View Full Version : Tongue Sore Uncommon

20-10-17, 17:23
Hello, it's been a while.

I tried keeping health anxiety down, but this new thing feels more real (doesn't it always?).

I have some kind of pustule or something on the right side of my tongue, in the back, hard to reach - almost at the far most point. The pustule is yellow in color, and I feel it sometimes burning. There are pustules on the left side of my tongue as well, same place, but they don't look yellow, nor as big. This doesn't look like any kind of tongue sore that I've seen on the internet. I've had it there for a week, at least I felt it for a week, it could have been there far longer, for all I know.

I'm visiting a dentist tomorrow to check it out first - because it's Saturday and I don't want to wait until Monday to visit my doctor - to try to get some piece of mind. Ofcourse I'll visit my doc on Monday anyway.

But I feel pretty bad about this. This doesn't look like anything that I've seen on pics on the internet and there's always that "C" word in the back of my mind.

Any input? Any experiences with tongue sores in general, or better yet, unusual uncommon tongue sores?

Thanks for answers.

20-10-17, 20:26
I get ulcers in my mouth and often get them on my tongue. I bite the sides of my tongue in my sleep and it causes ulcers to develop.

11-11-17, 15:30
I didn't go to the dentist that day, but I went a few days ago, and I already regret and feel immense guilt that I went so late. The dentist said she saw something, but would not say anything specific except to make a referral at my personal doctor. I asked her straight if she thinks it's cancer, but she was trying to be reassuring. I have an appointment tomorrow. I'm observing my tongue with the mirror and the light every day now and I found another thing, something that could look like some kind of cyst, a small yellow pustule and a bigger formation, of what seems to me (an average guy with no knowledge in healthcare), a cyst. Needless to say, I'm dreading the worst. This is the worst hypochondria fear in years, and this one actually has a basis.

This uncertainty is killing me.

I'm walking around like I'm already dead.

16-11-17, 18:26
I've set up an ear, nose and throat specialist appointment on Monday. This Monday I've been at my personal doctor for the first time, a younger female doctor who referred me to that ENT, she said that it's not likely it would be cancer, but that I should get checked out anyway, as it's impossible to know just like that.

The "sore" or whatever it is, is now easy to see for me, and it feels that it had grown a bit, and the pain radiates kind of around the area of the sore and somehow even feels deeper in the tongue itself.

Trying to be positive but it's hard. The basis for my fears are well substantiated now, it's not like in the past when I always in the back of my mind "felt" that my fears are unfounded. It would be pretty ironic that me, a long year health anxiety sufferer, get sick from one of my biggest fears - cancer.

09-02-18, 00:43
The ENT found an unsuspicious looking laceration on the side of my tongue and theorized that the laceration was caused by one of the back teeth grinding - referred me to the dentist, who polished my tooth. After that I still felt the sting on my tongue for more than a month, but eventually it stopped. So in the clear, for now. Another piece in my hypochondria mosaic.