View Full Version : HA fears

20-10-17, 02:37
Hi everyone
For about a month I’ve been having headaches, pretty much constantly, left side of my head. Also recently the back of my head. I ws terrified I had a tumour or a brain bleed.
1st GP told me tension headaches and prescribed naproxen. A few days later the headaches were the same plus I started getting pins and needles in hands and feet so went back to gp. He looked in my eyes and said it looked fine and said it was down to health anxiety and put me on 50mg of setraline. That was 1 week ago. Since then I’ve had nausea and feel tired.. all of which I was warned about so not too concerned. However the headaches persist. Possibly not as frequently but they are definitely still there.
I have just been woken up with a throbbing head. This has sent me back down the google rabbit hole and now I’m terrified. Are these symptoms of HA, the medication or something more sinister?! Now I can’t skeep which is obviously not going to help me feel any better.
Any advice is welcomed x

20-10-17, 16:57
The nausea is definitely a side effect of sertraline. I was on it for 10 years, and when I first started taking it I lost about 10 pounds from nausea and lack of appetite. It generally passes within a few weeks, and if not you should tell your doctor and ask to be switched to a different med.

Headaches can definitely be caused by anxiety and stress. The stress makes you clench your jaw, hunch your shoulders, and generally tense your muscles. When I get that back of head ache, I am pretty sure it's due to tension in my neck and shoulders. I also find that if you are expecting a headache or constantly checking in with your head to see if a headache is starting, that can actually trigger a headache.

Give the meds a chance to work, and see if you can distract yourself and do something enjoyable. I often find that when I'm having symptoms like a dull headache going out with friends can help me immensely. Take the naproxen if you need it, and you can also try a cold pack on the back of the neck. Some peppermint essential oil on the temples has also been helpful for me. I bet you will feel much better in another week or so once the sertraline has really kicked in.

21-10-17, 12:36
The nausea is definitely a side effect of sertraline. I was on it for 10 years, and when I first started taking it I lost about 10 pounds from nausea and lack of appetite. It generally passes within a few weeks, and if not you should tell your doctor and ask to be switched to a different med.

Headaches can definitely be caused by anxiety and stress. The stress makes you clench your jaw, hunch your shoulders, and generally tense your muscles. When I get that back of head ache, I am pretty sure it's due to tension in my neck and shoulders. I also find that if you are expecting a headache or constantly checking in with your head to see if a headache is starting, that can actually trigger a headache.

Give the meds a chance to work, and see if you can distract yourself and do something enjoyable. I often find that when I'm having symptoms like a dull headache going out with friends can help me immensely. Take the naproxen if you need it, and you can also try a cold pack on the back of the neck. Some peppermint essential oil on the temples has also been helpful for me. I bet you will feel much better in another week or so once the sertraline has really kicked in.

Thank you for your reply. The headache in the back of my head I’m sure it’s tension, I can feel my shoulders are hunched even now. It’s the persistent headache in my left forehead that’s worrying me. Docs all seem convinced it’s nothing to worry about but as always, they’re reassurance works for a few hours then the fears creep back in. Increased anxiety on the setraline doesn’t help.
Will see what the optician has to say, am hoping for nothing more than eye strain!

21-10-17, 13:36
Hi I’m kinda having similar things to you but mine started as labyrinthitis but I still find the left side of my head isn’t right I also suffer anxiety and was recently put on the same meds , unfortunately I can’t take the side effects anymore after 4 days so I’m about to get advice cause I don’t think these are for me I know you have to wait a while but the side effects are too much and the heightened anxiety makes me feel like I’ve taken two steps back ! I definitely think it’s tension headache because mine gets worse if I’m stressed or anxious , I hope you can relax soon and get some relief totally understand what your feeling x

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