View Full Version : i've lost 4 lbs in 3 days.

22-10-17, 20:22
Thursday I must have consumed around 2,000 calories.

On friday I had a 3 hour walk and ate late in the evening (but I ate alot, probably around 1000 cals in the space of a few hours)

I lost my appetite yesterday and probably only consumed around 700 cals.

Today so far it's 1000.

So as you can see my eating has been up and down but losing 4 lbs in 3 days was entirely unexpected and really freaked me out. Should I be concerned. I mean I have been eating less and on friday I did get a lot of exercise. Would this be considered rapid weightloss?

I've been listening to my hunger and seeing how hungry I feel before I eat. Maybe it's this change that has given me such a weightloss. But regardless, my health anxiety back ground made me feel worried about this.

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

Please some kind words :(

22-10-17, 20:22
I think you're thinking about it too much, weight changes can't be measured over several days you have to keep track of it over weeks to see a real trend. Stop thinking about it so much and just eat when you're hungry and eat to be full. I have appetite problems from IBS which is mostly stress induced (the bloating I get makes me not want to eat) so what I've learned is to start my day off with a bottle of water and a protein shake, and about an hour later I'm hungry for a solid breakfast and I eat very well throughout the day. I've gained some weight which I'm actually happy with I needed to throw some pounds on, so once I saw my number go up I felt relieved.

You'll be okay. Anxiety and stress causes issues with everything in your body up to and including appetite. Best of luck to you

22-10-17, 22:33
I think you're thinking about it too much, weight changes can't be measured over several days you have to keep track of it over weeks to see a real trend. Stop thinking about it so much and just eat when you're hungry and eat to be full. I have appetite problems from IBS which is mostly stress induced (the bloating I get makes me not want to eat) so what I've learned is to start my day off with a bottle of water and a protein shake, and about an hour later I'm hungry for a solid breakfast and I eat very well throughout the day. I've gained some weight which I'm actually happy with I needed to throw some pounds on, so once I saw my number go up I felt relieved.

You'll be okay. Anxiety and stress causes issues with everything in your body up to and including appetite. Best of luck to you

Yes I guess your right, it just freaked me out. I know that rapid weight loss can be a symptom of something awful and I don't know why I freaked. I have gone from bingeing to cutting down and eating clean so it must be a water weight difference or something. Anyway, I'm sure it's okay, I'm about to start my period too and that makes girls fluctuate. I just got carried away...

23-10-17, 04:54
Weight can easily fluctuates by a couple of pounds or so. Women also have more water fluctuations.

Unless you lose over the amount the NHS say is unusual, and without obvious reasons like dieting & exercising, then it's irrelevant. It's not sudden small changes as these are common.