View Full Version : 40mg citlopram

21-10-17, 21:52
been on this medication for around 4/5 months now and not recieved any noticeable changes so far, was previously on 50mg of sertraline for 2 years but had to change due to constantly feeling drowsy or almost “sedated” if you like. before that i was on 60mg of fluoxetine/prozac for around 2 n a half years. constantly thinking about whether i need to change meds or stick it out for a while longer

22-10-17, 00:04
That's tough. What worked best for you?
Can you talk this through with your doctor? Do you have a good doctor?

24-10-17, 02:09
Perhaps citalopram is not the right med for you. I was on it this summer and it just made my anxiety worse. There is a genetic test available to help figure out which meds will work best for you. You might ask your doctor about it.