View Full Version : Constant general anxiety

20-10-17, 23:02
I'm daily struggling with constant high general anxiety. It's new to me as in its very physical when usually my anxiety is thoughts based and rarely any attacks.. Now it's daily having a churning stomach, surges from my stomach that explode and cause anxieyy/panic attacks, fast heart t during the attacks, shakes, nausea, upset stomach, hot flushed face... It all hits during an attack.. Once I've had one then I have several that day and between them I feel churning high general anxiety. I can then have a couple of days of lower general anxiety with no attacks but on the days the attacks hit I feel terrible all day with the constant churning stomach and huge rushes to my head that then trigger the panic attacks.

Today I started with churning in my stomach, fast heart, rushes to my head making me feel faint... Then everytime I attempted to do hosirwori or even a trip to the toilet a panic attack hit.. They can even hit whwn Sat down on days like today. Once they calm, which can take hours and hours to stop surging. I am left exhausted and then all that remains is that churning and fear of the next day.

Can anyone relate? Does this sound like general anxiety? It's awful and its been ruining my life for 2 weeks now. I've had GAD for many years it's just never been so physical. I've not had panic attacks for years. I'm living every day worrying how I will get through the day feeling so bad and then the random attacks. It's exhausting me too.

I just wondered if anyone could relate to this with GAD?

Thank you


20-10-17, 23:13
Hiya , yes ! I totally relate ! I’ve always had slight anxiety which I was able to manage myself until I got labyrinthitis! Anxiety heightened with that been off work about 5-6 weeks , was put on beta blockers which helped with the some of the physical sides to an attack like fast heartbeat ! But weeks later I was still experiencing some physical and mental thoughts didn’t want to leave house alone incase I got dizzy I always imagine the worst outcome of a situation which then puts me off going anyplace , but I need to work due back Monday and I’m scared !
Do you know what triggers them ? X

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23-10-17, 08:34
I can totally relate. My anxiety only started a couple of years ago following a health scare and has only ever been physical. In fact it took a year to diagnose for that reason! The one thing that is definitely true is that your heightened state of anxiety will pass so just think of that. Also are there times of day when it’s worse? Mine is bad in the morning up until 2pm. Then gradually reduces and in the evenings it is gone...

08-11-17, 23:36
I can totally relate to this. I am having extreme anxiety this past week. I wake up trembling, scrambled thoughts/ panicky thoughts, fast heart beat, and having the urge to run. Like I just want to leave the house-- yet I don't want to be left alone. It's a terrible feeling. I think I may try beta blockers again. Maybe a lower dose. The first time I took them I was getting terrible tension headaches.