View Full Version : Please read. Waking with head pounding.

21-10-17, 08:41
I'm hoping others have had this. I've searched the forum and I can't find anything.

You know when you wake up with Your heart pounding and you have to lay there for a minute to let it calm down? Well sometimes I get that in my head and it freaks me out! I don't know if I'm sleeping with my neck in a weird position or what, but I wake up suddenly and all the blood rushes and pounds in my head in pulses and I have to wait for it to calm down. It's very scary. Of course I'm freaking out that the sudden rise in bp will cause something to burst.

It happens less now I sleep with fewer pillows, which leads me to think it might be my neck, but it happened early this morning and I haven't been able to get back to sleep because I'm panicking. It makes me afraid to sleep :(