View Full Version : feel like im gong mad

19-10-17, 18:26
Hi everyone new to the group,
have suffered depression on and off for 30 years but this seems to have subsided and have been left with nasty heart palpitations sweats feel like im going to pass out, have had tests at gp, blood pressure normal, ecg normal, but am so scared feels like my heart is racing and going to explode out of my chest . Have been prescribed venlafaxine as doctor believes it to be anxiety but im not anxious about anything , it happens everyday now and im starting to think im going crazy

19-10-17, 18:31
Hi agirlfrommars,

I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling with this. I know this feeling well. It does sound like classic anxiety. Sometimes it is hard to listen to the doctors when we know they are humans and can err, but if you have had all the tests then I would say it does sound like health anxiety.

I feel heart palpitations a lot, they are scary and very unsettling. But know that your heart will always keep going on its own, it will stay beating. Sometimes it may be erratic or fast, but it'll calm back down and just keep going.

Have you started to take the medication yet?? You're not going crazy. Heart palps are a very common symptom of anxiety, they can be overcome though and you can and will get better.


19-10-17, 20:50
Hi agirlfrommars, my struggle with anxiety also started with heart palpitations. Up until now heart related issues are a trigger for me. Hearing about them, seeing something related, just anything can still make feel uneasy... Recently there was a campaign in the country I live in about heart attacks in women, and I had to turn the tv off because I knew I might feel anxious afterwards.

In the beginnng I didn't recognise anxiety for what it was and I had a hard time accepting it. So I know how surprising it is to get the diagnosis you got too. The thing about anxiety is that we often don't know we feel anxious, especially if it became a permanent state. :-( So you might be anxious without realising it.

A couple of months ago I felt just like you feel now. I was sure something was wrong with my heart despite of the blood work made in the ER, the tests made by my doctor, the perfect ECG and all the rest. I finally decided to trust my doctor, and I started a combination of meds and theraphy. And guess what? It worked like a charm! Did you talk to your doctor about combining the meds with theraphy?

23-10-17, 21:41
Hello agirlfrommars,
Yes I understand how you feel. My anxiety problems kicked off with palpitations which were terrifying and I was convinced I had a heart problem. Medication took the edge off the anxiety and therapy helped me understand what was going on with my mind and my body. It's still there, I still get the palpitations, but mostly now I can step back and observe them and not let them overwhelm me. Give the meds and therapy a try and I'm sure you'll do ok.

29-10-17, 04:33
Hey agirlfrommars, I can promise you one thing, you aren't going mad. You have a text book symptoms of anxiety. There isn't a reason for it usually but it usually is triggered by something. Regardless let me give you some assurance about your mental state of mind.
I have relatives with mental illness and I have never once heard them self analyze their symptoms to even remotely think anything was wrong with them. You will never hear a crazy person question if he is normal. In their mind, everything is normal and anyone who says contrary is the crazy one. It's like when you dream. You don't know it's a dream at all. You just assume this reality as fact no questions asked (at least until you wake up just enough to figure it all out). I reccomend a book that has helped me so much with anxiety. If you can only have one sword in your journey with anxiety it is the book "at last a life" by paul david. Trust in your natural nature to be a surviver, my friend. You aren't alone. We are with you. I promise.

04-11-17, 17:06
U e not going crazy.. i had panick attacks that kicked in out of nowhere.. I was in a happy state but they kicked in... It was a very hard time going through it but it passed.. I also thought that I was going crazy and the doc told me that no insane person wonders if he is insane.. i also thought that I had all kind of illnesses but it was just the panick attacks.. also thought that I would never end but it it ..

07-11-17, 07:06
OP, its just anxiety. I know it can be a fight but you are not going mad. It feels like i might go “mad” any day but that never happens of course. Just another day like all the others.

I feel like the more I bottle it up inside and don’t talk about it, the worse it gets. Too much self reflection time and not enough external engagement. I saw something on reddit about how anxious people might have a lot more of a chemical that causes this constant internal analysis and less of the chemical responsible for external engagement.

Discussing these problems with someone can help greatly and calm the mind.

07-11-17, 10:04
Hi everyone new to the group,
have suffered depression on and off for 30 years but this seems to have subsided and have been left with nasty heart palpitations sweats feel like im going to pass out, have had tests at gp, blood pressure normal, ecg normal, but am so scared feels like my heart is racing and going to explode out of my chest . Have been prescribed venlafaxine as doctor believes it to be anxiety but im not anxious about anything , it happens everyday now and im starting to think im going crazy


Is there any chance you could be experiencing Perimenopause!

Just thought as you are not feeling anxious.

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------


Is there any chance you could be experiencing the peri menaupause. I had those symptoms when I started with it. Just a thought and hope you get to the bottom of it soon and feel better xx:)

07-11-17, 14:53
OP, I get heart palpitations everyday. I know they are from anxiety, but for some reason I have a hard time accepting that! I have had all the tests done. I am having a major set back in recovery right now. We are all in this together and you are not alone.