View Full Version : Woke up with the dryest cough

20-10-17, 07:20
I woke up coughing and splattering and my chest has this strange heavy tickle that I just cannot get rid or despite what I drink. It's causing me some stress. :weep:

20-10-17, 09:41
Hello. My little one gets a nasty cough with bugs. Steam is really good to clear out any gunk in your chest - you can just boil up a pan of water and inhale the steam for as long as you can. A hot bath is good. Vicks on your chest is good too. Drink lots of fluids - hot drinks and water.

20-10-17, 11:31
Gargle with warm salt water. My old doctor was a huge advocate of gargling salt water for any type of upper respiratory infection.

What are you really worried about?

20-10-17, 12:00
You may have a chest infection - I have one at the moment.

See how it goes and if you are worried see the doctor