View Full Version : Symptoms first?

19-10-17, 08:48
Hi all
I read a lot of threads by people with symptoms who are told theyre caused by anxiety and it’s not that they are ill, it’s their anxiety causing their symptoms. I totally understand that there are very clear anxiety symptoms but in my case I don’t feel anxious until I have a symptom. I know I’m stating the obvious when I say a lump for example isn’t caused by anxiety, but the subsequent emotions and feeling you might have about the lump can be attributed to anxiety.

I just wondered if anyone else felt the same. I feel that lately I over examine every ache or twitch or pain, become anxious about it which causes the typical anxiety symptoms like adrenaline rush stomach churning loose stools etc. Then the actual symptom I’m stressing about seems to last for days or weeks and I’m not sure if my anxiety has caused it to last so long or whether it’s a symptom I should be taking more seriously and seeing my gp with. I’m hoping I’m making sense!

Also I wondered if anyone has noticed a significant change in their anxiety by taking up exercise more? I have to admit I’m about a stone overweight and I hate exercise! I’ve never been into it but I’m happy to give anything a go and see if it helps :yesyes:

19-10-17, 11:56
Well done for trying exercise. I hate it too, I love yoga though. I did do a lot of exercise last year and lot weight but I've put weight back on and can't get motivated enough to do more I also have less time than I had last yr. I went on youtube and did fitness blender videos. A lot of people say exercise is good and I'm wondering if I should do something more than yoga too.

I used to have very bad anxiety about symptoms. I would take a medication and then think I had the side effects. In my teens I was so sure that there was something wrong I even went to the hospital to be told that nothing was wrong. I feel bad about all the times I've had a symptom that my mind made worse but you can't help how your mind is.
The only thing I can think of is that reassuring yourself everything is fine, getting lumps or important things checked out, doctors will understand. Keep a diary?
It can be difficult to know what's anxiety and what's not but then if your anxiety follows a pattern you can just think, thats my anxiety.

Let us know how you get on and with your exercise. :)

19-10-17, 12:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

19-10-17, 16:26
Thanks Jen, will do although its chucking it down outside at the min so that's my excuse for tonight!! :doh: