View Full Version : Am I just out of shape?

22-10-17, 23:00
So I've been pretty sedentary during the last three months and during the processing gained about 15 pounds. I just went on a run with my dog who is very quick going up and downhill and my chest was tight in the middle without pain and was short of breath. I had a ECG and chest x ray last week that's ca,e back clear , am I just out of shape? I've become overweight and this was my first time running in three months

22-10-17, 23:08
The tightness was probably from not breathing right when running. I could go four days without working out, when I start up again I get the tightness on my warm up jog/run. As soon as I feel it I focus on my breathing and it does not happen again.

And make sure to stretch it could also be the muscles in between the ribs that get sore from the way we breath when working out.

23-10-17, 04:32
You've been sitting on your butt for 3 months what do you expect? if i sit around just for a few days i get tired easily when i finally do some activities. a body in motion stays in motion. stay active at least every other day get and and walk and do something at least moderately physically demanding.

24-10-17, 15:49
I'm the same way. I stopped working out for 1 week, and feel like I have to work out slower since I tire easily. This is totally normal- it's not heart related. It from just being a bit out of shape--in my opinion. Don't feel bad. I've gained 20 pounds in the past year and have to start working out more and watching my diet.

24-10-17, 16:11
Am I just out of shape?

Yep :) One step at a time and you'll get there.

Positive thoughts

24-10-17, 19:22
Yes, you are just out of shape.