View Full Version : Feeling so awful..

18-10-17, 17:48
I don’t drink alcohol usually . Last night I drank and today I’m feeling so so bad..
It will be a long long time before I do that again...if ever.

Feeling alone and really depressed, anxiety is there too about it all..
I wish these lawful feelings would go..
Wish I wasn’t alone :weep::weep:

18-10-17, 18:12
Sending you hugs!! I've been there, it feels wretched doesn't it. Eat some decent food and try to have a decent sleep. I hope you feel better. Alcohol sometimes kicks my anxiety off too. Xxx

18-10-17, 18:24
Thank you emmer, it’s dreadful I really think I won’t drink again...

Really appreciate your reply
Drinking seems to highlight every emotion

18-10-17, 19:23
That's the reason I don't drink at all. :-( My first panic attack happened when I was hangovered from a night of drinking. :-(

Try to rehydrate by drinking small sips of water or some isotonic drink. Take care! It will pass soon!

Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk

18-10-17, 19:29
That's the reason I don't drink at all. :-( My first panic attack happened when I was hangovered from a night of drinking. :-(

Try to rehydrate by drinking small sips of water or some isotonic drink. Take care! It will pass soon!

Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk

Thank you.
I think I’m going to be not drinking alcohol after this..hardly drink now, but it’s sucha bad feeling...yes I’m eating now and had lots of water, thank you
So appreciate the message, feeling low

18-10-17, 19:33
I know how you feel. :-( Sending you a big virtual hug now! Hope it helps to know you are not alone!

Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk

18-10-17, 19:35
I know how you feel. :-( Sending you a big virtual hug now! Hope it helps to know you are not alone!

Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk

Thank you. Need that hug today...and yes it helps to know I’m not alone....xxx

18-10-17, 20:56
I used to drink a lot from about 14 to 41 so not a bad run but it got harder to deal with hangovers and after a real bad melt down I haven't been able to drink more than a couple since , it sends my anxiety through the roof and stops me sleeping so I stick to a couple .
It will pass and sleep is always a good way to heal .
Take care and have a hug :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-10-17, 23:10
I used to drink a lot from about 14 to 41 so not a bad run but it got harder to deal with hangovers and after a real bad melt down I haven't been able to drink more than a couple since , it sends my anxiety through the roof and stops me sleeping so I stick to a couple .
It will pass and sleep is always a good way to heal .
Take care and have a hug :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks Buster...
Appreciate those hugs 🤗
Yes, it’s slowly subsiding and your right, sleeping and drinking water both good things to do...I’ve learnt a lesson...don’t wanna feel like this again...😩 it just makes all the emotions highlighted, I don’t mind my own company , today I’ve felt so alone. Been nice to have the support here xx

18-10-17, 23:25
Been there, know how it feels! You will feel a lot better after a good night's sleep and a lot of water/gatorade. :hugs::hugs:

18-10-17, 23:32
Been there, know how it feels! You will feel a lot better after a good night's sleep and a lot of water/gatorade. :hugs::hugs:

Thank you ..helps to know I’m not the only one
Appreciate it x

19-10-17, 12:18
Don't touch alcohol now - even having a few interacts badly with meds I'm on.

Hope you feel better soon...


19-10-17, 16:23
Don't touch alcohol now - even having a few interacts badly with meds I'm on.

Hope you feel better soon...


Thanks kk

Feeling better today. Yes I think I’m best to leave it alone really. I usually don’t bother...I realised why :weep:
Thank you for the hug appreciate it.