View Full Version : ALS fears consuming my whole life

18-10-17, 17:20
What an emotional mess these two months have been. I'm a 26-year-old guy who was diagnosed with an inner ear problem which has affected my balance a bit. Nothing that actually affected my daily life that much and now I'm taking meds which control that sense of imbalance quite well.

But I got extremely anxious thinking that I had Meniere's, which is a quite debilitating inner ear syndrome. All the tests disproved it. Not satisfied, and feeling my hands going numb and tingling, I thought MS. Went to a neuro, did MRI of the spine and head - nothing, all clear.

Well, of crouse, my anxious mind did not stop there. Instead of being happy, I moved on to ALS, because I have been twitching this whole time. I know that means nothing without other major neurologic symptoms, I've read tons of stuff, medical studies, check the BFS forum through and through and, still, I cannot have any peace of mind.

I'm always checking my body, always doing strength tests. This is ****ed up. This last weekend I took a 4-day vacation abroad to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday and I spent 99% of the time thinking about ALS and that it would be my last trip with my girlfriend. I checked my phone hundreds of times looking for reassurance every time I had a twitch in my calves, hands, head, face.

Don't know how I can take myself out of this. I'm losing it. Every single rational thing says it is not ALS and, still, it haunts me 24/7. I used to control my emotions rather well, but now I can't do it anymore. Dr. Google tricked me big time. :(

18-10-17, 17:27
Read this... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) and please, do not go on the ALS forums!

Positive thoughts

18-10-17, 21:01
I feel for you. It's a tough one. My 5 point plan to overcoming ALS fears:

1) Stay off the Google searches and support boards for the disease. No more of that. It will only set you back.

2) Realize you don't have control here. Either your fears will come true, or they won't. Either way you can't really do much except life a healthy lifestyle. So get busy doing that.

3) Understand life is short. Everyone dies at some point, and we only have so much time in this life. So get out there and live it to its fullest, whatever that means to you. Sitting around and worrying yourself sick is no way to spend the gift that we've all been given. Go do something. And be thankful for the life you have – even to have made it this far, no matter your age, is something to be immensely grateful for. Plenty of people don't get to experience life even beyond childhood.

4) Resist the urge to check and to get reassurance. Don't give the fears so much space in your brain, fill it with other things.

5) Have a plan that if your fears do come true, know what you'll do. Be at peace with that plan.

Good luck,


18-10-17, 21:19
I feel for you. It's a tough one. My 5 point plan to overcoming ALS fears:

1) Stay off the Google searches and support boards for the disease. No more of that. It will only set you back.

2) Realize you don't have control here. Either your fears will come true, or they won't. Either way you can't really do much except life a healthy lifestyle. So get busy doing that.

3) Understand life is short. Everyone dies at some point, and we only have so much time in this life. So get out there and live it to its fullest, whatever that means to you. Sitting around and worrying yourself sick is no way to spend the gift that we've all been given. Go do something. And be thankful for the life you have – even to have made it this far, no matter your age, is something to be immensely grateful for. Plenty of people don't get to experience life even beyond childhood.

4) Resist the urge to check and to get reassurance. Don't give the fears so much space in your brain, fill it with other things.

5) Have a plan that if your fears do come true, know what you'll do. Be at peace with that plan.

Good luck,


Really excellent advice, atl. I should try to put that into practice with my own worries. I just don't seem able to at the moment.

18-10-17, 22:32
Thanks. Trust me, it's easier said than done. I came up with the list and I still don't always follow it. But I think having it keeps me honest about making an effort to do so.

This isn't my first rodeo with obsessions/fears, health or otherwise, so I am drawing on a bit of experience.

Good luck,

18-10-17, 23:04
Our resident diagnostician, Melfish NMP MD, will be along to see you in good time. She is an expert on ALS symptoms and will be able to tell you that you have absolutely nothing to fear :D

18-10-17, 23:06
Our resident diagnostician, Melfish NMP MD, will be along to see you in good time. She is an expert on ALS symptoms and will be able to tell you that you have absolutely nothing to fear :D


---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

... but fear itself

19-10-17, 03:23
Our resident diagnostician, Melfish NMP MD, will be along to see you in good time. She is an expert on ALS symptoms and will be able to tell you that you have absolutely nothing to fear :D


19-10-17, 06:08
Due to your high anxiety, young age, and single symptom (twitching), I bet you are ALS free!

19-10-17, 14:39
Mel "you can see fibrillations" Fish is no ALS expert, I assure you :shades:

19-10-17, 16:01
Mel "you can see fibrillations" Fish is no ALS expert, I assure you :shades:

Only on the tongue, man, only on the tongue :unsure:

---------- Post added at 08:01 ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 ----------

You've triggered me now :doh: