View Full Version : Kidney / Ovarian Symptoms?

21-10-17, 10:02
A few months ago these symptoms wouldn't have troubled me too much (though I would have gone to the doctor) but with my anxiety at an all time high I'm terrified.

The last few days I've been having random pains in my ovaries and uterus. Not bad pains, but I can feel them when I move and sometimes the ache wakes me up.

I'm also getting kidney pain now and I am concerned I may have a kidney infection. Again, the pain isn't severe, but it's definitely there. It feels not quite right when I go to the toilet too. If it's a kidney infection, am I even ok to leave it until Monday?!

It just feels like one thing after another and I feel like everything is linked to the thing that kicked off my anxiety a couple of months ago (see my other posts if you've a care to). It's like every time it seems that things are nearly over, the universe goes nope...

I'm just crippled with fear and dread.

21-10-17, 11:36
I had very similar symptoms a couple of years ago. Had pain on my lower belly, round about where my right ovary would be....Had ultrasound etc, turned out I had just pulled a muscle in my abdominal area @ the gym...but the pain also radiated round to my back/kidney area. No treatment needed, just rest up from the gym for a while.
Hope this reassures you a bit. X

21-10-17, 11:43
I had very similar symptoms a couple of years ago. Had pain on my lower belly, round about where my right ovary would be....Had ultrasound etc, turned out I had just pulled a muscle in my abdominal area @ the gym...but the pain also radiated round to my back/kidney area. No treatment needed, just rest up from the gym for a while.
Hope this reassures you a bit. X

Thank you. Maybe it's this, but I don't think so. I haven't done anything strenuous, and it doesn't feel like a pulled muscle. Also I have urinary frequency. I really hope it's nothing I'd need surgery for, like an ovarian cyst or something.

21-10-17, 12:29
The needing to wee more could just be anxiety, I have it the moment with my headache worries... I honestly didn’t think I’d pulled a muscle either, didn’t even consider it. But you should go see your gp just to check you over, even if it is a cyst, quite often they are harmless.
Sorry you’re feeling so worried, I’m in the same boat so I’m not going to tell you not to worry as I know that’s pointless but honestly, I bet it’s nothing.
Sending you positive thoughts x

21-10-17, 12:34
The needing to wee more could just be anxiety, I have it the moment with my headache worries... I honestly didn’t think I’d pulled a muscle either, didn’t even consider it. But you should go see your gp just to check you over, even if it is a cyst, quite often they are harmless.
Sorry you’re feeling so worried, I’m in the same boat so I’m not going to tell you not to worry as I know that’s pointless but honestly, I bet it’s nothing.
Sending you positive thoughts x

Thank you... I really hope you're right! I just think at the very least I must have an infection. I just hope it's ok to wait until Monday. During my complicated miscarriage last month I had some similar-ish pains over the right ovary, and it turned out I had a 4cm cyst. They said it was a normal cyst that would just go away, and those pains did go. However, they didn't even think the cyst was causing the pain! They thought it was the retained tissue I had at the time. So I'm also worried now I may have more retained tissue that could have become infected.

21-10-17, 12:45
Thank you... I really hope you're right! I just think at the very least I must have an infection. I just hope it's ok to wait until Monday. During my complicated miscarriage last month I had some similar-ish pains over the right ovary, and it turned out I had a 4cm cyst. They said it was a normal cyst that would just go away, and those pains did go. However, they didn't even think the cyst was causing the pain! They thought it was the retained tissue I had at the time. So I'm also worried now I may have more retained tissue that could have become infected.

Oh I’m sorry you went through all that, my sister had a similar problem earlier this year. Try and keep positive and busy until you can see your doctor xx

21-10-17, 12:52
Oh I’m sorry you went through all that, my sister had a similar problem earlier this year. Try and keep positive and busy until you can see your doctor xx

I'm just staying with my mother and not leaving the house. I've had health anxiety in the past, but I've never become dysfunctional like this. I really can't tell you how bad it is. I just can't believe I'm not going to die. Even though it doesn't sound too bad from an outsider's perspective, everything health or medical related at the moment terrifies me at the moment. And it's just one thing after another.

I'm sorry your sister had a bad miscarriage too.

21-10-17, 19:09
Hi girls. I'm having terrible anxiety due to pains in my groin and leg. I keep thinking it's something terrible going on and I'm scared to see my Drs. I should be enjoying my weekend off but instead I'm thinking I've got a cancer somewhere that's pressing on my nerves. I hate feeling like this ��

21-10-17, 19:27
Hi girls. I'm having terrible anxiety due to pains in my groin and leg. I keep thinking it's something terrible going on and I'm scared to see my Drs. I should be enjoying my weekend off but instead I'm thinking I've got a cancer somewhere that's pressing on my nerves. I hate feeling like this ��

It's almost certainly nothing... but I know that's little comfort when you're anxious. That's such a normal pain though. Could be anything... trapped nerve, pulled muscle, there are a whole host of benign causes. I bet it'll feel better in a few days.

I took a urinalysis test at home (the same they use at doctors) that tracks ten variables and it was normal. No indication of blood, protein, leukocytes, etc. Was just slightly alkaline and on the lower side of normal for specific gravity. And, you know, since I took the test the kidney pain seems much better?! For now anyway. Still got the pelvic pain.

21-10-17, 21:56
I'm going to see what tomorrow brings and if it's not better I'll take some analgesia and rest up. If it really s no better I'll have to see my gp:weep:

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

I'm going to see what tomorrow brings and if it's not better I'll take some analgesia and rest up. If it really s no better I'll have to see my gp:weep:

01-11-17, 19:16
Just to close this one off. The kidney pains went away and were seemingly psychosomatic.

It turned out I had a small follicular cyst on my left ovary that was already going down. The right ovary was clear. Looks like it was just normal ovulation as I've finally started my first period since the miscarriage!

So these fears at least have been allayed.

Hope things are ok for you Blonde.