View Full Version : Constipation or blockage?

19-10-17, 13:43
Didn't know where to post this so I got no other option it's technically related to my anxiety and health anxiety though.

I am suspecting I have an anal blockage as I had the flu a few days ago. I thought I had stomach flu as well because I was having diarrea and stomach cramps. I was going to the toilet at least 10 times a day for 3 or 4 days straight.. however now I'm recovering and starting to eat bits again. I had around 4 slices of toast and a bacon sandwich not all at once just within the last 2 days.. yet when I go to the toilet it's not watery but it's mushy and slimy.. never had it like this before.. Then I was thinking how can I still be suffering from this after nearly a week? Then I looked it up (as you do) and something about blockage of the anus or fecal impaction and all that, it causes pain it said "severe" I don't really have that much pain so that sorta eases me, however it does say about little to no stool and unable to release gas. It sounds close to what I've got and it's put me on edge.. I was wondering if anyone has ever had a blockage and can explain if I'm just looking too much into it?

Here's where my anxiety comes in, I suffer panic attacks badly and I'm agoraphobic. I don't go out the house really. So I can't go to my doctor to get it looked at and I can't see them coming to my house and bringing an x-ray machine with them.

I have sorta forgot how it feels to need a solid stool and at the moment I feel as if something is at the door of my anus and I can't get it out because it is blocked. If it was constipation I wouldn't be having anything come out, am I trying to push something that isn't there? Am I empty and it just feels like there's something? Am I trying to poop my prostate? I'd love to get it checked but I'm mentally unable so I know this could possibly be deadly if it is a blockage..

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19-10-17, 15:41
This sounds much like IBS to me, rather than anything serious, so try not to worry too much.

Bowel changes are very common with IBS. The fact you also suffer from panic attacks/stress is also a big link to triggering IBS/bowel issues.

You mention many things that relate to IBS - loose stools/pooing several times daily swinging to a feeling of wanting to go/having the urge, but not being able to. This is classic symptoms. Also, IBS causes the bowel to tighten and spasm, which makes gas and poo release difficult, which you mention too.

There are a few things that may help. Increase your fluid intake. Increase your fibre intake (though this is a bit trial and error as sometimes extra fibre may not help, depending on whether you are more inclined to loose stools or constipation) Avoid foods that create gas and spicy foods that can trigger bowel issues.

The worst case scenario is not necessarily the issue here. It is far more likely that your current problems are related to having been unwell and stress, in my opinion. It doesn't take much to trigger bowel issues when we are suffering the things we are mentally. As an IBS sufferer and depression/GAD and panic disorder sufferer myself, I can truly confirm that!

Hope this helps! x:hugs:

20-10-17, 10:45
This sounds much like IBS to me, rather than anything serious, so try not to worry too much.

Bowel changes are very common with IBS. The fact you also suffer from panic attacks/stress is also a big link to triggering IBS/bowel issues.

You mention many things that relate to IBS - loose stools/pooing several times daily swinging to a feeling of wanting to go/having the urge, but not being able to. This is classic symptoms. Also, IBS causes the bowel to tighten and spasm, which makes gas and poo release difficult, which you mention too.

There are a few things that may help. Increase your fluid intake. Increase your fibre intake (though this is a bit trial and error as sometimes extra fibre may not help, depending on whether you are more inclined to loose stools or constipation) Avoid foods that create gas and spicy foods that can trigger bowel issues.

The worst case scenario is not necessarily the issue here. It is far more likely that your current problems are related to having been unwell and stress, in my opinion. It doesn't take much to trigger bowel issues when we are suffering the things we are mentally. As an IBS sufferer and depression/GAD and panic disorder sufferer myself, I can truly confirm that!

Hope this helps! x:hugs:Thanks for your reply Debs, I've never had an history of IBS, would it just come on this suddenly at this point in my life? The last few days my stomach has done nothing but cramp up and my stool doesn't know what it's doing.. first it's diarrhoea full blown water. Next it's just sloppy to very mushy and sometimes it floats.. I stopped eating yet again because I'm not sure what it is. I've always been told diarrhoea MAKES you go.. this is when I feel like I need to go I can hold it like a normal stool. Diarrhoea wakes you from the night to make you go I sleep most of the night without a peep and don't feel like going in the morning. I've always had a different bowel system than everyone I know. Most people poop once or twice a day I poop once or twice a week.. before I got this anyway...

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20-10-17, 10:47
Thanks for your reply Debs, I've never had an history of IBS, would it just come on this suddenly at this point in my life? The last few days my stomach has done nothing but cramp up and my stool doesn't know what it's doing.. first it's diarrhoea full blown water. Next it's just sloppy to very mushy and sometimes it floats.. I stopped eating yet again because I'm not sure what it is. I've always been told diarrhoea MAKES you go.. this is when I feel like I need to go I can hold it like a normal stool. Diarrhoea wakes you from the night to make you go I sleep most of the night without a peep and don't feel like going in the morning. I've always had a different bowel system than everyone I know. Most people poop once or twice a day I poop once or twice a week.. before I got this anyway...

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The only way I know if it’s ibs sometimes is that it nearly never wakes me in the night it starts once I wake up.

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20-10-17, 15:54
Thanks for your reply Debs, I've never had an history of IBS, would it just come on this suddenly at this point in my life? The last few days my stomach has done nothing but cramp up and my stool doesn't know what it's doing.. first it's diarrhoea full blown water. Next it's just sloppy to very mushy and sometimes it floats.. I stopped eating yet again because I'm not sure what it is. I've always been told diarrhoea MAKES you go.. this is when I feel like I need to go I can hold it like a normal stool. Diarrhoea wakes you from the night to make you go I sleep most of the night without a peep and don't feel like going in the morning. I've always had a different bowel system than everyone I know. Most people poop once or twice a day I poop once or twice a week.. before I got this anyway...

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Yep, IBS can occur out of nowhere.

Mine first started many years ago, around 2001, when I had just been promoted to a management position on the ward I worked on. I was really struggling under the stress, and started getting a nagging pain in my left lower abdomen. Constant pain, all day. I saw my GP and she said it was my colon spasming and she diagnosed IBS. I had no signs of it up to that point, but when I looked back I had also had weird bowel patterns like having to run to the loo after certain foods, then constipation, bloating, etc.

Stress plays a big part. The problem also is that when you get weird bowel stuff like this it makes you stress and worry more, which just makes things worse. It's a catch-22 situation. If you are very concerned, please see your GP for a word about it. Nothing you describe sounds really worrying to me personally. Stuff like blood in poo or really sticky, tarry poo shold be investigated, but what you mention sounds a lot like IBS to me, but as I say, if you are still concerned, see your doc. I know it is scray, but it is better to have it checked than not if it is playing on your mind.x

20-10-17, 16:14
Some pro biotics to help the helpful bacteria in your gut could be a good idea as well and that is an easy fix.

From what you describe it isnt either constipation or a blockage so go for the easy to treat answer first.