View Full Version : Head feels completely f****d

20-10-17, 06:12
I'm starting to lose my mind here, I've had this intense brain fog for the past week and a half and I can't shake it off. There are times I feel lost or confused and it's scary as hell. It makes me feel like I have Alzheimer's or something. I know my anxiety is through the roof with this and I'll not sleeping well but I don't know how else to feel right now

20-10-17, 21:37
I've been feeling brain fogged for a few months now. I think it might be improving a bit, and it especially is better at night, but I can't give much advice on how to make it go away. But I hope knowing you're not alone helps a little bit at least!
For me it makes me feel quite dreamy, and it is hard to think critically or really focus on things. Is it the same for you? I'm in medical school so all of that is really difficult!

24-10-17, 22:48
I've been feeling brain fogged for a few months now. I think it might be improving a bit, and it especially is better at night, but I can't give much advice on how to make it go away. But I hope knowing you're not alone helps a little bit at least!
For me it makes me feel quite dreamy, and it is hard to think critically or really focus on things. Is it the same for you? I'm in medical school so all of that is really difficult!

Yes It is the same for me, When Im reading its hard for me to focus. But I also experience some weird short term memory stuff were Ill forget what Im supposed to be doing or lock my door, get in my car and then forget if I locked my door. Im sure my stress is playin with it and making it worse but I dont know what extent is something else. I went to the doctor and they said it could be a sinus infection possibly. I do get some pressure around my face some times and it feels like a vice is gripping on my head. I keep having this weird suspicion that its a thyroid issue or something.