View Full Version : Anxiety help tongue issues

18-10-17, 16:53
Hi everybody who’s taken time to look at this thread.

I’m after a little insight to people with high anxiety symptoms
Do you have any issues with Dry/sore tongue?
Even in the morning when I wake up, mouth dry if I create saliva I get a creamy thick saliva
Disgusting I know

Does anybody body else, with high anxiety get any of these symptoms??
What love to know, it’s driving me mad.

I drink quite a lot of water

01-11-17, 20:35
When I stopped taking my medication my tongue would hurt and felt like it was swollen. I find chewing gum helps me not think about the symptoms when I have them. I got back on my medication at a lower dose I was a mess when I got off of it.

05-11-17, 14:55
I used to get a dry mouth from anxiety and my tounge hurt