View Full Version : Claustrophobic panic on the plane

21-10-17, 18:25
Hi everyone,

I am new here and not sure how to start.
Earlier this year in June I boarded a plane to go on a holiday and my anxiety was so strong that I got up from my seat and headed towards the the door before they were closed. I apologied to the flight attendants and had to wait for my luggage to be taken off the plane. Ppl were looking at me as if I am a freak lol. I had taken one pill of Deanxit, but clearly didn’t do anything for me.
I am not scared of flying it’s just when they say that the doors will be closed I feel like i will have no escape route and will be trapped. I have the same feeling on trains and haven’t used the bus for a while. I do have mild anxiety and some claustrophobia. I have been given a blister of 2mg diazepam for my flight before Christmas and wanted to know if anyone with the same symptoms as mine has taken diazepam and if it helps?

How many 2mg would you take to easy off the anxiety and panic? The flight is 3 and a half hours. As it’s 8.30am flight and the airport is 3 hours away from my home, I have booked a hotel at the airport to stay there the night before so I can get some rest.

Your advice is much appreciated as I cannot stop thinking about this!

21-10-17, 21:54
I would try 1 tab of 2 mg before the trip to see how it affects you. I used to take 2 mg here and there for sleep and it was enough for me, but it is a small dose.

22-10-17, 15:23

Has anyone taken diazepam for claustrophobia on a plane? I have a flight before Christmas and can’t stop thinking about it.
I am not scared of flying just when they say that the doors will close and I freak out. Last time I disembarked the plane before take off, but have not been on diazepam.
How much would diazepam would I need to not care at all what’s happening and enjoy my flight, which is 3 and a half hours?

Appreciate any response as I am freaking out already!

22-10-17, 15:55

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


25-10-17, 15:32

Has anyone taken diazepam for claustrophobia on a plane? I have a flight before Christmas and can’t stop thinking about it.
I am not scared of flying just when they say that the doors will close and I freak out. Last time I disembarked the plane before take off, but have not been on diazepam.
How much would diazepam would I need to not care at all what’s happening and enjoy my flight, which is 3 and a half hours?

Appreciate any response as I am freaking out already!

Well, all I can say from my personal experience is at least 10mg. But obviously you'd need to speak to your doctor, and driving would probably not be recommended on that dosage.

I rarely take Diazepam so haven't developed a tolerance to it... it just doesn't seem to affect me much. The very first time I took it was for flying when I was 23 and I took 10mg (plus some alcohol, but don't do that because it can be dangerous!!) and I was still a bit nervous to be honest. But I got through it ok, and didn't panic or anything. And before that I'd avoided flying my whole life out of fear. So I think it did help.

Everyone's different though. Like swgrl said, maybe take a trial 2mg and see how you feel.