View Full Version : Do Hemorrhoids Looks Like This?

18-10-17, 18:02

I'm suffering from symptoms I described in my previous thread for 6 months. First I was afraid it is colon cancer, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron... In the meantime I found out that the problem is located in my anus and now I'm worried it could be anal cancer.

However, I checked my anus with a mirror and when I spread it a little there are two soft, swollen-like things. They are smaller than a pea and are located on the opening edge. I think I can see bluish veins are coming in it, so those could be hemorrhoids, but the skin over them and between looks inflamed, it is reddish and it seems there are broken capillars.

It is not painful when touch, but cause discomfort after BM that lasts up to 2 hours.

Does this sounds like hemorrhoids? Can skin over them can look inflamed, with broken capillars? Or skin over hemorrhoids looks normal, without changes?


18-10-17, 18:51
To be honest it sounds like piles but as we aren't qualified to say get it checked out I no it can be the embrassment that stops people but it's a couple of minutes to check it's worth it but try not to worry stay positive x

18-10-17, 19:25
Yep, I second that motion (sorry, poor joke). Seriously though, this does 'sound' like piles (I can't spell hemoroyds - see what I mean). Firstly, congratulations on your agility - I really struggled to get a positive ID on mine, maybe I should take up yoga.
This common and embarrassing condition (especially if your British) can be a real nuisance. You might not want to visit your GP but it's probably better if you did - just to get rid of them quicker. Personally I had a beauty which proved a tough cookie to deal with. It was external. My remedy ? a nightly application of an ice cube wrapped in a wet wipe and firmly lodged next to the 'intruder' - or 'extruder' in my case. Nothing happened for nigh on two months, no change at all. But then it began to reduce and in another two weeks all was back to normal. Hope this helps.

18-10-17, 20:31
MRS STRESS ED, Suttree63 thank you for your replies.

Yes, I know I should visit my GP, but I'm afraid I can be diagnosed with something serious so I'm avoiding any kind of doctors. I know that's stupid and doesn't make sense, but...

Problems started for the first time in April 2016. There was a tender lump on the left side of my anus for one week or so. I remember that sitting was painful. In August 2016 I had discomfort after each BM for 10-14 days. In November I noticed a drop of bright blood in the toiled (after BM) for the first time. Everything was fine until April 2017 when discomfort after MB started again.

Immediately after BM I was fine for 1 hour and then I had strange filling in anus for the next 2-3 hours. It's like dull pain, feeling that something is stuck in down there and similar. I tried some hemorrhoids creams and they provided some relief, but problem is still there.

In the meantime I had a drop or two of blood in the toilet 2 times and a few times I noticed very thin line of blood on the surface of feces (it was visible only with a lamp).

Discomfort is now less intensive and last for 1-2 hours after BM. So it's better then when it started in April.

What worries me the most - each time there is jelly like substance on the top of the first poop. It's white yellowish string, looks like mucus from nose. I assume that is mucus, but not sure how exactly mucus on stool looks. There is no much of it, like 4-5 cm long string.

Not sure if this could be any serious health problem? I guess that cancer symptoms do not improve over time, but become worse. Also if this is UC or Chron, I assume I would have more symptoms like diarrhea, more blood etc.

It all started one and half year ago, not sure if that's enough time to rule out life-threatening illnesses. Probably more symptoms would emerge in the meantime if this is something serious?

19-10-17, 08:05
I just lost my best friend to rectum cancer her symptoms were not as you are describing she was in alot of pain in the early stages with her stomach,she was losing very dark blood and constantly needing the toilet I hope this reasures a bit but please go see the doctor xx there is no one more who regret not going than my poor friend xx

23-10-17, 15:01
So sorry to hear about your friend :(

I talked to a doctor about my problems and he said it's probably anal fissure. Nothing life threatening, but stubborn thing which is hard to heal. Will try to use some fissure cream to see if the situation will improve.

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

Five years ago or so I had another healthy anxiety problem and switched to vegan diet, just to reduce my chances to get some kind of cancer. I didn't noticed any general health improvements on plant based diet because I was very healthy and lean before that.

What changed was my bowel movement habits. They were always regular (1-2 times a day) but on vegan diet I had 5-6 BM a day! I was brainwashed by vegan propaganda and thought that's healthy, it's a way to "clean our bodies" blah blah.

When problems with this anal thing started for the first time I learned that vegan diet is not that good and started to eat regular food again. In my case regular means a lot of vegetables, fruits, some meat, fish, no junk foods, no sugars etc. Since I stopped vegan diet I'm going the toilet two times to a day again.

I'm writing this because I want to ask - if I really have anal fissure is it possible that too frequent bowel movements caused it? Did I simply damaged my anus by having 5 and more BM a day?

26-10-17, 09:05
Yes, everything you have described sounds exactly like piles!
I honestly don't think you should worry about going to see your doctor, as your symptoms are very, very common, and easily treated.
As a long term sufferer of both health anxiety and piles, my doctor was able to put my mind at rest immediately, and I would urge you to go to the doctor - not because you have anything worrying, but rather to get some much needed reassurance - and possibly a prescription for haemorrhoid relief, which will make you feel better physically and psychologically.

29-10-17, 15:24
They sound very much like piles as I have what you described and had they checked by a GP, and they were indeed piles; though you should go and get them checked or try anusol and that should shrink them. Since August I’ve had HA over bowel/rectal and anal cancer. I mentioned this to my doctor and she said anal cancer is very very rare. A recital exam by a GP can rule anal cancer out for you if you’re worried.

06-11-17, 21:49
Just a thought - the over the counter creams are not as good as the prescribed ones as the prescribed ones contain steroids x

06-11-17, 23:20
Frankly, I'm just glad the OP didn't post a picture! :ohmy:

Positive thoughts and some Prep H ;)