizzy. I got scared and went to get my husband and was so dizzy I wS wobbling on my feet. I have been feeling very on edge this week and today started an exercise class at the gym...

Is it just anxiety or could there be something really wrong with me?

18-10-17, 12:22
Both tiredness and anxiety can cause you to feel dizzy! I'm guessing with a baby that you have disrupted sleep? How old is she?

I found my anxiety was particularly high when mine were very small. I think because of the lack of sleep. Xx

18-10-17, 12:46
Thank you so much for your reply!

She's 10 months old, but she's still waking up every hour and a half to two hours. We've also moved houses this week which has been a real punish.

I've never felt dizzy before with anxiety. Is it possible for a new symptom to randomly appear?

18-10-17, 12:50
Yes.. very common anxiety symptom (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dizziness_or_light-headedness).

Positive thoughts

18-10-17, 17:24

When my anxiety is really bad I definitely get dizziness, it's really scary and disorientating, but definitely down to anxiety.

Also I often get new anxiety symptoms, some go away and never come back, some random ones pop up - I find it's a changeable beast.

Hope this helps

xXx Kittenface xXx

18-10-17, 21:32
After I had my last baby last year I had loads of dizziness that went in for a long time. One evening it was so bad and I went to the hospital in the middle of the night where I pleaded with the doctor there. He knew what it was straight away. I also get it when I get really tired and by the sounds of it you sound like your tired and been through a lot. I get really fast bouts of dizziness then they go away again. I decided to front my dizziness by telling myself it was anxiety over and over and it started to go away slowly. I hope you feel better soon, if you read through posts on here lots of people suffer with it.