View Full Version : Anyone else so anxious they can't even function?

20-10-17, 10:17
I won't go through all the reasons for my anxiety again, as they've been covered in other posts, but I was wondering if anybody else was suffering so badly that they can't even function as a proper human being?

I've always worked and have barely taken any sick leave in the last decade, but now I've been signed off work and I've moved in with my mother. I don't see anyone and the only reason I leave the house is to go to therapy or the doctor. I manage to have a bath most days, but eating is often really hard. I've lost a lot of weight. My mother puts food in front of me and I try to eat it.

When I'm full of fear and dread I can't cry and can barely communicate. I feel relieved if the dread fades a little and I just feel sad / anxious / angry. Then I can cry and it feels more bearable. But when the dread rises up I'm basically paralysed.

I don't even get that many physical anxiety symptoms. Slightly increased heart rate, tingling legs sometimes, and I have vomited from anxiety... but that's it.

I don't know how to get through this!

20-10-17, 10:23
I can relate to what you're saying, I feel like this a lot. I start work at 12 today and i'm trying to force myself out of bed. I've barely eaten in the last three days and have been very down.

Have you had any help with your anxiety at all?

20-10-17, 11:02
I can relate to what you're saying, I feel like this a lot. I start work at 12 today and i'm trying to force myself out of bed. I've barely eaten in the last three days and have been very down.

Have you had any help with your anxiety at all?

I'm having therapy with a clinical psychologist. I don't know if it'll help or not, I've had only 4 sessions. The doctors have been talking about putting me on an SSRI but I'm trying to resist that for the moment.

Ash J
20-10-17, 11:15
Was this way 4 months ago, got signed off work as was unable to function due to constant panic. It has taken alot of hard work over the last few months to get myself back to almost where I was but still have moments and still not back at work. You are having therapy which is a step in the right direction and hopefully soon you will start to feel benefits from it.

20-10-17, 11:15
I have been that way,was for a lot of years. I still get days when I feel like crap sometimes lasts for a hell of a lot longer, it sucks but I push myself through it, I have mantras I repeat over and over they help, I can't afford not too work so I take 3 lots of pills that try to keep me on a level keel.

20-10-17, 11:19
I am lucky, I know, to be in a position where I can take this time off work and have somebody to look after me. A lot of people don't have that. I need to focus more on the things I am lucky to have.

Senior Moment
20-10-17, 11:40
Suggest you check out website CBT4panic as I'm sure it will help you alongside your therapy. Much more helpful than medication in my opinion, although I do realise medication helps for some people but is never a ling term 'cure'. Try it out. xx

20-10-17, 13:16
I'm having therapy with a clinical psychologist. I don't know if it'll help or not, I've had only 4 sessions. The doctors have been talking about putting me on an SSRI but I'm trying to resist that for the moment.

Have you discussed your participation on the forum? If not, it's vital you do.

Positive thoughts

20-10-17, 14:52
Have you discussed your participation on the forum? If not, it's vital you do.

Positive thoughts

I hadn't mentioned it, not really thinking it relevant. I will though. She'd probably think it was a safety behaviour...

21-10-17, 20:19
Just wondered if your mum is helping you with your anxiety do you speak to her about it? Or your partner?

It's awful you're living like this, are you from the UK?

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21-10-17, 20:22
Have you ever tried medication?

21-10-17, 20:55
I've been there - summer 2016. I could barely function, but I am now doing a lot better. Had a lot of counselling with a psychologist, and I'm on medication (have been for years, unlikely to come off it ever).

Things can and do get better - recovery is possible with hard work!

22-10-17, 00:07
Hey, yes, I was not functioning when I was seriously anxious. I managed to do about 10 hours of work a week, by putting in all my energy into that, and it made me anxious to work, and anxious to not work too. You're not the only one, for sure. I probably didn't breathe normally for a good few months solid because of anxiety. Shook a fair bit too.

22-10-17, 00:31
I have been nonfunctional before, but I was not working outside the home at that time.

Currently, I am doing fine at work, but I get home and get really internal and withdrawn some days, don't want to interact with family, and all the noise they make really gets on my nerves lol.

I know it is not fair to them and I try to snap myself out of it as much as I can. It's hard to do when symptoms keep coming though. I think self talk helps, constantly reminding that I haven't been diagnosed and it's not cool to get preoccupied with a disease I don't have.

22-10-17, 10:30
Hi O.

I was like that the first time I was hit with anxiety too and lay in bed for 4 days absolutely terrified, then my husband took me to the doctor. I was prescribed drugs and later had counseling which both helped me a lot, and got me over it.

Now when I go through the mill I head straight to the doctor, take meds but also do a lot to help myself ( my husband died so I am on my own in a foreign country) 2 Things which really help me to help myself are The Dr Claire weekes books, in particular " Self help for you nerves" and I also have a relaxation and breathing exercise CD . The CD talks you through body awareness and then clenching and releasing all the muscle groups in the body and even when you are so tightly wound you feel like you could snap, with repeated practice you can unwind enough to even drop off to sleep.

I hope you will try my 2 suggestions and feel a lot better soon.